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Tactic set for different situation

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First of all I would like to apologies for my scrappy English. Hope you still understand what I am trying to say.

I would like to share my tactics with hope that if there are obvious flaws the tactic expertises can spot them. I believe that the balanced tactics should work on every level (and in every ME) even with low quality players as the opponents also have similar (more or less) assets as you. IMO you can field every type of tactics in lower level as well (BTW now I am playing with Massese and Real Unión). Obviously I try to sign players who fit in this system.

Basic tactic (I usually start with this and depend on the performance and standing I change to one of the other two tactics):


Control and very fluid (or just fluid, not sure yet). There are only few specialist roles so I go for “fluid”/”very fluid” with goal to every player contribute for defense and attacking as well. I choose “control” to retain possession and control the game and the ball.

My aim is with this shape to create as many short pass chances as possible to gain possession and increase the variability of our attacks parallel. – (The go wider team instruction (TI) is against this but I hope that with this shape we can overcome on this and the players will have an short pass options always despite the go wider TI.) I am not bothered that I concede more until I score more. I am not that a guy who chases the parked bus achievement.

Note: As I have two good AML I focus our tactic on him.


Short pass, retain possession, play out the defense, work ball into box and lower tempo: ticked to retain the possession and keep under control the ball and the tempo of the game.

Exploit the flanks, play wider: increase the space and tousle the defense.

Drill crosses: I have quick strikers so I try to make advance from it.

Hassle opponents, stay on feet, use tighter marking: increase the pressing to gain back the ball in more advanced position and recover the possession asap.

Use offside trap: due to high DL => CD(D) pair.


GK: Pass it shorter, distribute to def.

WB L: Run wide with ball, shoot less often, mark tighter, close down more

CDs: Pass it shorter, close down more

DR: Shoot less often, mark tighter, get further forward

DMC: Pass it shorter, close down more, mark tighter, tackle harder

CM: Fewer risky passes, close down more

AM L: Hold up ball, roam from position, mark tighter

AMC: Pass it shorter, mark tighter, roam from position, move into channels

WM R: -

ST: Move into channels, mark tighter, roam from position

Alter tactic I: to defend the lead, avoid the heavy loss against far superior team. When we expect to lose the possession battle as the opponent a better team we start with this tactic usually. The attacking in this case is less important.

I try to make tactical changes without substitution just moving the players to a different (but still familiar) position and role so we can alter between these tactics without substitution in any time. Eg. AML to ML, AMC to CM, CM to DM. WBL to DL. Some roles changed accordingly.

Alter I

Keep the players behind the ball, decrease the space and only allow long shot option instead of good chance within the box.


Play narrower, drop deeper, stand off opponents, get stuck in: ticked to keep the line deeper, decrease the space and only let long shot options. Just frustrate the opponent

Drill crosses: I have quick strikers so I try to make advance from it.

Pass into space, Clear ball the flanks, run at defense, higher tempo, go route one: increase our chance for counter attack, crosses from deep and through balls against the opened defense.


GK: Take quick throws (my GL better in throwing than kicking otherwise I choose take long kicks)

DL: Run wide with ball, shoot less often, mark tighter

CD L: -

CD R: close down more, tackle harder

DR: Shoot less often, mark tighter, get further forward, more direct passes

DM L: More direct passes,

DM R: Pass it shorter, tackle harder

WM L: Get further forward, cut inside with ball

CM: Roam from position

WM R: -

ST: Hold up ball, shoot less often, roam from position

Alter tactic II: when we chase a goal or we are the far better side (this is not the case right now but hopefully we will reach that level soon :) )

Moving the right flank players in more advanced position to increase the presence and support in the final third (W R to AMR, DR to WB R compared the starting shape, now I thinking about to move AM L to FL position). Change from possession based short pass game to a more direct, fast play. Our goal to increase our goal scoring chances with scarification of defensing ability. More vulnerable against counter and leave big space but in behind we have to take these risks.

Alter II


More direct passing, pass into space, Run at the defense, higher tempo, more creative freedom, roam from position: Fast attacking game (I am little bit lost here how we can break the “turtle” opponents effectively other than change the mentality to attack and place a players in advanced positions.)

Drill crosses: I have quick strikers so I try to make advance from it.

Exploit the flanks, play wider: increase the space and tousle the defense.

Hassle opponents, stay on feet, use tighter marking: increase the pressing to gain back the ball in more advanced position and recover the possession asap.

Use offside trap: due to high DL => CD(D) pair.


GK: Take quick throws

WB L: Run wide with ball, shoot less often, mark tighter, close down more

CDs: Pass it shorter, close down more

WB R: Shoot less often, mark tighter, get further forward

DMC: More direct passes, mark tighter, tackle harder

CM: Close down more, more direct passes

AM L: Roam from position, mark tighter

AMC: Mark tighter, roam from position, move into channels

AM R: -

ST: Move into channels, mark tighter, roam from position, more direct passes

So this is the tactics set what I use to handle different scenarios. The tactical familiarity is a though task now. It is not 100% fluid still even after four month (including seven friendlies) with max match preparation (tactic only) option. If anyone can spot any major flaws in my tactics then feel free to let me know. We started the season reasonable but there is always a room for improving :brock:

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