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Bypassing a great tackler

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We've all seen it; the opposition's defensive midfielder (usually this role, not always) having an absolute blinder and getting himself in the way of everything.

Dealing with the opponent when a player steps up like this is the thing I find hardest to deal with and adapt to in the game.

What's the best approach to bypassing or nullifying a player in this form?

Do you change your formation/tactic to try and keep the ball away from the area that player is operating? Perhaps you do the opposite and try and put additional players there to overwhelm the man doing so well?

The reason I ask is because I've just played against Aston Villa with my Arsenal side and between Delph, Westwood and Sylla completely dominated the game against me, even though you'd have expected the Arsenal midfield to control the game. I've had a few games now on fm14 where it just seems impossible to break down the opposition - it doesn't help that Stoke injured Giroud for 6 weeks on the opening game of the season so I'm playing Podolski up front!

Sometimes it won't be a midfielder. It might be a CB or FB. I just can't seem to break a side down sometimes - more often than I feel should be true to life.

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Arsenal have a weak willed midfield and if your opposition start hard tackling then you're going to have problems. If you want to bypass the midfield quick there are a number of options.

Exploit the flanks.

Play direct

play a fast tempo game and use throughballs (assuming they are closing down hard).

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In my fourth season now and having serious issues with teams playing nothing but "spoiler" tactics. Usually, two holding midfielders and a whole lot of fouls - 20-40 per match against my team, typically without a sending off. Hell, in one game, there was 28 fouls against and only one yellow, with one of my players coming out of it with a dislocated shoulder.

The main outcome so far though is that I'm being much more tactically flexible, changing things up regularly - sometimes a short, quick passing game with a tight, small midfield, making the playing area as small as possible, and sometimes widening it and creating more pockets of space. Neither approach necessarily works, but the constant switching back and forth wears teams down and sooner or later they give up a goal or two.

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In my fourth season now and having serious issues with teams playing nothing but "spoiler" tactics. Usually, two holding midfielders and a whole lot of fouls - 20-40 per match against my team, typically without a sending off. Hell, in one game, there was 28 fouls against and only one yellow, with one of my players coming out of it with a dislocated shoulder.

Hello good free kick taker............

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