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Hi all, I'm just wondering what my tactical setup should be with the players at my disposal?

I'm in a bit of a slump atm having lost 5 in my last 7 and drawn 2 of them. I was doing fairly well up until that point but I was just looking for a nod in the right direction.



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Nobody can really answer what your tactical setup should be, unless they actually know how you want to play.

As an example: why have you selected that formation? How do you want to defend?

How do you want to score goals?

As things stand, you already have a fairly fragile defence, as if the AI attack you quickly and centrally, your BWM will close down the first attacker, which will leave your DCs exposed as the wing backs will still be tracking back.

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You might bet better suited looking through this thread and seeing what other Liverpool managers have done when managing the team, it might give you a few ideas;


You should also check out this also about Liverpool;


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