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In too deep with Advanced Rules


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So I made a custom database for the Irish league system, basically made it into a 4 tier league system with a unplayable 5 tier below it all. I did most of it using the "normal rules" but then I decided then to give the advance rules a try and started adding things like squad limits and home grown players needed etc.

But the more [+] I clicked open the more complicated the options become. I'm wondering in order for me to make this database playable do I have to go into every set of rules and set all my values in each category, or will It be playable without going over everything with a fine tooth comb? I'm loving the fact that I have a squad based system in place but I have no notion If I need to go over things like Fanatical fair play and set it up so that the fixtures are generated correctly or what about champions league qualification?

Also I noticed in the fixture rules there is a rule set for each competition, which would be fine apart from, for my 3rd and 4th tier(both are spit into 3 leagues) their are two each, I mean If it was 3 each I would assume that its a set of rule per sup-division but there is two for each tier. Would I be safe to delete the extra sets and have one set of rules governing the whole parent competition or should I make extra set of rules so that each sub division has it's own set?

Is there a guide to the advance rules anywhere?

I'm sort of in too deep and don't really want to lose what I have done thus far using the advance rules, while at the same time I want to get this wrapped up so I can play with it.

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It really depends on how complex it all is. In some cases, if you set up everything in basic, then convert to advanced and make just a few more changes, it should work reasonably well. But yes, in complex set-ups it is extremely painstaking and frustrating to get everything to work correctly.

By the way, what is Fanatical fair play -- red-cards are punishable by death a la Monty Python? ;)

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Always safer to make it work in basic first. You cam test cpetitions to chwck it works and it'll tell you a lot - clicking o competitilns and clubs will tell you the major events happened when simulated

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Is there a guide to the advance rules anywhere?

I'm sort of in too deep and don't really want to lose what I have done thus far using the advance rules, while at the same time I want to get this wrapped up so I can play with it.

Dude, I know exactly where you're coming from, I too am new to the advanced editor. This year is only the second time I've seen it and my first project in it is getting complicated. I'm probably trying to run before I can walk, tbh, but as there is as yet no guide I think I can answer your queries.

So I made a custom database for the Irish league system, basically made it into a 4 tier league system with a unplayable 5 tier below it all. I did most of it using the "normal rules" but then I decided then to give the advance rules a try and started adding things like squad limits and home grown players needed etc.

But the more [+] I clicked open the more complicated the options become. I'm wondering in order for me to make this database playable do I have to go into every set of rules and set all my values in each category, or will It be playable without going over everything with a fine tooth comb? I'm loving the fact that I have a squad based system in place but I have no notion If I need to go over things like Fanatical fair play and set it up so that the fixtures are generated correctly or what about champions league qualification?

As far as I have seen, you do not need to set every value, things should work fine without going through every niggling detail. Of course if something doesn't work right in testing then you are going to have to find the appropriate value and alter it, which can be a trial.

Also I noticed in the fixture rules there is a rule set for each competition, which would be fine apart from, for my 3rd and 4th tier(both are spit into 3 leagues) their are two each, I mean If it was 3 each I would assume that its a set of rule per sup-division but there is two for each tier. Would I be safe to delete the extra sets and have one set of rules governing the whole parent competition or should I make extra set of rules so that each sub division has it's own set?

The first set of fixture rules with the same name is for the parent competition, the second covers the child competitions. Another option is to set both the parent comp and all the child comps to use the "fixture rules index" of the appropriate rules. (If the rules are described as "Rules 0", for example you can find the appropriate competition, go into its settings and find where it says "fixture rules index" and place a 0 in that box).

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Thanks for the replies, One thing that is really getting me at the moment is how to get squad registration right. I basically want the same as the English premier league, 25 players 3 players trained by club, 3 by country , under 21 do not need to be registered and you can register any play at any time inside the transfer window. I thought I had it done right and It really nearly is, except one thing, in my leagues there is a set date when you can register. As in that one day right at the end of the transfer window is the ONLY day you can do it, any matches before or after with new players tough luck. I think if I can get this right + the new patch I'd be happy at starting a long term save. All awards and leagues seem to be working great apart from the registration

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registration dont work on fm14 for euro competitions- 99% its a bug and its reported to SI. im not sure is this isue with domestic comps but probably it is
yep it is too and has been reported in the bugs forum, SI are looking into it:) but I have asked for a timescale on an update nothing has been forthcoming so we have to be patient.........however as mentioned in one of the posts above there should have been a manual/guide released to coincide with the new editor SI made a mistake there I hope it gets addressed..they seem to listen to most of our requests I hope they do with this:thup:
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That's unfortunate, So if I wanted to start a game in this data base I'd be best to either wait until SI get this fixed, which could be sometime in the new year as I doubt its a high priority bug at the minute, or remove all of the squad registration an go on ahead with out it?

I'm assuming other rules are OK. For example rather than have a 25 man squad I could have a rule that states in the match day 18(11+7subs) that there has to be a certain amount of home grown players. On that note can you use one set of rules for multiple leagues and divisions, I know you can have the one set per group of sub divisions, but If I wanted to have all my divisions the same rules would it be OK to just have One set to rule them all, One set to find them, One set to bring them all and in the darkness bind them...... Any way basically have all the leagues set to the same rule group save me from making the same rule 5 times applying to each tier

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