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Home Grown question

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Can someone help me with understanding Home Grown status for the EPL and Euro/Champs League?

I don't understand when exactly the cut off comes when counting whether a player has 3 years at your club before 21. So...

1. I know that if I buy a 17 year old and train them they will become HG, but what about an 18 year old? Will they become HG? Does it depend on when exactly their birthday is?

2. what counts as a season? does it have to be the whole July-June? So if I sign him at Xmas the first 6 months don't count?

3. Is it true that whilst loaned out players dont get HG status? If so if a player goes on loan for two months does that stop that whole season from being counted for HG, or does the other ten months get counted off the three year total?

This HG rule seems complicated but the game's explanation is rubbish.

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From what I see on EPL rules sites, if the player is loaned to a English/Welsh club, that time counts towards HG status.

The Premier League explain on their website: 'A Home Grown player will be defined as one who, irrespective of his nationality or age, has been registered with any club affiliated to the Football Association or the Football Association of Wales for a period, continuous or not, of three entire seasons or 36 months prior to his 21st birthday (or the end of the season during which he turns 21).

U21 players are eligible over and above the limit of 25 players per squad.'

so, they need to log a total of 36 months in England/Wales before the age of 21 (Players under 21 don't count towards the 25-man squad limit, so long as 8 of the 25 are HG.)

Evidently, Champions/Euro rules are similar. You can sign a player from anywhere, but they have to log 36 months "in country" before 21 to count as HG after the player reaches 21.

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Cheers. Still complicated! So the bottom line is they have to be 17 when you sign them? Or the only exception is a player that turns 18 in July and you buy him that month...? he'd get 36 months I think before the end of the season he turns 21...

FM could really do with an icon that shows if they'll qualify for HG status or not, or when the cut of would be.

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Cheers. Still complicated! So the bottom line is they have to be 17 when you sign them? Or the only exception is a player that turns 18 in July and you buy him that month...? he'd get 36 months I think before the end of the season he turns 21...

FM could really do with an icon that shows if they'll qualify for HG status or not, or when the cut of would be.

it does. Go to your squad screen, there should be a drop down menu just above the top player in your squad(says selection info or something). On this, click home-grown status and it has this info on there.

Also worth noting to be HG at club, loan spells away DO NOT count towards the 3 years.

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Ok that has confused me even more. It says Junior, my Brazilian wonderkid, has a 'due date' (which i assume means when they get HG status) of June 2018, which is the end of the season he turns 21 in. But I only signed him in Jan 2016. That's only 30 months (2 1/2 seasons) between those two dates! So that either means the HG status doesnt require 3 FULL seasons, or (more likely) the 'Due Date' just shows when they would have to have got 36 months under their belt. But doesn't actually calculate if they will (and Junior wont).

If so, the Home Grown status thing is rubbish. Besides which, you have to have the player in your squad before it shows you, which is hardly useful when you're deciding on whether to buy him!

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Although I'm not too sure, if it says he will be home-grown at some point on that table, it normally means that if he stays in the country he should achieve the status.

The only way to work out HG status before signing is to look on his current sides table on their squad or by looking through the players history on his profile.

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Having produced countless HG for my Norway club, here is my experience.

18 year-old player who has not passed 6 months since his birthday can be made into HG.

Meaning 30 months appears to be what is needed for HG. At least, that is what has been happening to me.

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  • 2 months later...

The wording of home grown has changed now in FM14 I think.

It used to be that a player just had to contracted to a club for however long and he would become home grown. During my San Marino game however, I found to my cost that the wording now used is....

"Has been trained at the club for 3 years between his 15th and 21st birthdays."

Because I loaned my young striker out to give him 1st team football, (as I always do), he was no longer being trained by my club. As a result he is now not "home grown at club", despite the fact that he came through my youth system and has only gone to other clubs on loan.

I think this is exactly the same for Lukaku.

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What Jimbokav said is correct. That's why if the players is really promising I won't let them leave the club until they achieve HG status. Should be noted you can obtain 'HG in Nation' but making sure he gets loaned to a club in your nation. I've done this for a few players that simply needed game time and were sent out on loan at the same club for 2-3 seasons. As a result they obtained 'HG in Nation' which is handy to have, but of course 'HG at Club' is far better for UCL.

As already mentioned in this thread, using the sort menu on the squad screen will tell you the expected date the player will obtain HG status. If a youngster doesn't have this, eg. Too old, then by all means loan him out if needed. I've found youngster respond well when you say you need them as cover if they ask to go out on loan.

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I can corroborate this "trained at club" rule. I also bought a promising 17 year old and loaned him out and now he only appears as 'trained in nation'. Gutted.

Even more strangely (or not if you work it out), I signed a 17 yr old outside the transfer window, whose date of birth was January 1st. He would therefore join the club on his 18th birthday at the start of the January transfer window. I wasn't sure whether this would qualify as HG in club or not since he would be 18 on joining the club. I decided to risk it cos he was a super-star anyway, and he does in fact qualify as home grown for club. I suppose if you do the maths, it does work, since he will do 1 full year from the day he turns 18 to the day before his 19th. A 2nd full year from the day he turns 19 to day before he turns 20 and the final full year from the day he turns 20 to day before turning 21.

So you can sign 18 year olds and still have them qualify, but only if they join the club on their 18th birthday :)

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