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Playing time for up and coming youngsters

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Some years back I read that for youngsters to develop properly a good target to aim for was the equivalent of 4 matches of playing time per season minimum. I'm wondering if that still holds true?

Also i seem to remember that anything less than 15 mins in a match was pointless. Anyone able to cast any light on these thoughts or am I making up my own myth? :)

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It's like real life, you need to give your young players as much time as possible to develop them, there is no magic number of matches or minutes that means players develop, you just have to keep playing them as often as you can, while making sure you develop their personalities.

So if you can slot one or two youngsters into the team for a game and its not going to harm the chances of winning significantly then do it. Sure this does occasionally back fire, but developing young players is a simple case of risk versus reward, and usually the rewards outweigh the risks.

My up and coming midfielders tend to be the greatest beneficiaries of this policy, those youngsters can get up to 25 ish matches a season.

Here's the most extensive thread on player develop in FM you will find, if you want to understand player development that is the place to start: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/343043-Ajax-Youth-Development-%E2%80%93-When-The-Real-World-Meets-Football-Manager

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These forums are resembling a Football manager library of some sorts. For almost every question there is already an answer. :) It's a pity the search tool isn't any good so new users have to rely on others who browsed the forum regularly for a few years.

Modern Lefty is completely accurate, imo. Read that thread, bookmark it for future reference. Might i also suggest subscribing to this thread? This is an incomplete update on the one Modern Lefty suggested but it will, over time, make the former one obsolete.

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There are so many great old threads that have just dissapeared after they fall of that 8th page of threads, which due to the shabby search engine I just can't find again. It's always those great quotes or explanations that you want to add to your points that stick in my head, so frustrating not to find them again.

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Thanks for the replies and the links. You are certainly right about the search function I really struggle with it hence me not finding the info from the past.

All good info indeed and I do realise the more game time they have (within reason) the better they will develop but it was the minumum neccesary that I was curious about. I have a lot of youngsters to work on and not enough games for them!

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