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[ME] Too Many Goals Deflected off Keeper

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It seems like a majority of the goals scored in the game deflect off the keeper. I'd guess that a huge majority of goals scored in real life are ones the keeper can't touch, and the ones they DO touch usually get deflected OUT. In game, balls will come at a tight angle possibly going wide and the keeper deflects them IN. Is this a problem for anyone else? I must say, I've only played lower leagues, but it still seems to happen way too often.

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The shot is just powerful. The goalkeeper can't get enough of a hand on it, the power being overwhelming, and the ball goes in.

It's not at all unrealistic.

If it appears to be deflecting in from an angle where it wouldn't have gone in if it hadn't have hit the goalie, go report it on the bugs forum with a .pkm or two so it can be look into it. But my guess is that it's an animation issue, not a match engine issue - IE what you're seeing is not quite an accurate translation of what's happening under the hood.

Also, your guess would be wrong - a large proportion of goals are touched by the goalkeeper, but insufficiently to prevent the ball going in. This is why goalkeepers have the importance of a strong wrist drummed into them from a very early age by coaches; it's really easy to let a shot past you that way (former goalkeeper that I am).

If that sounds unlikely to you, go have a look at penalty shootouts - lots of them, one after another. Then note just how many of those penalties that the goalie gets a hand on; penalties are close-range, so the ball is traveling faster, on average, than it would be from further out, simulating the effect of an exceptionally powerful shot from distance. But as I'm sure you'll see, getting a hand on it is frequently not enough to divert the ball off-course. Sort of like an asteroid - you can nuke it all you want, if it's traveling fast enough, it will not care and will still ruin everyone's day and kill Bruce Willis.

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As an ex-keeper myself, I agree with the above. What I will say though is it can look somewhat realistic when a shot that should be tipped round a keeper's left hand post, for example, ends up flying off his gloves and somehow going round the other post, but as you say, that's probably more an animation issue than anything more sinister.

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I've noticed it, but I don't think there are too many of them. Keepers can often get a touch on the ball despite it being too powerful. Something I have noticed is opposition keepers catching the ball too often. Like shots from inside the box, towards the top corner with power and the keeper dives and catches it. That rarely happens IRL as its simply too hard to do so quickly. Instead they tip it away. These are really basic keepers I'm talking about, in low league Scottish sides.

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I don't have a problem with GGK deflections - amount feels about right to me. But I don't think there are enough times when a shot is deflected by an opposing defender and wrong foots the keeper. There seems to be several of these in the premiership every week and very few in FM.

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