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Goal Analysis Tactics Help

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Hi Guys,

I hope you are all good!

Just a quick one, I was wondering how you use the Goal Analysis page, if you do at all.



Looking at the stats, it is telling me that my team score the majority of their goals from placed shots and are assisted by passed balls mainly from the left wing, but still quite a few from midfield and right wing.

Does this mean that I should play to my strengths and look for great passers of the ball on both the right and left wing as well as focussing the ball down the flanks?

Also would this mean that I should be playing with forwards with high finishing and composure stats, poachers and advanced forwards for example?

I know this may seem obvious, but some advice is always welcomed. Thanks guys. :)

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The goal analysis tab is more useful for looking at opposing teams than your own, I find; it's helpful to know where their threat mainly lies to ensure I don't rotate a weaker player into a position that might be a problem, for example. More seasons into the game when I know the players less well (because more regens and youngsters who aren't young anymore), it's more useful for identifying particular threats in a team, so I can then look at the players who will be turning up in those areas specifically and think about how to make small changes to my setup (if necessary) to counter those threats, or which players to harry using opposition instructions, etc.

For my own team, though, the goal analysis tab is mostly useful for verifying that what I'm doing is working, and secondarily, in conjunction with looking at specific goals scored in match analyses. If I'm getting few goals assisted from the middle, for example, but that's where my most creative players ought to be plying their trade, then I look at a sampling of matches and the chances created and see where the assists for those chances are coming from, and try to figure out how to better support the creative players in the middle of the park so I can utilize my strengths better.

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