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My 2 Tactic set: Not getting as much posession as I like: Please Help

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I have created two tactics for my team and whilst solid enough I'm not happy with it. I'm playing in the premiership, and Ive been asked to qualify for European competition.

For both tactics I'm using the following team instructions: Control, very fluid, shorter passing, pass into space, work ball into box, play out from defence, run at defence, Exploit the middle, Much higher defensive line, play narrower, hassle opponents, tighter marking, offside trap, higher tempo.

I'm playing a 4231 as per below:

GK - Sweeper keeper support

LB - Wing back support

CB - Centre defender defend

CB - Centre defender defend

RB - Wing back Attack

DMC - Deep Lying playmaker defend

LMC -Centre mid support

RMC - Centre Mid Attack

AML - Inside Forward Attack

AMR - Winger support

STR - False Nine

I also play a 4231 as per below:

GK - Sweeper keeper support

LB - Wing back support

CB - Centre defender defend

CB - Centre defender defend

RB - Wing back Attack

LMC -Centre mid support

RMC - Deep Lying Playmaker defend

AMC - Enganche

AML - Inside Forward Attack

AMR - Winger support

STR - False Nine

My problem seems to be getting a high posession rating during the match, only getting about 50 percent. I want more, yet still penetrate enough to create chances. Any helpful hints guys?

Would adding retain posession as a team instruction help? I didnt do this before as i assumed my team would just look to keep the ball as opposed to trying to create goalscoring opportunities.

Would it help if i took off run at defence and higher tempo? I selected high tempo because although i want to keep posession, i dont want build up to be so slow the opposition can easily defend against it.

Also I was thinking I would prefer a Zonal Marking game. How do I implement this and maintain high pressing / closing down?

Your advice will be appreciated.

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Well getting possession depends on a few things but here are the keys.. Are you winning the ball back? and Are you passing it round well enough?

Zonal marking is the marking that is set by default in FM14. If you'd like to achieve "man marking" you'd need to use specific player instructions in the match to mark a specific opponent. That would be as close to man marking as you're gonna get. (using this will cause your player to move out of his position to stick with his man!)

Retain possession is an instruction that clearly will help keep the ball, but it may also slow things down a bit. It's also pointless to use with "pass into space", which would increase riskier passing (not what you want!)

You've got so many instructions, too. Do you really need all of them for what you're trying to achieve? That's something to think about.

Using higher tempo isn't going to help you keep the ball either. Especially if your team doesn't have high mental attributes (Arsenal IRL can do this, quick passing, quick tempo but perhaps your team cannot?)

Using run at defence + pass into space is basically asking your team to take more risks. That won't help you with possession at all. You'd want to remove both of those.

Also, this part is important, but... are your players in position to win the ball back? So let's say you line up against a 4-4-2. Are your players able to break up the play and pressure the opposition? If playing a super high line (control mentality + much higher line) then you NEED to win the ball back. Otherwise you'll end up like AVB with teams ripping through the high line. Also Spurs backline isn't particularly fast, but I digress.

Start with those tips for now.

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Okay, i've made changes, took off higher tempo, runs at defense, man marking, pass into space. I have added the retain posession option also.

What I am finding is I am still not dominating posession as much as I would like, and not creating as many clear chances as I would like.

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If you're not dominating possession you need to figure out why. Look to my post above to and try to work it out, I've given you a good bit to start with.

But also recognize that you can't dominate possession in each game. I don't know anything about your team other than you're in the premier league and you've been asked to qualify for europe.

I'm guessing you're a team like Everton? Dominating possession isn't easy. But the first step is to win the ball back so have another look at what I wrote above.

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You don't have many palyers wanting to make a tackle, the DLP(D) is the least defensive of the midfield defensive roles, and CM(S) is not a dedicated ball winner. It depends on your players but a DM(D) and DLP(S) might be a better alternative?

This won't affect possession but as far as the balance of your team goes, I'd swap my FB roles around. Put the LB as WB(A) to overlap the IF(A) which has vacated the space on the left wing, and put the RB as WB(S) behind the W(S).

As far as the team instructions go, bababooey has it spot on...

To answer his questions, look at your passing % and see how high it is. If it is high then winning the ball back is your problem (I'm guessing it is). Look at where your team are making their tackles/interceptions, and where the opponents are making most of their passes. For example, if you are tackling deep in your own half then maybe you are allowing the opponents to pass the ball around outside your box. Post the screenshots and the posters will help you analyse them.

And you may need to change your WB's to FB's if you are vulnerable down the wings. I find my FB's make many tackles, but if your WB's are too far up the field you may be leaving your opponents with a large space to attack or pass into.

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Okay, i've made changes, took off higher tempo, runs at defense, man marking, pass into space. I have added the retain posession option also.

What I am finding is I am still not dominating posession as much as I would like, and not creating as many clear chances as I would like.

In both of your tactics I think the problem with possession is the DLP. That DLP is going to make more ambitious passes than a DM will and in a possession tactic those passes shouldn't be coming from deep.

I think you need more movement in order to create some good scoring chances. In both of your tactics you're dropping the striker back so you've got a CM and an IF running but there's no one running off of the IF so when he makes his move the defender doesn't have to think too hard about who to cover, if he can't beat his man one on one then he's marked out. I don't have FM14 yet so I may be wrong on this but if the Enganche behaves in game the way they behave in real life then I wouldn't use a false nine because you're basically bringing the defense right onto your playmaker. Enganches don't move around a lot so they need movement from players around them and it doesn't look to me like you have enough players doing that.

On your right flank you have the WB on attack. Are you using the default settings for him? If he's overlapping and crossing from the byline then who is he crossing to, I don't see a lot of targets in the box.

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Sorry guys, in my 4231 tactic, my striker is an advanced forward attack, not a false nine.

In terms of passing, i have had messages in the media saying im one of the best passers in the league. Have also had the same message about tackling?

in terms of my 4231 the enganche, he drops deep, and looks for the run of the inside forward and advanced forward. thats the idea anyway,

In the other the false nine drops deep looking for the run of the inside forward

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