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Really need some help here...

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Hi all

I am hoping for some help with my tactics on FM14. I have tried a few tactics, 4-4-2 for a short period, but mainly either 4-2-3-1 or 4-1DM-2-2-1 with no luck, the tactic that seems best suited to my team is 4-2-3-1 and I seem to do ok, have lots of shots (most of which scrape the bar - how annoying!!!!) or hit the post. They then go up the other end and score. My forwards are not scoring either, Soldado has 3 in 16 games (similar to real life). I am out of the EURO Cup, our of Capital One Cup and 11th in league (W7-D1-L11 and -5 GD).

The team is set up as follows:

Lloris - GK

WB (S)- Jonathon Silva

CB (BPD) Jan Verthongen

CB © Neven Subotic

WB (A) Kyle Walker

BBM - Moussa Demebele

BWM - Sandro

Left IF (S) either Vicktor Fischer or Andros Townsend

RW (A) - Aaron Lennon or Andros Townsend

AP(A) - either Viktor Fischer or Eriksen

DLF (A) - Roberto Soldado or Landrao Damiao

I play Attacking style with Rigid approach.

I am looking for any help or assistance really, I am on new years day and 'very insecure' so probably one, maybe two games away from the sack, so although I do not expect a massive turnaround, it would be helpful to implement anything I learn on future games.

If you guys require any screenshots or further information just ask.

Thanks all

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Well, first of all, your striker. Probably an AF(A) would suit your formation more (I used it with a good effect on FM13).

Your midfield kind of sucks. BBM and BWM are 2 roles that will let you be caught out of position, why? Well, the BBM tries to support the attack (that's why he's called Box to box midfielder) and the BWM tries to win the ball quickly. This means, you'll have 2 defenders and (hopefully) one WB to defend.

What are your instructions?

I would also change the IF(S) to IF(A) and the W(A) to W(S) (and the WBs so they can still provide width). Why? Well, if you want to play one striker upfront, you'll need someone in the box when he isn't. Playing with a W(A) won't help because he'll tend to be wide to cross, but who's gonna get the cross if nobody's in the box? Moreover, Lennon is such a quick player, he won't really need to be that much forward to get into your attacking transitions.

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Hello, what central midfield pairing would make sense? As I put AP behind the front man that is my creativity so wanted a bit of steel in the middle.

My instructions are:

Retain Possession

Shorter Passing

Pass into Space

Work Ball into Box

Stand off Opponents

Stay on Feet

Look for overlap

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If possible could you post a few screenshots as there isn't much detail that we can assist you with. Team instructions. Individual player instructions. What exactly is going wrong etc. http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/327822-Asking-For-Help-PLEASE-READ-THIS

Main problem I can see at the moment is your midfield pairing. Neither are great for protecting a back four in a 4-2-3-1. One of the keys of a 4-2-3-1 is the midfield two. I dlp-d with a support role will be your best bet. Check out llama3's http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/375632-Pairs-amp-Combinations-The-Complete-Series.

Your right side is both attacking roles and your left are both support so there is a complete lack of balance in your team. As Walker will be the better attacking wingback keep him as attack and swap the winger to a support role. Then put an attack role for your left wing. Or vice versa which ever you feel suits the team better.

Post up the screenshots and then we will be able to assist you better but for the moment without extra detail that is the key things of note.

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