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Watching the Seagulls fly

Dudley Brook

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The things I do for my brother......


I was enjoying my retirement, kicking back and relaxing. Every day I spent doing the things I had always wanted to do, and every night would find me with a cold beer and a hot babe. I was instantly recognisable by everyone on the small island and I enjoyed that, please do not get me wrong I am not an arrogant person, but I enjoy the fact that I brighten up people's days, and I don't care who you are; be it richest Prince or Poorest Pauper I have time spare to talk with you about anything and everything. I honestly thought I would spend the rest of my life here in this small corner of the world where the papers and media didn't care about me any more...


"....and here is Brook. He is surrounded by 4 defenders but all by himself, his teamates have run out of steam, and with only 30 seconds remaining in added on time at the end of injury time surely there is no time left to grab a winner. It is like the gladiator run here, but Brook is going to go for it, spins round one, and hops over the second, just 2 remaining, surely not? through the defenders legs and he is sprinting clear, the last defender trying to drag him back, and he needs to be careful here otherwisePPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNALLLLLLLLLLLLTTTTTYYYYYY REFFFF!!!!""""

"OH MY GOODNESS WHAT DRAMA.... with 120 minutes on the clock Dudley Brook has won a penalty for Mexico.... This English-born Maverick who has drifted from club to club has given Mexico the chance to win the biggest prize in World Football, and surely there is only one man who is going to step up to take it?"

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Looking back, it is a funny thing. You don't focus on the millions possibly billions of people watching so intently. Some with tears rolling down their face begging, and pleading with you you to score, others no doubt threatening you with all kinds of unspeakable acts of pain and terror should the ball nestle in the net. I think if I had taken the moment to think about that, my head may have exploded, so it was probably lucky I didn't...


"Brook strolls up to the spot, he is up against Buffon. there is an absolute cacophony of noise here in the stadium, and we are about to witness a piece of history. The whole world is focused on 2 men... and it doesn't ever get more exciting than this. Players on both teams have lined up behind Brook for if there is a rebound they will want to be first to it..... Brook has closed his eyes, and is just standing there as if in a dream. I wonder what he is thinking......


I have been asked this question many times over the years.... what was I thinking about when I closed my eyes? and how the hell could I remain so calm...... Well I have always said that I can't remember, or that it all happened so fast, but the truth is I remember it as if it was yesterday...


but here I was.. Standing on the beach when I had a call from back 'home'. Something had happened and I was required to come back right away... daydreams disappeared as a million things ran through my mind, what the hell was going on?

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I hopped on the next boat to the mainland. and from there got a taxi to the airport, fortunately there was a flight (albeit a very long one) back to 'sunny' England. I would have to tranfer in the States, and then again in Germany, but I would be able to make it home and find out what was going on at home.

As I sat on the plane all manner of thoughts went through my mind, was it my father? He had been taken ill a while back, but was on the road to recovery. My ex-wife? unfortunately rthings had not worked out for us, something I very much regret and I still care a lot about her. But I think she was back in Mexico visiting her folks, so surely the call would have come from there.. but the person I spoke to on the phone sounded like a secretary, or PA. That would mean..... oh no what has happened to him now?


My Brother, Richard. where to begin? we both loved football growing up. And to be fair we weren't of disimilar standard, until we got to our teens, I happened to be invited to play for a tournament with our local senior side, and it just so happened a talent scout was there. within 2 weeks I was on the books at Brighton and Hove Albion, not that I stayed there that long but I should always be thankful for them giving me my first break... and in time they would provide my brother with his first step too.

Richard never understod why I got picked and he didn't. I did recommend him to the scout who found me, but then there was that horrible business with the accident...

Some drunken 'pinche pendejo' (it means not very nice man in Spanish) got happy with a gun at a club near where my brother was at for a friends birthday. In all the commotion a lot of shots were fired and my brother took a shot to the back, at first they didn't think he would ever walk again.

My brother and I were always close before, but becuase of the paths our lives would take in the future, it seemed like there was wedge driven between us, one that although we never spoke about, always existed until the present day.

The good news is my brother did walk again, and even began to get back into football. A shrewd eye for talent and tactics led him to taking his coaching courses, where he would wind up initially as a scout for Brighton, but then work his way up the coaching ranks from the Juniors to assistant to the Head Coach. A well liked man, and despite the club's impression of a yo-yo in the past few seasons, a not unsuccessful member of the backroom staff. Unfortunately after relgation the previous season, things had gone from bad to worse at the club. A new manager had come in, bought some very average players on much more than average wages, and left the club deep in relegation trouble with only a few games left, then one day just upped and left with no word. the fans had turned against the club, and my brother, was given the fun task of trying to salvage a season from a group of below-par players with less than no morale, and the chairman had decided enough was enough turns out this was the reason for the call....

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(A Few Days Earlier)

The Chairman was restless. The season had just finished and his club, who he had visions of climbing the leagues and taking their place in the pantheons of history, had fallen, and were now dropping like a stone. The dream he had, had died, with no apparent hope of resurrection.


"Yes Marjorie, what is it please?"

"Mr Richard Brook is here sir, as requested"

"Very Good, send him in."

"Richard, how are you?" asked the chairman, the age lines on his face more apparent than ever.

"I am not too bad thank you, Mr Knight. A Little worried, as all the players are, this is not the season we had in mind."

"No, not what we had in mind at all I agree, and that is putting it mildly".

It was a fair way of describing what had happened. the season that they had reached the end of had been an unmitigated diaster, the club was in trouble and the board were getting sick of injecting running costs just to keep them afloat.

"I'm getting out Richard, I can't do it anymore, I can't watch the club I love fall into the pits of oblivion. there was a time, when I thought we could live the dream, in the Championship we had a good a chance as anyone to reach the dizzy heights, granted it was a huge struggle but I believed it so blindly that I didn't forsee the problems, and after we lost our placing, I put my hopes in a manager who I thought wanted what was best for the club"

"we all thought that is what 'he' wanted Mr chairman, noone could forsee what has happened, and you cannot blame yourself"

"that is kind of you to say, but blame or not, if we do not do something drastic then this city will lose it's team, and these fans will lose their home. They hate us at the moment, but I think I know how we can get them back. Unfortunately they are calling for my head, and my position has become untenable what with the fan consortium looking to purchase the lions share of the club, so I would like my last act to be one that will hopefully salvage the club in the long run"

"what do you have in mind Sir?, just name it, and I will do all I can to see it is done"

"Richard, I know this is going to be hard for you, but I need you to do 2 things for me. 1. I will need you to tender your resignation as manager"

"I half-expected that sir, will I be able to stay on at the club?"

"Of course, I will do everything in my power to make sure you stay on,"

"ok, that seems fine, and number 2?"

"I need you to get me my new manager"

"I am afraid I do not understand sir"

"Knowing what I do, I know how hard this will be for you. But I believe we need someone with a good reputation to connect witht he players and bring some self -belief back to the club, and I think there is only one person who matches that decription and who we could get as I know he has a soft spot for the club. Richard, I need you to call your brother"

"Dudley Mr chairman?.... but why? he is a retired playboy of a footballer, he will have no interest in helping us. His only interest lies with himself, and the last time I saw him I left him with a black eye for what he did"

"I know what he did richard, and I would never suggest you forgive him of it. But that was many years ago, I believe this is what is best, and he owes you a great deal"

"Fine, have Marjorie get a message to him, and I will meet him back in the village where we grew up, oh and tell him something bad has happened, nothing wrong with worrying him a bit"

"thank you Richard, you always wanted what was best for the club"

"Indeed I do Mr Chairman, although I cannot promise you he wont have another black eye when I bring him in, if there is nothing else?"

"no, get back to the players, and lets keep it between us for now"

"As you wish Mr chairman" and the 2 men, bonded by a lifetime affection for the club got up and shook hands, knowing that the next few weeks and months were going to be crucial in the history of Brighton and Hove Albion FC.

"BZZZT Marjorie... I need you to place a call....."

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Just a quick note, the story does jump around a little bit from one character to the other, and I will try and make the point of who it is so it should be obvious. There will be some footy action upcoming soon.... although it is a pretty dreadful state of affairs(which I have only just started on in-game)... hope I am not boring anyone/breaking any rules yet, and if there are any suggestions or tips then please feel free. Thank you

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On my way back to the green fields of sussex, where this whole story began I must admit I was a tad nervous at seeing Richard again. I have a little confession to make, the last time I saw him I may have accidentaly made a play at his wife.....

Now I know that sounds bad, and I cannot even begin to defend myself, suffice to say this was almost 10 years ago, I have never spoken to him or his wife since, apart from brief terse conversatioins at the graveside of relatives that have passed away. It is safe to say the brothers that were so close have drifted almost completely apart. which is why I was pretty scared that something really drastic had happened, because there are only 2 things that my brother cares about deeply, 1 of them is his wife, the other Brighton and Hove Albion, and something told me that this wasn't a reconciliatiion in which I would be welcomed with open arms...

Because making a pass at my brothers wife, may not have been the only indiscretion I have caused in the past, and stepping off the plane and out of the terminal into the typically rainy spring-time air, I just got the feeling that the past was going to catch up with me more than I would like. If everythign went wrong I could always run... I mean leave again, this time for good.

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hi, thank you very much for your comments, I like to think I can spin a good yarn. In real time I am halfway through the first season, so things will build pace and the action will arrive. I agree with you, I really enjoy a nice back story, I guess the trick is getting people involved with it. hope you keep reading!

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"FOR F**** SAKE!" Richard screamed, as he got into his car. He was seething, Richard had spent his whole life living in his brothers shadow, and the one thing, the only thing that Dudley had not tried to or actually taken away was going to be given up and placed square in his hands.

He drove at a leisurely place back towards West Sussex, in about 45 minutes he would be reunited with his brother, and he had a little speech prepared, and he needed to calm down.


'It has been a while since I have been here' thought Dudley. The small village green, the local shop and the church.... funny thing about living in the shadow of god, never had the affinity with it the close proximity would suggest. Fortunately it was getting on time-wise and none of the locals were around, an audience is the last thing he wanted. Dudley took a deep breath as he strode out onto the village green, toward the spot Richard had asked to meet. There was a dense mist surounding the green, an ominous sign, and an odd chill in the air that was only heightened by the booming voice...

"You have a lot of nerve coming back here Mr. Brook"

and as Dudley turned around, the colour in his face drained away, it was like seeing a ghost....

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"Mike? is that you?"..... "It can't be"... "you look so different". Michael, one of my best friends growing up, had always been a happy, healthy guy, one of the only people in this world I could trust, we were both football addicts, he more into the tactical side of things than me, we were indeed the best of friends..... until that night, and that fire...."


June 14th 2001


it was meant to be a happy occasion, a group of friends getting together to enjoy music, a couple of drinks and to celebrate a companions birthday and to look toward the future. But now, as we look upon the burnt out shell of the converted barn in which the party took place, the only question we can ask is what happened on this fateful night, and is anyone responsible?

It was one of Mike's younger brothers that perished in the fire. to this day my recollections are hazy. One minute we were sitting there enjoying each others company and having a really good time, I got up to use the bathroom in the house next door as the one in there had the door locked for some reason, I assumed it was just busy. When I came back there was an almighty bang, and complete panic, we tried to get everyone out, but we couldnt find Mike's brother Jacob, we tried to get the door open but eventually the flames beat us back. turns out Jacob was the one who was where I should have been.

The police returned a verdict of accidental death, there had been a leak in the gas pipes underneath, and it could have been any one who threw their cigarette in the wrong place but Mike would never accept it, in the aftermath all of the group of friends drifted apart. I had to get back to training, and we saw less and less of each other, and although he never said it to me, I believe he blamed me for not checking what was going on inside, and maybe I should have been the one locked inside, not Jacob.


I stood there staring at him, even thought it had been so long (just over 7 years) I could still tell it was him, but the happy, upbeat tall, athletic friend I remember seemed shorter somehow, and had put on weight, and there was no trace of the beaming smile I remember, merely a small curl of the lips

"Dudley.... how are you? Why did you come back? Shouldn't you be sunning yourself somewhere? This place seems a bit beneath Mr Maverick, or whatever they call you these days"

"I am as much in the dark as you are. I got a call from someone on behalf of Richard, I think it is something about Brighton but I am not sure.... although I think I am about to find out"

a car had pulled up about 30 feet away and even through the haze Richard could be seen getting out and striding across the green, judging by the look on his face, I was not against having company.

"Dudley, oh, hi Mike... How are you?" before waiting for a reply he carried on "Ok, I have something I have been asked to do, I am not happy to do it, and I think we both know why, but that particular bridge-crossing will have to wait. The club is in trouble, and it needs your help apparently"

"Me? ok... what for?"

"Despite my best efforts, I and the backroom staff have been unable to halt the 'SOS - Slide of the Seagulls' as the newspapers put it. The manager they brought in when we got relegated from the championship has completely screwed us up, ran away a few months back after spending more than he should on players that couldn't keep us up. The morale is rock bottom the fans are furious, and although we showed glimpses towards the end of last season, we finished a long way off safety. You know how much work I have put in, and how much it means to me. To cut what could be an even longer story short... The chairman wants a bit of interest back in the club, and thinks that you are the man to bring Brighton back from the brink of oblivion..."

"and what do you think?"

"I think... its best left unsaid what my opinion is. you know my feelings towards you and they wont change overnight, but I do appreciate your knowledge and appeal as a footballer. But before you decide, I think you need to understand just how bad a situation we are in, if its ok with you we are going for a little meeting with Mr Knight?"

"Indeed, Id like a little time to get my head around the whole thing. Can Mike join us? There aren't many peoples opinions I respect more than his, despite the length of time it has been" I looked across at Mike who nodded, but his expression didn't give away what he was thinking

"but of course, get in the car and we shall go now"

and without another word, the trio hopped into the waiting car and trundled through the Sussex mist.

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the car journey proved uneventful, save for one uncomfortable encouonter when Mike asked richard how his wife was doing... that did not go down to well. Not his fault though he doesn't know what happened. but before we knew it we had pulled up outside the Withdean stadium. Not the most impressive stadium in the world, but I had to admit it was really nice to be in the proximity of a football club again. and I think before I had walked in, I had made my decision about what I was going to do.

Being back in England reminded me I had a lot of things to face up to, and the world of Football had given me so much, it was time to start paying it back.


Dick Knight was waiting for us... "Dudley Brook!.... How are you? It is a pleasure to see you!.. and this is?"

"Mike, Mike Grimms. Long time friend, only just caught up with him this evening, I hope it is alright for him to join us?"

Mr Knight's eyes narrowed briefly before he said "Of course, please let us all go somewhere a little drier and warmer.... I trust Richard has filled you in?"

I looked back with a sly smile "Well, I know Brighton are in trouble, I know the situation is horrible, and I know that you want me to take over as manager"

"well that is the basics, lets go into a bit more detail. the last manager has left a big stain on the history of brighton and Hove Albion FC. The finances are drastic, the board are getting sick of pumping money in to help with running costs, we have just dropped to one division away from almost complete obscurity, the fans want my head, most of the team do not want to play for us and here we are, less than 2 months away from the new season needing what seems a miracle to save us.

I am going to be straight with you, I have lost the fight, in a board meeting recently it was voted that there is no confidence in me any more and I am to sell my share, it would appear to a fan-based consortium, but I love the club I have only ever wanted what is best, and I want to try and help.

This is where you come in. I have only 2 requisites"

the wry smile returned to my face... here we go, here is the twist

"I know everything that has happened between you and your brother, but there is no one I know who loves the club more than I, so 1) he must be a part of your back room staff"

"that is absolutely fine, I hope to take advantage of his ideas and knowledge of the players, the club and the city"

"ok, thats is good, and 2. This is your chance at redemption, after all the little incidents you to come out and prove to the world what we can do. you have shown it as a player, but life as a manager is different, so I want a promise from you that no matter what happens, no matter what restrictions are placed on you, you work within the guidelines. there is little funds, there is no place for anyone to be big-headed and start throwing their weight around, that does not exclude you, if you accept this task, there is no looking back, no giving up. I believe you can get the players behind you, and the fans, and slowly but surely get this club back to where it belongs" as he finished talking he held out his hand "So what do you say, 'Senor Maverick'... do we have a deal?"

It took me all of 2 seconds to decide, I could have told him to stick it, I had a life outside of this, no commitment, no problems, no wet and windy winter trips to stevenage* or some other god awful place....

"Well Mr Knight, as unappealing as you make it sound..." I held out my hand to shake his "we have a deal"

at this point I turned to Richard, and extending my hand to him I said

"I am going to need all the help you can give me, what has happened outside this club stays there, together we can bring the Seagulls back from the brink and watch them soar, how does that sound?"

and then something happened I didn't expect, something that took us back more than 10 years... Richard smiled "That sounds really good, if we pull it off, then you might even be forgiven"

"Sorry to break up the party chaps" said Mike, but just exactly where do I fit in to all this?

"You are my first signing Mike, if you will accept?, I want you here as a coach"

"well I dont have anything better on...."

"then it is settled,"

So there we were. the 4 unlikely saviours of Brighton and Hove Albion. we exchanged smiles and pats on the back, there was a long road to follow, one which could bring us to the brink of destruction, but way off in the distance, far out of sight, but not out of mind lay a brighter future, and I was damn sure going to give it my all to get the Seagulls soaring again. Dick Knight would stand down as chairman the next day having everything put in place. this roller coaster was at the top and ready to go...... only question now is, where to begin?


* BTW For anyone that lives in Stevenage, I am sure it is a lovely place

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