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why do some staff/players have certain RANDOM attributes?

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I hope this hasn't been mentioned recently, I tried searching for other threads but didn't find it mentioned.

What the titles says.

eg. Tonnie Bruins Slot (Ass man). His mental attributes random from 8-20 in each new game, and the tactics attribute 16-20. As a result, sometimes he is a 4-star tactics coach, other times may even be 5 star. I wonder, is this realistic? If some attributes were meant to be random, then why not implement it in all staff? I just don't find it realistic for a REAL person (not a regen) to have such a wide range of attributes.

That is also the case with players.. I can understand a small +/-, but for example Luke Shaw's determination ranges from 3 to 18, while other attributes are always the same.

This was the case in previous FM version as well. May I ask the reasoning behind this?

Thanks in advance

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IMO there is a way to determine how determined a player is IRL and implement that in FM but it isn't an exact science... when a player has got injured, how well did he play in his game back. Also if a young player is playing at a high level in first team then it should indicate high determination

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Isn't it a bit unrealistic though for a premiership player to have a random determination ranging from 3 to 18? I mean, this really is too random for a premiership player

randomness doesn't take into account their level

it could give him a determination of 1, or a determination of 20

it doesn't matter

given the lack of games he had played, it'd be quite hard to get an accurate judgement on their abilities (especially something like determination)

crossing is obvious.... oh, he's hit his crosses well consistently, let's give him 15-20 on that

whereas determination..... has he given up on a lost cause (being 2-0 down with 5 mins to go) like the rest of the team, or is he being protected by the manager (ie subbed off at 1-0) due to tiredness/being 17

staff is a LOT more difficult, how good are you at defence coaching (for example) which is why you see a LOT more varied coaches each save

sure some are easy.... being something strange like Defensive Coordinator (taking an example from a NFL side) would probably have high Defence Coaching

but a LOT more are harder to spot, so would be more random (go on then, you go watch APOEL coaching [picked because you're from Cyprus] and see who would have good determination, it's a LOT harder)

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randomness doesn't take into account their level

it could give him a determination of 1, or a determination of 20

it doesn't matter

given the lack of games he had played, it'd be quite hard to get an accurate judgement on their abilities (especially something like determination)

crossing is obvious.... oh, he's hit his crosses well consistently, let's give him 15-20 on that

whereas determination..... has he given up on a lost cause (being 2-0 down with 5 mins to go) like the rest of the team, or is he being protected by the manager (ie subbed off at 1-0) due to tiredness/being 17

staff is a LOT more difficult, how good are you at defence coaching (for example) which is why you see a LOT more varied coaches each save

sure some are easy.... being something strange like Defensive Coordinator (taking an example from a NFL side) would probably have high Defence Coaching

but a LOT more are harder to spot, so would be more random (go on then, you go watch APOEL coaching [picked because you're from Cyprus] and see who would have good determination, it's a LOT harder)

Agree to everything you are saying (APOEL supporter here by the way :) ).. my argument here is that since it's difficult to measure attributes for Staff, for consistency's sake, it should either be the same for EVERY staff (except let's say continental or world class coaches/managers maybe?), so that they all have random stats, or no staff at all, and the attributes be placed randomly from the Sigames scouts (not placed randomly after each player's save, if you get what I mean).

Let me explain why this is frustrating for me. I like to have 5-star coaches in as many categories I possibly can. And I noticed that the only 5-star tactics coach (willing to sign) was Tonnie Bruins Slot, however this was the case only for my first ever savegame. After playing for some time, I thought I'd like to start a new game, and in various attempts of restarting a game, he never was again a 5-star coach. I wouldn't care so much if there was at least another 5-star coach in tactics, but I fail to find one, correct me if I am wrong. So in other words, the only top notch tactics coach's stats in the game are random!

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