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Is "Tackle" an important attribute for Midfielders on "Defend" duty?

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I play 4-2-3-1 (2 Central Mids, not Defensive Mids). I identified the need for a defensive-minded central midfielder, preferably a BWM/CM with preferred "Defend" duty. I found the following newgen and decided I had to buy him at the price considering his potential (I'm mid-table Prem at the moment).

Longoria my scout (Scouting CA/PA is 20/20 so he's about as accurate as it gets) identified him as a DLP with preferred "Defend" duty, but his 'Tackling' stat is only 6 which is obviously really low for any Defensive minded player isn't it? I've seen this with other plays too, BWMd's and CMd's with really low tackling stat, I thought that would be one of the most important (along with stuff like Strength, Positioning, Workrate, Stamina, Determination).

I'm hoping this guy will shore things up in my midfield, staying behind and allowing the other midfielders to get forward. Reckon he can do it?



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First of all, player progression never stops. You can have a 32 year-old who still develop some attributes (mostly mental). But if you want to shape a player, it's until he is around 23/24 that you can really see a development in his attributes.

With that in mind, this player is very good but not for a defensive role. For a defensive duty he has to be able to hold his place and help the defense. He has low positioning, tackling, aggression, bravery, stamina and strength, some of the key attributes for this role.

The best way to see if a player fits the role you want is to highlight the attributes for a specific role. To do that, go to the "More Actions" tab on the upper right.

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His stats is probably better for an attacking role but I have a player with similar stats, (little bit better defensive), and I play him as a defensive playmaker (support/defence, depending on opposition), and it works out quite well actually. He does his duties on defence and have around 7.5-7.8 every match, on the high end of my team..!

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Although just noticed that he's 23 in just over a month, it's very unlikely he'll reach his potential. Player progression slows down at 24 and then stops completely at 25 right?

I don't think that's true at all. I think it's more towards the late 20's where development will start to stop and would expect around 24/25/26 to be the age it starts to slow. There are plenty of players who don't really start to improve till they're 22/23/24 and then hit their peak around 26/27/28

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Thanks for the responses. I don't think I'll go through with buying this player, unfortunately I have too many Attacking Mids to choose from already, I swear on my Cambridge save there are loads of world class Attacking mids available but no good Central mids.

I don't think that's true at all. I think it's more towards the late 20's where development will start to stop and would expect around 24/25/26 to be the age it starts to slow. There are plenty of players who don't really start to improve till they're 22/23/24 and then hit their peak around 26/27/28

That's certainly true in real life, but on FM I've just noticed going from Coach Reports the day a player hits his 25th birthday he will go from "Player X can improve significantly in the future" to "doesn't think Player X is likely to improve in future" and their Attribute Increases in the stat screen slow considerably compared to when they are 18-22.

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He doesn't really have any favorable defensive attributes. In addition to tackling, he has 10 or less in marking, positioning, aggression, bravery, concentration, work rate, stamina and strength.

He's certainly not a CM/D or ball winner. Maybe a DLP, but his a little weak defensively even for that. To me, that guy is an advanced playmaker for sure.

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He'd make a good winger or AMC but not an MC.

I'd also not be keen on using a BWM in a 4231 formation, as they can often get dragged out of position by chasing after players, leaving your midfield very exposed. CM/d or DLP/d is a must in this formation.

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Thanks for all the responses. I'll be keeping an eye out over the next season for players with high tackling, work rate, strength and stamina in particular.

I'd also not be keen on using a BWM in a 4231 formation, as they can often get dragged out of position by chasing after players, leaving your midfield very exposed. CM/d or DLP/d is a must in this formation.

I agree about the BWM for the reason you mentioned, never seem to perform in this formation. CM/d would be my preference but as I said they're so hard to find in my game so I've settled with a DLP/d for now.

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Tackling is an important attribute for all midfielders imo, with the exception of the super-advanced ones (but even they would benefit from it).

Only really noticed in this over the last few seasons as I've tried to shoehorn natural Attacking Mids into playing as central BBMs or DLPs purely because they had far better CA/PA than any true defensive CMs. Playing with CWB/a's as well so my midfield would get opened up on the counter and my poor CBs were left isolated. The upside of this was plenty of high scoring games, though perhaps not always the desired result!

I think it might be in wwfan's thread where it is mentioned always have one central midfielder on 'Defend' duty, I've definitely seen good reason for this recently.

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That's certainly true in real life, but on FM I've just noticed going from Coach Reports the day a player hits his 25th birthday he will go from "Player X can improve significantly in the future" to "doesn't think Player X is likely to improve in future" and their Attribute Increases in the stat screen slow considerably compared to when they are 18-22.

It's true in FM as well. When they hit 25 they are no longer classed as a young player and so the report changes. They can and do continue to develop into their late 20s in some cases, depending on the player and his development trajectory. The gains will not be as massive, of course, but yeah, you get late bloomers. I just had a keeper with great physical and mental stats with horrid technicals. He was 25 when I signed him, by age 28 he had improved pretty significantly on the technical side. Not as well as had he been properly developed early on, but it does happen.

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He is 22, soon 23, still only "good PL player" and with a Fairly Determined personality. Those kind of "hot prospects" are exactly the ones you should stay away from. The reason he is not already a world class player is either because he hasn't played enough competitive matches yet, or because his hidden attributes Professionalism and/or Ambition are too low. Or both.

He's a misfire. A dud.

Stay away.

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Besides, he is a good example of the kind of newgen I personally avoid like the plague. This has to do with his non-weighted or lowly weighted attributes. To make it short (pun unintended), his Aggression and Bravery attributes are low and he is selfish (low Team Work and Work Rate).

As the years go by, there will be plenty of quite similar newgens in any given position, since they develop along the same templates. This means that you can get a newgen with excellent numbers in each key attribute for his role/position quite easily. However, since unweighted attributes are randomly assigned, the chance of a high-potential youngster (relatively rare) with a good attitude (relatively rare) emerging with ONLY good unweighted attributes (relatively rare) is extremely low. Thus, they are of course more in demand than their generic, randomly flawed brethren.

If an AI club actually turns out to be good at buying good players over time and push you for the title, the skill of seeing the unweighted attributes is an advantage only us humans have. (...at least it was in FM13).

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I've not had many hours of sleep in the past few days and as such I am quite delirious, when I saw this thread I read it as

Is "Tickle" an important attribute for Midfielders on "Defend" duty?

And I really think it is. I really do.

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