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Goalkeeper AVG rating

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Hi, just wanted to know if anybody has tried to have a goalkeeper avg rating higher than 6,90 in a season... have even tried to play with FC Bayern and Manuel Neuer get´s like 6,85 every season... it seems very hard to get high avg ratings for goalkeepeepers in FM14... In FM13 i could manage to get 7,20 with good goalkeepers

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It's been a long reoccurring issue with FM. However the example you gave of Neuer isn't far from reality. He hardly has anything to do in a lot of games IRL, and even if he pulls off 1-2 saves he'd only get around a 7.

That aside it certainly needs fixing. Especially when your keeper gets a high rating if your side completely destroys a team. For instance my team steam rolled a smaller club and my keeper got a rating of 7.2, despite there being no shots from the opposition. Then on the other hand in a UCL game my keeper might make a tonne of saves yet gets a 6.8.

On a side note goalkeepers don't get much, if any improvement to their rating for a penatly save. A keeper who saves a penalty should be like when a striker scores a goal, instant increase. Then when a keeper saves a CCC it could be like when an outfield player gets an assist.

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I would love to know if this is a bug or something we our self's are doing wrong that we should be aware of. It does seem possible for gk's to play well consistently though, as i have seen my loaned out gk getting full of 7+ ratings and hardly any in the 6's. Same applies for my full backs as these are the 3 positions that consistently play poorly, for me atleast.

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I think the low average ratings for GKs is mainly down to the passing.

If you have a GK who is booting it up the field a lot he tends to have a much lower pass completion % which leads to a lower rating.

Selecting "Distribute to defence" can see a much higher pass completion % and a marked improvement in rating.

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I noticed that the worse I was doing the higher ratings my keeper got, within reason, which sounded absurd until I thought about it and considered the possibility that when I'm a top flight team and dominating and winning everything I have a solid defence that means my goalie has little to do, thus a lower avg rating, but when i'm a lower league team and struggling he's called into action all the time. If he's good and saves me then he gets a higher rating.

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