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Gonna swallow my pride and finally ask for help!!!!

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Right. I have been a long term player of the CM/FM series. CM97/98 was my first ever PC game, after playing it at a friends house I begged my parents for my first PC just so I could have this game. I have always had success up until about FM11/12. Dont know why that is, I think it just got to in depth and I struggled to find the time to play especially with a young family. FM13 I hated but after reading wwfans brilliant thread I started to sort it out. Then when 14 was released I was delighted sliders were finally gone and my first game before the major patches I had fun with my beloved West Brom but results should have been better.

So I wanted to try and learn the game a bit more so decided to start a new game as Chelsea. With the players and the money it should be a good learning curve and set my rep as the highest possible. Season started well. Top after 6 games and unbeaten. In that time though we were playing very poor but scraping the wins. So I was hoping the football would improve once players adapted. How wrong I was. Successive defeats to Norwich, Swansea and Fulham. Then giving away a 2 goal lead at the Etihad to lose 3-2.

I have posted a picture of my tactic below. It has pretty much been my base for the season. With differing shouts and sometimes changing Control to Counter or Attacking depending on situations. I would just love someone to look at this and just tell me if there is a major flaw to my style as for the last 3 or 4 FMs I have played a similar formation but just changed my mentality etc. It has been tough for me to do this as I like to think I know alot about football and I cant see a major flaw with my setup. One problem I do have is a lot of knocking the ball about outside the area and then shooting from long range and wasting chances. Thats why I added higher tempo and work ball into the box.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you all in advance.


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I can't go in-depth atm unfortunately, but there is a gaping flaw in your midfield.

You have a BWM/D and a B2B. Both of these players will be dragged out of position very easily, leaving your back four exposed. With a CWB/A, you will at times be left with only three defenders, often meaning that you are far too easy to get at. With a midfield duo, it is advised to have two somewhat defensive roles. Make Essien a CM/D and have Ramires as either a DLP/S, DLP/D or CM/S. You should also change Hazard to an IF/S to allow for a proper overlap down the left I would say.

The stickies at the top of the forum are incredibly useful for this sort of thing. Pairs and Combinations will really help you in setting up a balanced midfield and also getting the best out of your wide men (both attackers and defenders). Give these a read when you have the chance to help understand the game.

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Yeah, a horrid pairing in midfield there. 4231, the cm's need to protect your defense. I'd be tempted to change the rw to an actual winger and maybe to have Torres as a complete forward if his numbers allow.

Edit: I think he is a winger, have you tried him on a support duty? How are you conceding your goals?

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Thanks guys. I do usually play Ramires and Lamps as the two in midfield. I have tried Lamps as a CM (s) with Rammy as a BBM with him and it has been just as bad. TBH aswell I do usually play Hazard as an IF (s) but just tried somet different for the last game. Oscar I am training as a Winger and he is doing well in all honesty. Torres is also too good to move into midfield he scored a lot of goals. Is there anything wrong with my mentality as such. Im fed up of like I said in the OP just tippy tappy football and then shooting from long range.

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Thanks guys. I do usually play Ramires and Lamps as the two in midfield. I have tried Lamps as a CM (s) with Rammy as a BBM with him and it has been just as bad. TBH aswell I do usually play Hazard as an IF (s) but just tried somet different for the last game. Oscar I am training as a Winger and he is doing well in all honesty. Torres is also too good to move into midfield he scored a lot of goals. Is there anything wrong with my mentality as such. Im fed up of like I said in the OP just tippy tappy football and then shooting from long range.

It will always happen with a higher line. Remember Villas Boas and Terry in the high line? I play a 4231 with a high line but I have quick defenders to bail us out. The fact your midfielders are providing no cover could also be a reason why you're getting beat over the top with defenders having to close down and move out of position. In my 4231 I have a dlp on support and a cm on d. I realise this does not suit your preferred pairing but you have to protect your defensive line somehow. I got fed up of possession football without penetration so I played a possession game with a higher tempo and have 70% possession the last three games with a load of ccc's. With Chelsea's talent you should be able to pull that off against most teams in the league without too many problems.

The only other thing is perhaps keep your players on their feet when tackling, the high pressing and aggressive tackling will leave you exposed at times. imo.

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Well then. That was ridiculous. First game played with the changes. Stayed Control but went Rigid, remember wwfans guide about Rigid would suit a team with less speciality roles. Lamps as a DLPs and Rammy as a CMd and dropped the Get Stuck In shout and we just dominated a high flying Spurs at Stamford Bridge, it ended up 2-0 but could have been so much more. I know its only one game but I cant believe those two in centre mid have just changed the whole play style. Got to get a proper DLP in though in January, tried all summer but couldnt get the right player. Thanks for your help again guys. Ill see how this plays out for a few games and ill post back on here.

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Central Midfield is the most important position of the field nowadays so you really need to get your partnership right there :thuo:

I would say that the DLP doesn't really need to be able to mark or tackle, so long as they're decent at it they'll do. I play Will Hughes as mine and hes fantastic because he has high-ish positioning so thats enough to stop teams from walking through us.

Obi Mikel as your CM/D, Ramires as the DLP I'd probably say, without looking at their attributes.

Re: fluidity. I use fluid regardless of 2.5 speciality roles, it enhances creativity and makes us more cohesive in attack.

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I actually signed Will Hughes in the summer but loaned him back to Derby for the season. Totally forgot! Haha. Regards Mikel I sold him for £19mil to PSG. I love the idea of fluid but it has never seemed to pay dividends for me. Think I may try and integrate that moving forward.

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TBF I Fluid in a modern 433, so it's certainly more necessary to enhance creativity I feel. Less so in a 4231.

Regards with Mikel, that's a good price! I personally would keep him because he's great on FM I feel, but fair play for getting that much. Who did you replace him with, if anyone?

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I did sign Will Hughes like I said but loaned him back to Derby as I was after a more experience central midfielder for Season 1. Now though I wish I had kept him as he would be a perfect option for my central midfield as a DLP. I also tried to get Verratti as I'm a massive fan of him IRL and he was immense for my Arsenal side on FM13. The money I got for Mikel was basically to finance Mitrovic as he cost me £24 mil including add ons and when Lukaku gets back I will be more than happy with my 3 strikers in Mitrovic, Lukaku and Torres. Eto'o will be gone as soon as Lukaku is back. Hoping to play a few games tonight but haven't had chance to play today except that Spurs match. So fingers crossed we can build on that Spurs game.

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Well. Managed to get a few games in yesterday. Playing more how I envisaged, battered Man U 3-0 at the Bridge but were now 12 points behind them in 2nd place as we couldnt score past a poor West Brom side at home after having nearly 30 shots on goal, 13 on target and 4 CCCs. Its a definite pattern as we also got beat 2-1 at West Ham after going a goal up and then struggling to score past them again even though we were creating chances galore. Really struggling to break poor teams down. When this is happening is it best to lost Control and maybe go Attacking? Even though I thought control would be best as you would just be patiently waiting for a gap to appear. Should I maybe add some different shouts like Play Wider to stretch the opposition and maybe Pass Into Space to try and get the ball in behind them?

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I would suggest dropping off against weaker teams, it may be successful to try and draw the opposition out a bit. Instructions like Drop Deeper, Play Wider might help, as well as lowering the tempo. This will hopefully draw the opposition out so they have to try to defend a bigger section of pitch and can allow more space to try to get through them.

If they are so stubbornly defensive that this doesn't work, It may be worth going blitzkrieg on them and just trying to batter your way through. I have had some success with this recently, playing Attacking, Fluid, Pass Into Space, More Direct passing, Hassle Opponents and Tighter Marking.

I have found moving my AMC into the STC strata and giving him the role DLF/S has made this work better, but you have to have the right players for this.

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deeper (or much) defensive line

switch to counter

get some pace into your side

switch your 2 holding midfielders to CM (D) and DLP (S)

these changes have worked wonders for my side...from an average L1 side with sheff utd to topping the championship with 15 points to go

The beauty is that you will have loads more cash to play with to sign pacey wingers

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