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What if England had an MLS-style structure?


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I recently started wondering what it would be like if England had a similar league structure to the MLS. i.e Northern and Southern Conferences which lead into a cup stage. The teams would also have wage caps, limited allocation funds, a draft system for young players, trades etc.

As a newcomer to editing, what would be the best way of going about this? Would it be possible to edit the Premier League to be like this, or would it only be possible to turn the existing MLS into what I'm describing?

I'd really appreciate any help or suggestions from anyone who knows what they're doing! Many thanks....

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Some of the things are possible, some are not. The ability to have regional conferences a la MLS or the NFL is possible. As is allowing cross-conference games. You would have to use the advanced editor, but similar things already exist (I made a NFL-like structure which you could adapt to do this). Have a look in the download forum, or play around and ask for advice!

Some of the other things are hard-coded and you cannot do. A draft, for example, and I imagine allocation funds, are impossible. You can implement a wage cap easily enough though.

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Well you could put 19 English teams in MLS, but you'd have to do a lot of editing to make the rosters fit (lower a lot of salaries, add English 2nd nationality to a lot of guys to fit the foreign player limits, etc). Then you could change up the PDL (lower division) to include whatever teams you want guys drafted from (lots more editing required to make that work properly too).

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darft you cant do,

wages caps yes,

allocation can be amended to be split by ballon payments and prize money,

squad restrictions on u21 or loans is easy enough

The main sticking point will be splitting the teams and creating the new divisions, mostly due the time consuming aspect in the advanced editor i would have thought.

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