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Selling players

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how does everyone seem to get good prices for player they sell? I struggle to get good value and everyone else seems to get there value or more

Any tips would be great? should i offer them to clubs or just place them on the transfer list? or?

Placing players on the transfer list or offering them to clubs is going to get you lower offers as the buying club know you want rid. I only get good money for players I want to keep as the buying team know they have to pay top money for me to sell.

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If you have a transfer listed player, but no one is buying, there is one "trick" that often helps. At least for me it has worked.

Let him play in some matches (and hope that he does well). Clubs don't seem to be interested about players that are never part of the actual playing squad, so you have to put them to the "shopping window".

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If you have a transfer listed player, but no one is buying, there is one "trick" that often helps. At least for me it has worked.

Let him play in some matches (and hope that he does well). Clubs don't seem to be interested about players that are never part of the actual playing squad, so you have to put them to the "shopping window".

That definitely helps, but you also have to consider the number of players that are in your database relative to the number of teams. If you have a large database (or medium with very few leagues loaded), there will be an oversupply of players, so the price will naturally be lower. One way to increase the value (not necessarily the offers, though), is to add more comparable leagues to your own so that there will be more buying clubs. This will also increase the number of players available, so the net gain may not be much.

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If you do well in continental cups, have your player get consistently good ratings, get him called up for internationals, etc, his value will rise dramatically as his value is tied to his reputation, club reputation and whether or not he plays games. Contract length also matters.

As an example I was playing as Aston Villa, and my right back spot was occupied by Matty Lowton and Adam Smith (a freebie signed from Spurs). Their value at the start of the 3rd season was something like £5m and £2m respectively. In that season I developed a new tactic that not only turned out to be great but also had my FBs get really good ratings. Lowton finished with the highest AVR in the league (around 7.80) and Smith had around 7.50. Lowton got fans player of the year award, was called up to get his first few games for England, and I won the league and the CL. The value of my entire team after the CL win skyrocketed and my FBs were now worth £25m and £15m respectively. I happily cashed in on Smith.

Another point to make is that at the start of the game only a few clubs will have money to spend, as transfer budgets will have already been used. It's only really after the 2nd seasons that you are really able to get great value for players (unless you manage to lure the rich clubs into buying before that.)

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Often when clubs are bidding for my players I tend to check the clubs financial position

to see what they realistically can afford , after that I start negotiating a higher fee in monthly instalments and make sure it is public

It's pulling and pushing the negotiation often at the end they cannot agree on the day

but then I submit my counter offer officially

and I seem to be quite successful in getting it except,

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I wish clubs would enquire or bid more tbh. I've had many clubs interested (major interest) in one of my strikers and no one has even enquired about a fee for the past 18 months. I know if I offered him out or transfer listed I wouldn't even get his value, so I'm biding my time, but there needs to be more bids/enquiries. They also need to negotiate more. If a club comes in with a €4mil bid for a €5mil player they shouldn't suddenly run away if I say €8mil or €10mil, they should work it down. It's a nice addition suggesting offers but clubs are too easy to scare away.

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Has anyone found that they can get more money if they offer players WITHOUT transfer listing them? Whenever I simultaneously transfer list and offer a player out, I can never seem to get even close to 100% of value. I wonder if that's because other clubs will automatically lowball you whenever offering for a transfer listed player.

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Remember, when you offer to clubs, it auto ticks the transfer list and set to not needed, so no teams are realistically going to pay over the odds when you've said, "this player is not wanted, please buy him".

Personally i've had good success in FM14 with transfers, i rarely try and sell players tho, i always wait till teams come to me, not unless its deadwood youngsters, and usually they just get released. I tend to find that when your dealing with sought after players that flat out refusing to speak to the AI can lead to over the top bids come close to deadline day, depends how brave you are. I've had it work in and against my favour so far.

Of course a lot depends on what level your playing at. You tend to find outwith the top top leagues, a lot of transfers are free's anyway. Take for example Adam Rooney, signed a three year deal with Oldham in the summer, played 33 games, just moved to Aberdeen on a free, despite having 2.5 years left of his contract.

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Jujigatame: Yeah I've found that but sometimes it is the opposite effect. Eg. They return with a offer below half the players value and non negotiable.

Milnerpoint: I always untick that when offering out. Unless its deadwood as they'd already be listed and not needed.

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Remember, when you offer to clubs, it auto ticks the transfer list and set to not needed, so no teams are realistically going to pay over the odds when you've said, "this player is not wanted, please buy him".

You can turn that off though, can't you? I think it's possible to offer a player out without transfer listing them.

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