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Mr Hough Dedication 4123

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As the title says, this tactic is based on the ones created by Mr Hough for FM2012. All credit to him (if it works) because I loved his tactics on 12.

I do not know whether this has been done for 14, or whether it is an exploit or anything, so I apologise in advance for any gaffs on my part.


The Tactic is a 4-1-2-3


The idea being fairly simple. The wide forward drop deep to find space between the opposition defense and midfield, hopefully pulling defenders with them to leave more room for the central striker and for my midfield to get forward.

CFR and CFL are DLP on support. CF is AF on Attack.

CMs are on support detail to hopefully link with the strikers and offer additional cover to the DM.

DM is an anchor man to provide a bit of stability and cover for the back four.

DC are BPD to help with my shout of "play out of defense" as I don't want to see the ball hoofed long

FB are set to support to stop my CM getting isolated, to provide width and give the CFLR and CFL more options.



Nothing overly complex I don't think. Hopefully this gets the players to pass the ball around and stretch the defense.

The tactic is in its infancy and may prove useless, but so far.



It seems to be doing what I've wanted for a while now, making fewer but better chances.

Hope this helps.

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had some normal results but nothing special not any better than others out there mr rosler 3 striker tactic seem to score a lot more than this if that means anything to you though will keep testing a will try a different team with higher rep then let you no results

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