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Individual TV deal.

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I've been managing in Spain for eight years now. I brought the club up from the third tier and have finished in the top three for the last three years and reached the Champions League final this year, because of this i've gained a Worldwide reputation for the club.

My club finances are starting to get really tight now after trying to compete with Real Madrid, Barcelona and Atlético all of whom have the advantage of high paying Individual TV deals. Will my board negotiate a similar deal at some point or are they set in stone and only get renewed on clubs who already have them?

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If you go to finances (above where you can see sponsorship deals) you will be able to see the details of the current deal and when it expires. The board will negotiate a new deal when the current one runs out and the size of it will depend on reputation. I've had deals where I got something silly like £100m, basically overtaking Real and Barca. I haven't played with a lower tier club in Spain though, but I assume it works the same way?

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