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Silly Offers for your best players !!!

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I am currently Playing as man utd ( doing a better job than moyes)

I am in my 4th - 5th season and every window without fail i end up getting stupid offers for my best players/ Upcoming talent.

For example Javier Hernandez - had around 6 offers from big clubs offering £0 + 25% of next sale . . . . this player was not even listed and was playing well for me

Wilf Zaha ( Worth £25mill for me now ) £6.5mill over 42 months from spurs and offers of £0 + % of next transfer

these just a few examples coupled with low low offers for my world class players seems bizzare and yet when i offer a player out for £0 i get bids of 500k !?!?!?!

just me or a known bug or what ?

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These offers seem outrageous.

Out of interest I would like to know whether these guys had their contracts running out a year later. Then I see that always the first offer is just peanuts compared to market value. However, you can negotiate them up and I really like the change that players with 1 year left on their contract are available a lot more cheaply than before. Realistic, but that realism has to go both ways of course. (may not be the issue here, I know)

That said, from my rl experience in transfers (which I have) I can tell you that irl very often the first offer is indeed the equivalent of 50p and a bag of footballs.

Such offers only serve to express interest and get the other side to the negotiation table at which then the more serious offers are exchanged. This method usually serves to achieve the goal of starting negotiations without sacrificng the initial bargaining position by an excessive offer. Therefore I like the fact that FM has taken a step into that direction (and it's then just a matter of getting used to the new approach).

However, the examples above seem extreme and not realistic even when taking the above into consideration.

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