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Tactics coach guidance

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This has probably been covered before or elsewhere, but what should I be looking for in a tactics coach ?

I normally look for someone with a high tactical rating, along with having the same tactical preferences to my own. (at my current club that would be 4-5-1, direct, attacking, pressing, man to man).

I'm an experienced player and not sure if finding the right tactics coach is more difficult in this version...

Thanks in advance

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Though the obvious 'Tactics' stat is important, in all coaches I always look for high ratings in Detemination, Discipline and Motivation as well; these are vital to the overall standard of coaching provided and simply going off 'Tactics-20' etc alone doesn't necessarily mean high quality coaching. Mental attributes, as they do with players and their performances, have a huge impact. I'd also look for someone with decent defensive knowledge if at all possible.

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What Pelz said.

As far as I know all that really matters is how good he is at coaching, so that means tactical coaching + detemination, discipline and motivation. And I'm pretty sure that if you have 5 stats tactic coach your team will become fluent with your tactics more quickly.

Aside from that I also look at personality and media handling. I prefer to have staff with positive personalities like model pro, resilient, etc. Especially with youth coaches as it influences the personalities of the youth coming through.

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