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Teams Without Enough Players

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How does the game work when it generates players for such teams? does it take stats from the highest and lowest attributes for each position and then randomly generate the players with attributes based around those?

If it does work that way does the game take into account when generating said players based on the said way that each nation has different levels of players. I say this because in 2020 I looked at a team in skrill north and they had a few players (greyed out) that had been generated to plug the holes. Anyway skrill north and south I would say attributes of 12 is very good with 13 been perhaps the best you will be lucky to see from young players, maybe the 32+ will offer higher attributes but that's about it. This team had 5 players who's stats was better than anyone else in the team and the teams who didn't have generated players had players with attributes of up to 12 with the 30+ players having the higher attributes, but not much higher.

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I "think" that there are outside modifiers on grey players, (either up or down as the case may be). I don't know exactly how it works but to give you an example in a previous issue, (FM08 I think), grey players in N.Ireland were given too much ability, (not just down to their stats I don't think), which mean that Cup competitions were being won by lower league teams with grey players. This was sorted in a subsequent patch back then but it wasn't a case of reducing attributes, (which were fine). They just somehow turned them down a bit if that makes sense.

How are these players playing that you have seen?

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Interesting, but sadly seems to still be a case of should they have players like they do now. In a team I played who had mostly a full team of grey players they had attributes similar and some higher than those of the players that they owned and started in their first team. Personally I think teams who can't field a full team shouldn't be rewarded with super players as it takes the fun away but be punished. You can't stop a player from trying to take advantage of things like emptying a team of all its good players or even all of the teams players, because they will simply take over the teams one by one and do it that way. However I think to stop it the club must always have a minimum amount of players and can't sell/release players beyond that limit and any players who's contracts are coming to an end are automatically resigned (chairmen steps in or something like that). This would reduce the amount of players been generated for such teams and allow for the way they are generated to be based more on the team than the league they are in.

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