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How do I improve my Norwich 4-5-1 tactic?

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Hi all,

I am a newbie in FM, just bought FM14 a few months ago and quite enjoy it, I would like some opinions on my tactics.

The shape may seems a bit weird, but is something I had in mind for a long time, and it looks like this:








It isn't too bad, currently in the 8th place of premier league in my 2nd season, and finished 12th place in my first season using the same tactic, here is some 2nd season fixtures:



The opposition usually dominates the possession, but my team often can counter 1 or 2 goals while keeping tight in the back except for some real quality team, lost 8-0 once...

I'd like to know what you guys think about my tactic.

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Nothing weird about your formation. It's closer to a real 4-2-3-1/4-5-1 than what's most commonly used in FM.

Your results seem pretty good, so I'd say there's not too many areas that would massively improve things generally, but there are a few issues that are likely hurting you against larger sides. I would guess "Hassle Opponents" is probably hurting you away from home, as your defenders are getting pulled out of position and leaving gaps for bigger sides to exploit when they're pushing numbers forward.

I would also try playing your def. wingers as Wingers (Attack) with personal instructions to close down more and mark tighter. They'll basically still operate as Def. Wingers but they'll lessen your reliance on clear cut counterattacking opportunities. Against larger sides, your lack of attack players is likely allowing the opposition to pin you in and leaving your forward isolated.

Similarly, your anchor men are going to be fairly conservative with their passing which may actually hurt you if you're being pressed heavily. You'll want at least one of your DMs to try to thread the ball out of defence from time to time. I would try just switching both to standard Defensive Midfielders.

Finally, keep an eye on how lower/mid-table teams are playing against you. If you continue to overperform, they'll start to sit back and you may need to consider a more aggressive approach to break them down and avoid needless draws.

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Thanks for such constructive opinion, very much appreciated.

I have just finished my 2nd season at 9th place of premier league, using the same tactic except using 11 men on defend duty to get 0-0 clean sheet against Liverpool and Arsenal.

I feel I should be more clear on what kind of football I want to play, I'd like to play defensive, counter-attacking football, focus on using the possession efficiently as oppose to dominate possession, expecting small win / draw against small team, and draw / small lose against big team.

I very much like the current defensive shape and not intended to change it, because I like to have at least 7 men that are ready to defend and that should allow the 4 other players focus on counter-attacking, and 4 should be enough for it shouldn't it?

Probably got some misunderstanding of role and duty but I think my current tactic vaguely serve my style of football, anything I should change to let this tactic be more defensive / counter-attacking?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Starting my 4th season as Norwich manager in the premier league, I have run some experiments on my 3rd seasons according to the advice of The Hand of God and Analog (Thanks again!), finished 8th in my 3rd season using the original 4-5-1 stated above and some twists around it.

I have create a 4-4-1-1 tactic, is evolved from the 4-5-1 tactic, and under the same kind of football philosophy.









4th season fixture so far:


I have removed hassle opponents, assigned 2 front players on attack duty as suggested and did some other minor fine-tuning. Very please with the fixture so far (Hat-trick come back against Chelsea with 1-0 down!), planning to use this 4-4-1-1 combine with the 4-5-1 for the rest of the 4th season, would like to hear more from you guys.

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I see some very interesting things using your approach. (With hand of god suggestions (DMs, Wa) and some personal minor tweaks.)

Actually its the first time, after tests after tests that my team is actually COUNTER ATTACKING.

The problem i have is the balance between Hassle and not.

If i hassle my team loses its good shape in defence. If i dont, opponent has many shots and time to make his game and you must have some great defenders and gollie to deal with.

What i am trying now is Hassle OFF, but my DCL, DMCL and MC press more.

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Oh, good to see someone like to try counter-attacking football in FM14, more importantly try and like my tactic. (Thanks HTC!)

Not sure if teams in FM14 be adaptive to a tactic, because my season just went downhill, and suddenly my team stop counter-attacking at all...

Just saw something in the match that keeps me lol for 10 seconds:





What a header!

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