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Player Attributes

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Sorry if this has been asked before, I've done some searching and can't find it put in the way I've worded it?

Anyway, I know I'm not going to get a specific answer or unlock any hidden algorithms or anything, but:

What I was wondering was whether or not the CA (and PA to some extent) affects how effective a player's attribute is.

So for example, will a Player in League 2 who has a crossing ability of 18, provide a better ball in from the wing than Aaron Lennon who has a crossing rating of 13? Or does their CA also come into it?

The reason I ask is that in the past I've tended to always get an AssMan with a good judge of CA, and have focussed team selections on the AssMans star ratings above everything else, but in FM 14 I've been studying player attributes more, and tried picking players that have better attributes for the position whether the AssMan suggests them or not. This has ended up with a couple of players with low star ratings, performing head and shoulders above other players, but despite getting a better average rating than other players I still get advice in Backroom Meetings to replace them with other players?!

Just wondering what others experiences are really?

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CA is not used by the ME at all, only attributes.

CA in general is an overview as to the ability of the player. When a player improves he "earns" CA points which are then distributed to his attributes based on your training (If you focus on technical skills more CA points will go to those attributes).

Each attribute is assigned a ratio as to how important that skill is for that player (based on position played). Marking for instance is a key skill for a DC and finishing a key skill for a ST. The more important a skill is the more CA points it takes up.

Why do some players with a lower perceived CA play better than some of those with a higher perceived CA? Well its down to one of three things usually:

A) Simply put despite having a lower CA a player is being used in a role/duty that makes the best use of the skills he has.

B) Each player has a consistency hidden attribute which drives how often he plays to the best of his ability. Despite having good attributes/CA if a player has low consistency he will often underperform.

C) Not totally relevant but "weak foot" - Improving a players weaker foot takes up CA points as a two footed player is better than a one footed player with the same attributes in general. Because of this two footed players tend to have lower attributes which makes them look poorer if you just look at attributes. Their position also makes a difference - a two footed AMC/ST is a danger whereas a two footed GK is more or less just wasting CA points that could be used to improve more important attributes.

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