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Making the most of Man Utd - 4231

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I decided to take a break from my long-term save a week or so ago but I soon got the urge to start a new game. I decided that, with the various data updates available at the end of the Jan transfer window, I'd choose Man Utd and try to incorporate Juan Mata into my team. I've heard several people speculate on how David Moyes will go about this issue so I figured I'd give it a go myself.

I like to play 4-2-3-1, which seemed logical enough for Man Utd & after reading several posts here regarding strategy/mentality/fluidity etc I thought I'd give it a go. This is what I came up with...

GK - Defend

RWB - Attack

CB - Defend

CB - Defend

LB - Support

DLP - Defend

BWM - Support

AP -Support

AMC - Attack

AP - Attack

AF - Attack

Mentality: Control

Fluidity: Balanced

Team instructions: Work ball into box, Look for overlap & Hassle opponents

I managed to achieve some good results but, like a lot of people have commented, performances soon tailed off.

I used Mata on the as the right-sided AP and Kagawa on the left, with Rooney as the AMC. Again, felt like it made sense but Mata especially struggled to achieve good ratings & contribute goals or assists. RVP was the league's top scorer, but Rooney was ineffective as a goal threat. I switched him to a SS to try to remedy this but it didn't seem to make much of an impact. On the plus side, I'm happy enough with the defence.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve the effectiveness of the Advanced Playmakers, or increase Rooney's goalscoring chances then I'd be grateful to hear it.

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IMO you have too little creativity in the final third. 3 of your front 4 are 'attack'.

The thing with Man U is that RVP and Rooney play as a pair. Your AF(A) and AMC(A) won't play as a pair. Read up on the "Pairs" sticky at the top and pick a combination you are happy with. It will most likely involve 1 having a support duty. But thats fine - it won't hold their goal scoring back. I would have thought RVP as a SS and Rooney as a F9 with Mata as an IF(S) and whoever on the left as a W(A) or W(S).

You also have very little width. Your RWB(A) will provide a little, but thats about it. I doubt you are getting very many crosses in. Probably just a lot of attempted through balls.

I'm also not sure about the BWM(S). I would have thought something like a CM(A) would suit Man U more, allowing him to join the attacks and provide a goal scoring threat from midfield. a la Scholes. Except as we all know - Man U don't really have a Scholes anymore :( Could Mata play in the MC strata as a MC(A)? Then you could have Valencia bombing down the AMR as a regular winger - W(S) - getting some crosses in for your super strike force.

You might need to tweak your FB role / duties to match up with your wide men too. Again - read the 'pairs' sticky. Not sure you need the CWB(A). Maybe just 2 FB(S) on each side would do.

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IMO you could set up Manchester United to play a devastating 4-4-1-1 counter attack game. Absolutely devastating.

Here's why...

FM dramatically overvalues players like Young and Valencia who IRL aren't that special but in the game they're wonderful.

Untied have clinical finishers, outrageous pace, and good strong defenders. The only thing is, for a proper counter attack you'd want to sit deeper and hold the ball for a bit. United may not have the midfield quality for this to work. (central midfield).

But anyway on to your tactic.

You're playing the 4-2-3-1 denmark which the AI uses to devastating effect (in some cases) but users on this forum have struggled with it.

The 2 central midfielders + 3 attacking mids + striker means that your team will basically play in 2 blocks. The back 4, and then the other 6.

So you really need to make sure of a few things...

- the fullbacks/wingbacks HAVE to get forward and provide support out wide. Generally speaking these formations = inside forwards in the advanced winger spots, so it's that much more crucial that someone provides the width. In this case it would be the wingbacks.

- The central midfielders behind the 3 attacking mids have to provide a solid base to work off of. You're extremely vulnerable if those players get overrun.

- The middle of the pitch will likely be overcrowded, which is why when the AI plays against me, it often can dominate possession but lose or draw and score no goals (using this formation). It's relatively simple to defend against because if you crowd the middle there is nowhere for them to go.

Good luck.

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