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Starting Again

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I'm a long time FM player, but so far FM 14 has defeated me. I've been managing AFC Wimbledon, using a 4-3-2-1 formation, the basic idea being that my two AMCs will break past the target man and score. Worked OK for a couple of months, but then I got a beating in the 2nd round of the cup and from then on, disaster. Lost 12 or 13 games on the trot, regularly conceding 3 or 4 goals and hardly ever scoring outside of the odd header from a corner. I've tried all sorts of tinkering and leaving alone, but got nowhere, so I'm starting again tonight.

I'll be managing AFC Wimbledon again. I want to play 4-3-1-2 I think. The key players are a good all round right sided midfielder (Francomb) an athletic central midfielder perfect, I think, for the box-to-box role (Pell) and a reasonably quick attacking midfielder with high finishing attributes (Luke Moore). Weaknesses are a general lack of pace both up front and at the back, which I will look to plug with free transfers and loan signings, but we haven't got a lot of resource.

I've read the create a tactic and the 12 step guide threads. Anyone have any advice, particularly for lower league managers, on the things I need to focus on before I dive in again?

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Ta Meester, I might be able to do that, but I did get, shall we say, slightly peeved with it last night and started a new game, saving over the top of the old one. It had been a long day.:( But I did save the old tactic so when I get to it tonight I will try and do a screen shot so you can see what terrible errors I have been making.

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I feel like a bit of an evangalist on this front, but I would also encourage you to read the 'pairs' thread stickied on this forum. And then in particular think about your full backs. As I'm assuming that your '3' above is a narrow 3 and not a wide one?

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No they were a wide 3 - I had two full backs, two centre backs, two wide midfielders, either a deep lying playmaker or ball winning midfielder (depending on who I had playing in the centre), a trequartista and box-to-box attacking midfielder and target man. Reading the 12 step guide I suspect I had too many specific roles, and reading your message I suspect I would have been better with a narrow midfield and maybe more attacking full backs? I also get too hung up on symmetry I think - I always resist having an attacking right back and defensive left back for example.

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No - I wasn't evangelising a narrow formation at all. Just trying to figure out what it was without waiting for your screengrab :) But with a solitary center mid, you could have problems depending on his role and duty. I'm trying to figure out how you're going to move the ball out of defence with that sort of formation. It sounds like either everything is going to have to go wide, or over the top. I'm spying big gaps in the middle of the park? Hard to say without a proper full formation. Depends on what exact role and duty your other AMC has (not the treq - who can only have an attack duty)

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I honestly have to say that I don't think you will learn anything by doing that. :)

Could not agree more.

Even the best downloaded tactics cannot mask the fact that you have to be reactive in FM these days.

By just downloading one and not really knowing how and why it works when it does, you really hamstring yourself when you try to figure out how to make changes to offset an AI change.


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I'd hate starting again too, I had to start again with my save cos it got corrupted, really didn't like it. I usually only have two saves in the whole time one version is out. Would rather plug on and sort out the messes I get in too. The bad times are as interesting as the good ones for me.

I agree too, little point downloading tactics, I think FM is heading away from that more and more each year now, I have to admit I have done it in the past to at least find some kind of working template, as I really couldn't be bothered moving sliders up one notch here and one notch there, but that has been removed now altogether, has been a lot of fun working tactics out.

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