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FMC Challenges

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Hi all,

Firstly, at risk of sounding like a complete fanboy (!), can I just say what a big fan I am of FMC?! I am one of those people who has played since CM93 but in recent years found myself drifting away from the game because I enjoy a long save but just don't have the time for it any more. The faster-gameplay-without-sacrificing-realism of FMC has pulled me back in this year, so nice work SI :applause: I'd still rather you launched a new version of FM Live though :D

Anyway, I've been flicking through the Challenges, Sign-Ups and Experiments forum and see a few people have been asking if FMC can be used for some of the challenges they do over there and the answer has been no. That's a shame but understandable since the thread owners want there to be a level playing field for all challenge participants. But I think it would be fun to have such a long-term challenge for FMC players... is anyone else up for that? And if so, what might the challenge be?

Just for clarity, I'm meaning something separate from the in-game challenge mode that you can choose, these are long-term games where you aim for a specific goal (usually taking a team from the very bottom to the very top of their country) and share progress with others aiming for the same thing in the forums.

Any thoughts?

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