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Trouble scoring in 1-on-1 situations... (FM14)

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I have seen wingers with 10 finishing scoring more than a striker with over 15 finishing. Its crazy!

Yeah it is easier to score from wide, but Finishing has not been the real determining factor behind goalscoring skill for many versions now. The most important thing from FM11 and onwards has been the ability to create huge chances for teammates and himself, not to be able to finish marginal chances.

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Yeah it is easier to score from wide, but Finishing has not been the real determining factor behind goalscoring skill for many versions now. The most important thing from FM11 and onwards has been the ability to create huge chances for teammates and himself, not to be able to finish marginal chances.

The fact that it's somehow easier to score from a tighter angle is pretty stupid, but otherwise, you can't expect finishing to be exclusively down to Finishing. Just think back to the CM's where a player with 20 in jumping and heading was impossible to beat in the air. Other factors have to play in, it's just that right now, they may be a little out of balance.

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i'm talking about one on one chances here. Wingers are more leathal than strikers. ok you may say the difference in angle plays a role. But it just dont make sense that let say walcott will score 8/10 one on one chances while aguero score 2/10

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But it just dont make sense that let say walcott will score 8/10 one on one chances while aguero score 2/10

Surely it depends on how you set your team up? My wingers score a lot of goals, but that's because I play my striker deep, almost as an AMC, and he regularly plays through balls to either winger. Mind you, when he gets a clear chance himself, he usually finishes it too.

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Jesus can people just not admit that shooting is bugged?

Far too many impossible angled goals and no finishing of 1 vs 1 situation when striker is facing keeper.

They wont until next fm comes and shows the flaws. It has always been like this!

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Surely it depends on how you set your team up? My wingers score a lot of goals, but that's because I play my striker deep, almost as an AMC, and he regularly plays through balls to either winger. Mind you, when he gets a clear chance himself, he usually finishes it too.

they only reason you defend this game has to be that you paid to do so. You disagree with every issue. People want the game to be better and express opinion you just keep trolling on every post! lame

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they only reason you defend this game has to be that you paid to do so. You disagree with every issue. People want the game to be better and express opinion you just keep trolling on every post! lame

In what way is trying to have a sensible discussion 'trolling'? Or is your point of view the only one that counts? I know there's flaws in the game. SI know there's flaws in the game. There seems little point posting 'the game is bugged, fix it' every five minutes, what does that achieve? I like to try and look at things from different angles, and try and ascertain whether certain issues can be remedied by a user's tactical set up or not.

But feel free to resort to personal abuse if you've nothing else to contribute. I daresay you won't last very long.

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Don't get your hopes up, all the advice in the tactics forum is very pretty but doesnt add up to much. I've been thru much of it and only after tinkering with 'Mr Houghs Beast' tactic did i get something that works, still needs you put some effort in (drop one striker to AM/ tweak mentality+marking) when needed (against stronger team/awkward formation), but its the best starting point for making your own tactics that will create nice footy. A lot of people like to use the old chestnut "Pop over to the tactics forum" but very few actually post exactly what they've found there, ask yourself why.

Re the bold bit - there are two reasons why people don't post about their results: it's either a) they got the advice they needed, listened to it, and it improved things - so therefore they had no reason to come back to GD and continue to moan (because it had been proved to them that it really WAS their tactics at fault) or b) (much more often than scenario a) they simply wouldn't listen to anything that Cleon etc told them / wouldn't accept that they weren't the tactical genius that they claimed to be and so they changed nothing worthwhile and therefore had nothing positive to say.

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Re the bold bit - there are two reasons why people don't post about their results: it's either a) they got the advice they needed, listened to it, and it improved things - so therefore they had no reason to come back to GD and continue to moan (because it had been proved to them that it really WAS their tactics at fault) or b) (much more often than scenario a) they simply wouldn't listen to anything that Cleon etc told them / wouldn't accept that they weren't the tactical genius that they claimed to be and so they changed nothing worthwhile and therefore had nothing positive to say.

I think your reasoning applies in the large majority of the cases, but you're still excluding Option C: Sometimes, things do not actually work and people do not go to the trouble of going back to complain again. Admittedly, I didn't push my thread very far in TTD, but that was only because the help I got wasn't right, the two people that replied didn't understand the issue and as such attempted to help "fix" things that weren't broke. This made me theorise that it wasn't actually a tactical issue.

I feel like this is what sets me apart from the "moaners" around here: My tactics are actually working fine. My defending is tight, my control of possession is good and my use of the ball is great. The only part of my play that doesn't work, is the finishing, and considering the shooters get into what should be the right positions, several times per game, I feel like there's little more to do.

The reason I feel the need to stress this again is that I don't want to be associated with those that blow top over issues that can be fixed through instructions. I don't think anyone is "conspiring" to defend SI, I've learned a lot since I've started this thread (among others, the issue at hand and that SI is working on it), and I'm not angry, unlike some people in this thread. I just feel like I've identified an issue and I want to discuss it. Sadly, this thread seems to derail quite easily.

PS: Seriously, some of you guys need to calm down.

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Now if that first goal was scored AGAINST most of the players on here there would be uproar at the awful defending...... :brock:

Exactly, how many times have we given the ball away like that and then thought, "come on GK, do your stuff", only for the AI striker to bury it. I know I have. It's nice when the roles are reversed.

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There may very well be an issue with 1v1 conversion rates. I'm not completely convinced it's as bad as some make out though, and this is due to examples that others have posted where their strikers are scoring silly amounts of goals during the course of a season. And it's something I personally have never had a problem with across many of my saves.

So, the question really comes down to whether these people are exploiting a weakness in the ME to be doing so well with their 1v1 chances, or whether the people who can't get their strikers to score aren't doing something tactically? I've always held the belief that if something in the game is possible to do, it's possible for everybody to do. That's basic logic. If there IS a flaw there, where is it? If others can get their strikers scoring regularly, there's only two possible explanations. Either their tactics are better, or there is a bug in the game and they've found a way to circumvent it. There is no middle ground there as far as I'm concerned. I'm not convinced what way the axe falls there.

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@ C-Mon - can you post your 4231 tactic in your thread in TTF?

From the 4312 one that you posted - I would suggest it is the usual problem with 'Attacking' (mentality) tactics - they create lots of chances by simply battering the opposition - but because (by your own statement in that thread) they all 'park the bus' the chances are actually snatched / rushed ones (even if the game (incorrectly) defines them as CCC / HC). There also (to me) looks like you have too many runners / finishers in that setup, with no-one playmaking from deep to try and finesse a goal. However, I should add that the 4312 formation is not one that I have tried personally so I may be talking rubbish.

If that were me, I'd make the AM into an AP(S), one of the strikers into a support role and drop the strategy to control (or lower).

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Dagenham_Dave, Jimbokav1971, forameuss

You are all a disgrace,

Deary me. You're having a nightmare here.

they only reason you defend this game has to be that you paid to do so. You disagree with every issue. People want the game to be better and express opinion you just keep trolling on every post! lame

I know, down with this sort of thing. We must have personal opinions, but only if they agree with you, right? I mean, your view is totally right, isn't it?

I read a review of FM14 at release giving it a 9/10 or 8/10 (don't remember that exactly), where all the advancement and improvements were pointed out and the reviewer then went on to say that the usual quality was present. The whole thing was laughable because the release version was an absolute mess, and he could not possibly have played a single match given his description of it was plain wrong as well as superficial.

I'd rather read "amateur" reviews of games while keeping in mind that they don't even try to be subjective, than "professional" reviews which obviously are made by people whose job is to support the industry and dress it all up as objective and serious.

I'm not saying all professional reviews are airtight, but they're markedly better than most user reviews. Whenever I've looked on something like metacritic, user reviews are mostly skewed by people who will give it 0, then give no supporting reason as to why, other than they hate the game. Then any genuine user review gets lost among the rubbish. Critic reviews are less like that. I don't really buy the whole "supporting the industry" argument either. If a game is genuinely bad, they'll tell you so in most cases. I usually discount the top few critic reviews and read ones that score it around the 70-80 mark. They're the ones who are genuinely looking at the game objectively. And I'd say the game was around the mid-70s early 80s at release, and maybe a touch higher now.

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Now that's a result San Marino can be proud of!

(What are you trying to prove though?)

I'm not trying to prove anything. I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I thought that ppm's might be an answer, (and I think I mentioned lobbing specifically too). Then, lo and behold, this.

I am seeing a low conversion rate of 1v1's , (absolutely no doubt about it), but even when I was rubbish I was scoring more than some of the guys are suggesting.

The way I see it, when one of your players stops doing something that you need him to do, (like scoring 1v1's for a SC), then, (and this isn't aimed at you because you make quite reasonable and balanced posts from what I've seen), you can either change absolutely nothing in the game and then come on here and tell us all that the ME is broken, OR.... you can try new things to see if you can resolve the issue somehow, and come on here to try and help with that.

I use loads of things, (although some are more successful than others, and I'm not convinced there is a benefit at all to some of them).

1. I play a weekly game between my U19's and my Reserves. It is specifically designed to keep fringe players fit, but also to ensure that my strikers who might be in poor form, can smash in a few goals. Confidence.

2. If a player, (and this is more so for attacking flair players), is not bang on fitness, (and mft), then I don't play him. They are fickle creatures and sometimes that 5% can make all the difference. If I have to play him, then maybe I give him a different duty so as not to make him the one in position to take/make these chances. he might be ok running around and making a nuisance for the last half hour, but do I really want to rely on him with a 1v1 that is my only chance of 3 points? No, he can go on support duty and I will attack elsewhere As a result I try to spell my important players and even leave them out of games all-together. Fitness and Match fitness and duties.

3. PPM's. There are some really snazzy ppm's that used in conjunction with the right players in the right situations can yield decent results. PPM's.

4. Tempo can be quite important too. If you are fizzing the ball about with lots of movement, it might very well be easier to create the 1v1 in the first place. As the same time however, you might expect to convert that opportunity less often than you would if you were playing at a lower tempo. Tempo.

5. Morale is obviously important too, but more so than morale, (at least in terms of if a player is happy or unhappy), I think that fine margins within a game can also be vital. If the player is feeling pressure or nervous, or.... (it's not overconfident, what is it.....), can't remember now. But I think that both overaall morale and especially, (in-game morale), can also have a big impact, (and I think that's right). Morale/Team-talks.

6. Stat balance is just a theory I have, (and I have absolutely no evidence), but let's say for example that a player had average finishing but very high composure and let's say technique, then he might be more suited to finishing these 1v1's than a player that just for example has all 3 stats at a similar level. Stat balance.

7. Something else that intrigues me is player personality. Does anyone really know how it impacts on players within a game? I certainly don't. Is it likely that a spirited player who is booked and left on will be more likely to get a 2nd yellow card? I don't know, but i am starting to lean towards the idea that yes it is more likely. If that's the case, (and remember absolutely no evidence here), then what sort of personality can influence things, (both positively and negatively), in various parts of the pitch. I have a few theories here that seem to work well for me, but maybe it's coincidence. Personality.

Look, all this is complete conjecture from me. I am far from a tactical expert, (and I really mean far from), but every time someone on here goes, "The ME is broken. I can't do this and I can't do that and the game is cheating me), (and I know you never said any of those things), then I think to myself, "I wonder if I can do that". I have honestly completely and utterly put the defensive corner thing to bed now by going so long without conceding one. Am having a little look at long-shots now, and that's fine and there are a few other things that are on my list. 1v1's isn't even on my list at the moment because in terms of how serious it is, it's just not worth it. If you can't score 1v1's then score another type of goal. Call it punishment from on high for being too one-dimensional.

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I've always found it laughable how people blindly defend this game. Always suggesting the ME isn't at fault and that the fault is with the player in one way or another. Silly amounts of circular logic floating about, it's not broken because I said so, and I have 1000's of posts so I must be right.

What people seem to miss is that, the game is constantly being updated and fixed, which only means that every version you have played so far has been broken. By continuing to fix the game, it's an acknowledgement that it isn't perfect.

Sometimes it really is the ME. There really are flaws in the game. Shooting is one of them.

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I've always found it laughable how people blindly attack this game. Always suggesting the ME is at fault and never that the fault is with the player in one way or another. Silly amounts of circular logic floating about, it's broken because I said so, and I have very few posts so I must be right.

What people seem to miss is that, the game is constantly being updated and improved, which only means that every version you have played so far has been an improvement on what went before. By continuing to improve the game, it's an acknowledgement that although it isn't perfect, they will do their best to give us the best product they can

Sometimes it really isn't the ME. There are flaws in the game, but you would be very silly to assume that every difficulty you encounter is one of them, (even if you are not alone in encountering them). Shooting in general is not one of them.

Did you see what I did there?


Just scored another through Ayala (ARG), (although my left winger missed 2 in the same game).

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Jesus can people just not admit that shooting is bugged?

Far too many impossible angled goals and no finishing of 1 vs 1 situation when striker is facing keeper.

It's not bugged but it has been noted by SI that conversion rate isn't as good as it should be and will be looked at, I do wish people would go into the bugs/tactics forum etc and do a lot of reading before they come on here moaning about everything, all your answers are there.

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I've played like 15-20 first EPL seasons and,at least on half of them , Ricky van Wolfswinkel was top scorer with 12 goals.If it wasn't him, it was Shane Long with 13 goals.I find that laughable

The problem I have with statements like this is that you don't even know how many seasons you have played, (between 15 and 20).

If you don't even know how many season you have played, how would you know how many times individual players have been top-scorer and with how many goals. Do you see what I mean. If you want to give us facts then show us a pic of these players winning Premiership golden boot with low scores again and again. I haven't played in the Premiership so can't give you data on that myself, but as I'm currently in Serie A, let's have a look at that.

Serie A Top Goalscorer.

2023/24 20 Egyptian newgen at Juve. (season not finished yet).

2022/23 28 French newgen at Torino.

2021/22 20 Bulgarian newgen at Roma.

2020/21 22 Macheda at Parma. (Has scored 22, 11, 18 & 10 Serie A goals in recent seasons).

2019/20 26 Italian newgen at Udinese.

2018/19 23 Cerri at Parma.

2017/18 18 Suarez at Juve. (After being bought for £28M he scored he scored 17, 19, 18, 22, 21, & 17 Serie A goals before retiring).

2016/17 20 Cornelius at AC Milan.

2015/16 20 Ferreyra at AC Milan.

2014/15 24 Llorente at Juve.

2013/14 26 Llorente at Juve.

Seems ok to me. (Pictorial evidence available if needed).

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For the SPFL, from 2016 to 2025, the following are the records

2016/17 - 17

2017/18 - 15

2018/19 - 16

2019/20 - 20

2020/21 - 16

2021/22 - 21

2022/23 - 20

2023/24 - 18

2024/25 - 22

2025/26 - 22

And in real life, the top 3

2012/13 - 26 / 23 / 23

2011/12 - 24 / 19 / 14

2010/11 - 21 / 20 / 17

2009/10 - 23 / 21 / 18

2009/10 - 27 / 16 / 15

It's not wildly out in this case, but it's not the biggest sample.

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It's not bugged but it has been noted by SI that conversion rate isn't as good as it should be and will be looked at, I do wish people would go into the bugs/tactics forum etc and do a lot of reading before they come on here moaning about everything, all your answers are there.

I'm not convinced the tactics forum is particularly helpful with topics like this. The low conversion rate was a topic of debate in the 'SAS' thread, and most of the people in there were trying to convince me that the game is fine and that a world class striker only converts 20-30% of one-on-one chances IRL. :eek:

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The problem with the stats in the pic above is that Opta's definition of a CCC will be markedly different from what's recorded in the stats in the game. They either need to refine that stat so it more accurately reflects what a CCC is, or better still, scrap it altogether is it's highly subjective and causes endless debates like this one.

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I think it's pretty accepted that what the game classes as a CCC is wrong - I'm sure mods, and possibly devs and PaulC have confirmed. If it is, then it's hard to discuss anything below that, as it skews results. Say a team has 10 CCC's, and converts 1 of them. You could say that's a 10% conversion rate. But if half of those were not genuinely CCC's, that's up to 50% and beyond. Makes a massive difference to the very broad original topic.

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The problem I have with statements like this is that you don't even know how many seasons you have played, (between 15 and 20).

If you don't even know how many season you have played, how would you know how many times individual players have been top-scorer and with how many goals. Do you see what I mean. If you want to give us facts then show us a pic of these players winning Premiership golden boot with low scores again and again. I haven't played in the Premiership so can't give you data on that myself, but as I'm currently in Serie A, let's have a look at that.

Seems ok to me. (Pictorial evidence available if needed).

It was first season of EPL played in at least 15 saves, most of them online , so I can't remember the exact number.I've played with 4 of my RL&FM friends , in different combinations , 2 players most of the time.We managed top,middle and relegation battlers.

Due to the fact that our strikers had trouble scoring (no matter we where over/under achieving) we started to check out EPL stats very often to see if "it's our tactics !"

Conclusion: Mourinho,Pellegrini,Wenger,Rogers,Moyes,AVB where all having the same problems with probably the best forwards in the world.On rare ocasions when they scored about 18 -20 goals, they had like 6-7 penalty kicks. I could also tell you they probably scored some corners , but I don't want you to call me a hater :)

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okd. I'm not sure what your point is.

(1). Are you saying the most goals that a human managed player scored in 15+ efforts at a 1st season was Ricky van Wolfswinkel or Shane Long with 12 or 13 goals (approx 50% of the time)?

(2). Or are you saying that in 15+ efforts at a 1st season, the top goalscorer in the whole league was Ricky van Wolfswinkel or Shane Long with 12 or 13 goals (approx 50% of the time)?

I'm sure you have some old saves somewhere. Feel free to post some pics of any single save where (2). happened. Otherwise.....

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I'm saying that's something wrong with strikers, doesn't matter if it's human or AI managed teams.You missed the point with the 2 examples above(RvW & SL) , it could be any forward from a mediocre team at the top of the scoring chart.The point is that best forwards in the league underperform 90% of the time.

This is my last save with a friend of mine, managing Everton and Necastle: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=228217689

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So in this example you have given us.....

5 players scored more than 13 goals that you gave us in your previous example.

9 players scored more than 12 goals that you gave us in your previous example.

Shane Long wasn't the top scorer.

Ricky von Wolfswinkel wasn't the top scorer.

Even in the example that you yourself have chosen, none of the things you have said happen more than 50% of the time, actually happen. :lol:

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I'm sorry, you are taking my first post too literally, it was a little sarcastic and wasn't about RvW or SL or the fact they've scored 12,13 or 18 goals.

Please just look at that screenshot again, and if you believe that's nothing wrong with it , I'll just drop it.

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Off to a flyer with Liverpool, and with Suarez out for the first few games, it's been down to Aspas to score the goals (I play Sturridge out wide).

Not a bad start.


6 goals from 9 shots on target, solid ratio there. Of those six, four have been 1v1 chances, and only one of the three shots on target missed has been a 1v1. That means his 1v1 conversion so far is 80%. It's early in the season admittedly, but it's an encouraging sign.

It'll be interesting to see how Suarez copes when he's back in the side. I can't believe it's going to be a wrench to drop Aspas :lol:

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I'm sorry, you are taking my first post too literally, it was a little sarcastic and wasn't about RvW or SL or the fact they've scored 12,13 or 18 goals.

Please just look at that screenshot again, and if you believe that's nothing wrong with it , I'll just drop it.

What I noticed was an absence of players from the bigger clubs. Is that what you were getting at? I wondered if you or your friend had been managing City or Utd or if players that were missing, (Rooney and Sturridge not on the list), might have been sold or injured.

I also considered that with some of these clubs now having such silly squads, gone are the days when the likes of Shearer and Wrighty would play almost every game and score every week. Now, if you want to win in Europe, there has to be a certain amount of rotation that goes on.

Still, I was surprised by the absence of City and Utd players but as that's not what you mentioned I didn't really twig.

The problem I have with reading anything else into it, (other than it's hard when you don't have much to go on), is that in my save that I am playing, there seem to be absolutely no problems with goals being scored anywhere by anyone. That's not to dismiss what you are saying, (if that's what you are saying), but it's just not what I'm seeing.

Serie A is also a 20 team league, (like the Premiership), and in the 11 seasons that my game has been running, the top goal-scorer in the league has scored 20 or more goals on 10 occasions. 2017/18 was the only winner under 20 goal, (Suarez with 18), and the most scored was 28 in 2022/23.

Here is a question..... just thinking about the save that the above screenshot came from, what happened to certain players who are missing?

Dzeko, Aguero & Silva at City.

Welbeck, Rooney and Chicarito at Utd?

Who else is missing?

Torres and Ba at Chelsea? (even though are 3 Chelsea players listed).

Defoe or Adebayor at Spurs.

Sturridge at Liverpool? (even though there are 2 Liverpool players listed).

Where is Lukaku? What happened to him?

Is it injury, players being sold, not being selected.

I've just realised that there's not an Arsenal player on the list. What happened to them?

Who were you and your mate managing? Everton and.......?

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You finally understood what I was saying.We were managing Everton and Newcastle.

You are right about squad rotation and all that, but I don't expect them to score 38 goals or something like that.

I'm not really in the mood to analyze every top striker in that save, but that happens 90% of the saves with more or less top clubs underachieving.Their forwards don't score enough and I don't believe is tactical because those managers are really good accordind to stats.

In that particular save, all top clubs underachieved except Chelsea who won the title.They played S.Eto upfront, scoring 8 goals in 22 or 23 matches.

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No,I never did that, it's a simple online save with only EPL selected and a large database.

I understand it's just a save, but I swear it happens 90% of the time.I have no reason to waste my time lying to you here.

I only talked about the AI teams but I see alot of sitters from my strikers as well and I'm playing by the same tactical principles I used on FM13 and most of them came from this forum.

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Is dagenham_dave employed by SI?

How does he even have time to play, constantly being on her to pounce and jump on anybody who even insinuates something negative about the match engine.

It's hilarious. But "just pop over to the tactics forums guys."...

Tactics have absolutely nothing to do with the conversion rates of 1v1. Anyone who's played football at a decent level can attest to that.

A world-class striker is alone with the keeper, straight on. Not a defender for miles. Him MISSING those consistently is NOT a tactics issue. If it was a tactics issue, there wouldn't even be created CCC's in the first place. Is Football Manager not supposed to be a realistic simulation of real life? Then why drag "tactics" into a discussion of open CCC's being missed often, and typically with finishes that look comically bad.

And to those saying that SI is working on fixing the corners.. Guess what, EVERY single build of this game so far has had massive corner exploits. With EVERY patch SI proclaim that it's "fixed", only for people to discover NEW exploits pop up after playing a fair share of games. Well "exploits" is harsh. The issues are evident even leaving the corner instructions on default. Ridiculous.

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A world-class striker is alone with the keeper, straight on. Not a defender for miles. Him MISSING those consistently is NOT a tactics issue. If it was a tactics issue, there wouldn't even be created CCC's in the first place. Is Football Manager not supposed to be a realistic simulation of real life? Then why drag "tactics" into a discussion of open CCC's being missed often, and typically with finishes that look comically bad.

I know you're just a trolling alias, but I'll bite.

If all that was the case, how do you therefore explain the multitude of users who are getting their strikers to score 1v1s on a regular basis?

Let me put it another way. Let's take a world class striker, say, Sergio Aguero. He's clean through on goal. Do you expect him to score? Well yes clearly, but this is based on what you see in real life, ie a striker at the top of his form. Now, take the same player in your game, but who's mental state is a bit more fragile because he hasn't scored in a few weeks, and he's missed a couple of good chances already in the match. He's frustrated, he's a bit more nervous, and this is a goal at 0-0 that could win the match for your team who have been all over the opposition from the start. Still expect him to score? Not quite so clear cut now, is it? Don't base your perceptions of whether that player should score on their real life persona, base it on how they've been performing in your game. If your player is on 30 goals for the season, in top form, morale superb, and feeling confident, and then misses five 1v1s in the next game - then you can argue there's a major issue.

Too many people blindly look at a player's form in real life, and automatically expect them to be in the same form in their game. It's not always how it works.

Now all that said, there may well be an issue with the decision making of a forward when he's clean through meaning slightly more of these chances will be missed than there should be, but it's sometimes not quite as black and white as people make out on here. For example, in my Liverpool game, Aspas is hardly a world beating striker, yet he scored a hat-trick for me early in the season because his confidence was sky high after scoring a couple of goals in the first couple of weeks of the season. Two of those goals were 1v1 chances. Would he have scored both of those in December having not scored all season, and having poor morale? Highly doubtful.

So yes, there may be issues still lingering with it, but you can't just simply state that a world class player will score because he's clean through. There are numerous other factors to consider.

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