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LLM - I'm very close to madness

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I'm an experienced CM/FM player, from 00/01. LLM is my favourite and I know all the do's and don't, I even was a Helpdesk Moderator at a Dutch FM forum. FM14 drives me mad, I'm shouting at screens, yelling at obscure Norwegian players to play the ball to a teammate, I'm close to kick my kids away from my desk and tell them to leave daddy alone :p

So, I'm playing with Glovik FF, with a 4-4-2 Diamond, even a flat 4-4-2 has my preference. My current team lacks good CM's and does have a Regista/HB and an Enganche + two solid wide midfielders. Add a Target Man and a Poacher/Trequarista and it looks almost perfect. But it isn't. I can't get the damn ball to my forwards, they just won't get a ball. And I tried everything, from pumping the ball forward to inch perfect passes from feet to feet, it does not go the way I want. My main frustration is that the opposition has no problems with the feet to feet passes whatsoever and create chance after chance.

I've watched three full matches and it hurt my eyes. The defenders, LFB - LDd - LDc - LFB, hoofed every ball away, no matter how short I instructed them to play. Playing them as regular FB's and CD's did help a bit, but I lose the ball far to quick and easy. Again, if the opposition has the ball, they easily pass the ball to each other and create chances.



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My take on the Role of the Half Back is that he allows you to be a bit aggressive with the way your full backs are set - you aren't really taking advantage of that at the moment.

As an aside, the Half Back is a bit dodgy in FM in that he causes the DCs to stay too wide for too long, but I believe we can expect to see improvements in the next update.

A big problem you'll have is that the HB typically operates deep. Even when danger passes he won't advance that far forward.

When he drops, where is your Enganche? If he stays relatively high, your MC area is entirely vacant and open to be exploited.

You have no patient, playmaking Role, and that will hinder your ability to retain possession appropriately.

Short passing would appear to contradict the use of a Target Man. How do you envisage your goalscoring plays? Imagine the ball is with your goalkeeper - what do you envisage? Does he pass to the Half Back? Then what? You need a clear idea of how you will attack and defend.

Bottom line - not enough movement, no central passing.

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I would like someone to correct what I am going to say if it's wrong, (because I am far from an expert).

You are asking your players to pass short and work the ball into the box, but they are finding few options in the middle of the pitch.

The centre-backs split and the HB effectively sits in and joins them to make a 3.

You then have 2 WM's and 2 FB's, but you have very little in the middle showing for the ball and offering options.

The poacher is going to look to sit on the shoulder and look to get in behind, but the problem is there is nobody getting the ball in midfield areas to be able to play the pass.

The EG is meant to be the link between midfield and attack, (to my mind he is just a T that holds his position more), but in this case there is little midfield to link to the attack. Everyone is wide.

Who exactly wins the ball for you in this team? You have nothing in the middle of the pitch.

Effectively you are playing like this.


--DC HB DC--

DR--------- DL

WM-------- WM




So with the above formation in mind, your players are looking for short options that are just not there.

I would wonder about playing a short passing game, working the ball into the box, while also using a TM.

The P and the EG might be a good fit together. How about a BMB instead of the TM?


--DC HB DC--

DR---BWM--- DL

WM-------- WM



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In line with what's been offered here, I would even suggest switching the halfback to someone that will get up the pitch a bit better and contribute to the buildup from the midfield. He'll still stay back deep enough, even with a support role, to provide extra defensive stability with your centrebacks (which is what you are after I assume). Is Myrvold clever enough on the ball to be used as a DLP? In that role, he will sit pretty deep, but do more than your halfback at distributing the ball. Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth added to the loads of helpful stuff already posted.

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Ok guys, thanks for the response!

It looks like I have to switch to a flat 4-4-2 or 4-1-4-1 (again). I want to use a Target Man, since my best player is only good at the specific role (3,5 stars). He has 2,5 stars for Poacher/False Nine and only 2 for the other roles. How about this shape?


Is Myrvold clever enough on the ball to be used as a DLP? In that role, he will sit pretty deep, but do more than your halfback at distributing the ball. Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth added to the loads of helpful stuff already posted.


He should be able to play as a DLP

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You're still leaving a bit of a gap on the left side and a separation of midfield to attack, have a read of the below. It's a good guide on mentalities that's not a brain melt.


Basically you want the mentalities to encourage players to interact. By having your left back as defensive (and your DM) and your left midfield as offensive. EVERYTHING must either go route one, or go through the narrow middle in order to get the ball moving up the left.

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The other potential problem I note with your new formation (though it looks more solid that what you had) is that you look to still be giving away a good bit of space up the middle. Your DLP will sit back pretty deep, while the enganche will stay pretty high (they don't generally come deep for the ball do they?). Your CM is a ball winner, meaning his game will take him all over the pitch, leaving a big fat hole in the middle many times. I would suggest a different CM role, perhaps a straight CM on support, or if you want a bit more adventure going forward (and have a man with the stamina for it), a B2B role. He comes late to the attack so very often is in a good position to drop back and support the defense if the play turns on you.

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Thanks guys, I was relegated with Gjovik yesterday, but am seeing better results with Ashton Utd. I dropped the Enganche, added him to midfield and due to lack of wingers/wide midfielders, I play a narrow 4-1-3-2 now. It does work a lot better, I'm not losing every game any more.

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