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IFs not cutting in

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I am finding that since the last patch IFs aren't cutting in properly like they used to and instead are being forced wide before attempting to cut inside or cross on thier weaker when they're 5-10 yards away from the byline.

Here is a frustrating example:


The IF should have cut inside into acres of space and then he'd of had the option to attack the goal himself or play in the onrushing striker. Instead he just ran wide, nearly up to the byline and cut straight into the wingback's face who gladly accepted the easy tackling opportunity.

The player in question even has a PPM of cuts inside often.

This is also happening a lot with wingers. I know wingers are not supposed to cut inside the same. However, they are still always being driven towards the corner flag too easily and then making last-ditch cross attempts that are intercepted 9 times out of 10.

These are players with high dribbling, technique, acceleration and pace stats too. I don't get why it's happening!

Please help!

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Depending on the player, I'd add a 'roam from position' or 'sit narrower' instruction in order to make movement a little better and in turn create space for full backs, drag defenders around a little. Often incorporate these, my right winger (actually an ap/s now but was a w/s for a season) roams and is always creating havoc.

Understand what you mean about the IF's though. Mine on the left also has 'cuts inside' as a PPM and still often gets a little isolated for long periods. Still effective on occasion, but could still improved a bit.

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The opposition may be using the OIs to push your IF to the outside.

For your example though from your pic it looks like a breakaway which triggers a higher mentality. At the point the picture was taken he looks to have slightly more space down on the outside as opposed to cutting inside so I'm not surprised he chose to go that way.

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luckydutch, you might get a better response in the T&TGF than in here.

What I would say though is that there might be other factors involved. You say he's playing as an IF. Ok, but what are his instructions? Is there anything that might be confusing the issue? A ppm of runs with ball down left maybe?

Team instructions of "play wider", "exploit the flanks", "exploit the left flank"?

Maybe there is a solution there though, (assuming nothing already mentions sticks out). What about, "exploit the middle", "look for overlap", or maybe "sit narrower" as an individual instruction? I would even think about "cross less often". maybe if he is going to cross less, he won't try and get down the line to be in a good position to cross.

Sorry. No answers from me. Just more questions.

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