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What is it exactly?

I've always operated on the principle that you should consider your attributes in groups. Acceleration goes with pace and dribbling. Tackling goes with strength. Jumping goes with heading. I've always put first touch and technique together, but I've realised that I don't know what a player with good technique can do that one with rubbish can't, given that there are separate attributes for long shots, finishing, passing etc.

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I'm probably wrong, but I liken it to the quality of the player's actions with the ball. The rest of the technical attributes determine accuracy, but technique - I think - influences the quality. This is particularly noticeable when dealing with 'difficult' balls. Trying to shoot accurately from distance requires long-shots, but if that ball is coming down and spinning rapidly, it's more difficult to strike it with sufficient quality. This requires technique. As a random, hastily assembled example, think of Beckham hitting a free-kick. Yes, he is accurate, but he also has an excellent technique which adds quality to the strike. A bit of a nebulous answer and possibly very wrong, but that's how I view it.

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The technique of a player factors into their overall "Technical Attributes" imo. A player with high technique will be able to do more things with the ball - he'll be able to place shots better, play a wide variety of passes, control the ball better with his feet, produce remarkable moments of skill (also would fall into Flair I suppose), able to dribble and keep better, closer control of the ball.

I'm in no position to stake these claims, I'm not actually 100% sure, but I do know that a player with higher technique is capable of controlling the ball more (generally speaking) than someone with low technique.

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A long time ago someone here did an experiment using Manchester United, and found that players with a higher Technique attribute consistently outdid other players in "difficult" situations (such as volleys, free-kicks, etc), even if their associated attributes were lower. I think the first example he gave was how Giggs would score more freekicks than Anderson despite both being left footed, and Anderson having better Free-kicks and Long-shots, though Giggs had better Technique. That scenario was later expanded upon, and plays into the earlier suggestion that Technique determines the "quality" of an action in-game, both in terms of making performing "routine" action well and successfully doing something more difficult.

I think.

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A player with high technique will be able to do more things with the ball

This. Technique determines *what* he can do with the ball. If a player wants to pass the ball, Creativity would determine which passing options does he see. Technique would determine which of those he can pull off. Decisions, of course, affect his choice. Finally, Passing determines the accuracy of the pass. Same goes for shooting, etc. Hope you get the point.

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