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Need Help creating Luxembourg 5th tier File


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Hey guys,

as the title says it, i want to create a proper 5 tier Luxembourgish League, like the original. But I´m really struggling with the editor.

I got nearly every information to make this become a very detailed database. Like roosters, stadiums, manager, honors, kits, badges, history etc. I´m living over 25 years in the country here, so I´m really in touch with the football here.

It would be great if one of the great DB Makers would contact me, so we could look forward on how we could the best deal with it. It would later on be a superb challenge for everybody who wants to start at the bottom, i really mean at the bottom, in 5th tier you play in front of 20 people ;)

In kind of graphics, it would be no problem, as i can deal very good with it. The badges and the small stadium pictures are almost 90% finished ;)

It would please me if anybody would be interest


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Well the two top tiers are already there, so i have only to make them playble.

And the other 3 tiers i have to create under competitions right?

The teams who are no there i have also to create? But then, how I do about the national rules of those new created leagues?

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And the other 3 tiers i have to create under competitions right?

The teams who are not there i have also to create?

But then, how I do about the national rules of those new created leagues?

First question - Yes. You will have to create the leagues and teams from scratch. I'm in the middle of creating the third tier in Kosovo and I'm having to do this very thing. Time consuming is an understatement.

Second question. - Yes, I'm afraid so. See above

Third question - I think that is done using Advanced Rules in the Editor. Once you are happy with the rules you have created you can then test them, using the Editors in built Test Rules option.

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I got another question

I have to create a league system like this, how should i best do it?

First Divison (14Teams) - 2 Teams relegate, a third team plays relegation against the 3rd from the second division

Second Divison (14Teams) - 2 Teams promote directly, the third team plays relegation against the 12 from first divison

2 Teams relegate directly, while the 12th and 11th plays relegation against the 2 from 3 divison A and the 2 from 3 divison B

Third Divison A (14Teams) - One promote directly, while the second placed team plays relegation against the 12th from second divison

Two teams are relegated

Third Divison B (14 Teams) - The first promoted directly, while the second placed team plays relegation against the 11th from second divison

Two teams are relegated

Fourth Divison A (14Teams) - The first two promote, the last two relegate

Fourth Divison B (14Teams) - The first two promote, the last two relegate

Fifth Divison A (11Teams) - The first two promote, nobody relegates

Fifth Divison B (10Teams) - The first two promoted, nobody relegates

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