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Youth regen wants to leave!

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New to FM - absolutely loving it so far!

I am in my 3rd season, and one of my regens within my club finally turned professional. I have been keeping my eye on him since he was 14, as he can perfectly fit into my system. He is now 17 (Current Ability 4 Star, Potential is 5 Star).

Once he turned 17, I immediately got a message saying he wants more playing time, etc. Every time I try to get him to sign a new contract - his agent says that "his client is not currently interested". What can I do!?

Fortunately, he is on a 2 year deal for now - but I want to sign him for the long run. He came up through my youth system, and immediately he wants to leave??

I am in the German 2nd division - perhaps that has something to do with it? Hope to get promoted this season and maybe that will sway him to stay!

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If he is 4* why isn't he playing week in, week out for your first team?

At 4* CA he should be one of the best players in your club and quite rightly he recognises this and wants to play.

Because you haven't used him he wants to leave and go somewhere that will give him the game time. If you start playing him regularly now you might stand a chance of him signing a new deal but it might already be to late which leaves you the option of losing him on a bosman or cashing in on him in the next 12 months.

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Thanks for the reply. I didn't play him because he just turned 17. He was not eligible to play before that. (he was on my U19 squad as a regular).

The day he turned 17 (and was eligible to play for the senior squad), I got a message saying he wanted more playing time - but I didn't even have a chance to give him time since he was ineligible! And now he doesn't want to negotiate for a contract!

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There were some changes this year and it is now much harder to hold on to regens that are too good for your club. I think your only chance is to gain promotion and hope that it will boost your reputation enough that he will want to stay. Playing him more will probably not help him want to sign a new contract, since while he will be content with getting enough first team football, he will still be too good for your club and playing regularly will just help him realize this.

But if he is 4 star already he should be able to go right in and help you to promotion and thereby secure his own future at the club :)

Edit: Had the same problem in the Icelandic 2nd division (yes, not quite the same country:)) where I lost my two best regens once a year until I was finally promoted

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Thanks for the suggestions. I agree that, at least at this point, there is nothing much for me to do. I will play him (have been planning on slotting him in once he was eligible).

Fortunately, I do have 2 years left on his contract - I just found it peculiar that he was a youth regen in my club since he was 14, and when he immediately turned 17, he started to complain and doesn't want to even have a conversation about a contract! Where's the loyalty??!?

I will play him regularly - so hopefully over time (I do expect promotion into the Bundesliga) he will calm down and sign for me long term.

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