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Too many Staff options?

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Hi - I'm still new to FM so perhaps this is a blessing that I don't know what to do with!?

I currently have 10 coaches, however the board has 13 for "advised" for Other Staff - so that leaves me with 2 more slots to fill. Every other slot is filled (Assistant, 2nd team, U19, etc) so it seems that this is legitimately a surplus and I can allocate wherever I choose.

I have 1 Physio and 10 coaches - so 2 more slots, correct? What should I do!!?

Just hire more coaches? (I have at least 4 star ratings on all). 2 GK, 2 Physical and 6 split up between the other categories - Attacking, defending, tactics, etc.

Hire another Physio?

Also - how can I raise the Overall Star level of training for each category? i.e. Will having 4 coaches in "attacking" with 3 stars each (so their attribute is let's say 10-13), raise the Overall Attack training to 4? Or do I need to just hire 1 coach with 5 stars?

I manually tested this, and it seems that if you have a lot of "lesser" coaches working on one stat, it doesn't raise the overall category - so my only option is to hire 1 really good coach?

Thanks in advance!!

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Hire another Physio?

Also - how can I raise the Overall Star level of training for each category? i.e. Will having 4 coaches in "attacking" with 3 stars each (so their attribute is let's say 10-13), raise the Overall Attack training to 4? Or do I need to just hire 1 coach with 5 stars?

I'd recommend at least one more physio.

You need one really good coach per category. Additional coaches in each category just help lighten the load.

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Ok - thanks. So there really is no point in hiring more coaches. Each category load is "light", with a minimum of 4 stars each. So I'll just target the 5 star coaches for now.

I guess the board is allowing me to have more staff members than I actually need!

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As long as you have the (edit: Training) categories covered, you're fine. You don't need to hire more if you don't want to. If I'm a big club, I make sure that I have one coach looking after one training category and an additional one with good motivating to just cover all the categories. Sort of an overseer to keep everyone motivated. No idea if that actually works in-game, but I do it anyway :D

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Normally I have a Head physio with 2 normal physios, 2 fitness coaches, 2 goalkeeping coaches, assistant manager and 4 normal coaches.

I have 7 of the 9 coaching categories at 5 stars with the other 2 at 4.5, all with a light coach workload. You only need 9 coaches or 10 if your assistant isn't very good at coaching. I never sign under 21 staff and you need 4 or 5 coaches with good category stats and working with youngsters for your under 18 training.

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