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Troubles with a Target Man

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Hi Forum

I'm looking to play a 4-2-4 formation revolving around a Target man up front. My main vision for goal scoring with this formation goes something like this. On our left flank we have Nathan Clyne, create crossing ability, he crosses/passes from deep to the Target man who holds up the ball and either passes it to the B2B midfielder or sideways to the IF who either crosses to the AF or goes for goal. On the other flank, we have a supporting winger who crosses from byline and tries to reach the TM there with a Complete wing back who pretty much does the same thing.

It's not working too well at all, my players seem to want to hoof the ball to my AF or to the opp. goalkeeper or try very measly through balls. I have no idea what sort of style, mentality or shouts I should adopt for this style of play, I have some calls in the screenshot, but I don't really know if they are helping or hurting me at the moment. The only changes that would be relevant that I have made is that I have ordered my right FB to cross from deep to the TM and the other wide men to cross to target man regardless of where they are. The play seems all over the place and the formation as it stands isn't defensively sound either.

Any help would be appreciated, even if I have to change the formation, all I want is to have a successful 'big man-little man' partnership up front, so having a Poacher/Advanced forward and TM in this formation is essential for me. Please help. I dominated the Championship with slow short passing playing with Blackburn last season, but it was terribly boring, and I hardly ever used Rudy Gestede to his full potential.


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"my players seem to want to hoof the ball to my AF or to the opp. goalkeeper or try very measly through balls" that sounds to me like pump ball into box shout you have on, even more its coupled with more direct pass. pump ball into box is an extreme version of more direct passing. Also bear in mind that the attacking mentality is already fast

direct football , there's not much need for higher tempo and direct passing.. hope helped

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Pump Ball into Box tells your defenders to hammer long balls through the middle to the strikers. That makes it difficult for the wingers to get involved. I'd get rid of that.

I'd also put your target man on support. He'll do a better job of getting open for crosses and playing others in that way, but he'll still score if you give him the right service.

See post 13 of this thread for wwfan's very good setup for direct attacking wide play with a big/little strike partnership. It may not fit your vision exactly, but it could least give you some ideas.

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