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Player Contract Demands vs. Available Budgets

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I did a brief "test" in regards to player contract demands vs. the amount of wages you have available.

Now, this may seem obvious, but the more you have available in your wage budget, the higher the contract demand will be for the player. However - should this really be the case?

Are players IRL privy to the exact amount the Club has to spend on wages? Shouldn't a players wage/bonus demands still be static, or at least not dependent on how much you have to offer? This is not taking into consideration a player's wage demand differences between clubs, but rather within the club itself. i.e. a player trying to sign for Man City will expect to be able to get away with a higher wage than let's say at Fulham.

As a test:

Pre-Adjustment. This image shows the contract demand after I moved the slider to the right, so I have less wages available to offer.


Post-Adjustment. This image shows the contract demand after I moved the slider to the left, so I have more wages available to offer.


Now it doesn't seem like much more in demands, but take into consideration that I am in the Serie C, and my club is in debt. So, an increased difference for (theoretically) all of my players, over the life of the contract adds up. Regardless though, the wage and bonus demand did go up.

Same "test" but for another player. I used a player that does not have an agent, so it's not like the agent has "inside information" or what have you. As you can see - the contract demand still goes up:





So, if this is indeed working as intended, and the players are privy to the amount of wages you have available - Going forward, before entering in any contract talks, I will just make sure that I have the least amount of wages available, so the contract demands go down. It seems like an unnecessary/annoying step to take - but it will ensure that I can bring players in at a lower price.

As a disclaimer - I am new to FM, and I am not that knowledgeable about RL contract negotiations, etc. So sorry if this is the way it's supposed to be, and I just wasted your time (and mine) by posting this!

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It is very interesting, I know SI denied this being the case previously, but I always thought it was.

Good to see some proof (if this counts, I'm not knowledgable about either games testing nor scientific methodology), and if it is indeed proof, then it shows there is exists an area in the game which can be 'gamed' and needs fixed.

I don't think there is anything wrong with players demanding more money from clubs with high earners than they might from other clubs, but if a player knows the exact small margins then budget it is wrong

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I do agree with your point to some degree, players & agents shouldn't have knowledge of the clubs budget and their demands shouldn't be based on them so to speak. Club reputation, squad status and other player's contracts are to some degree relevant though.

Looking at your examples the first one there is very little between the two offers, its literally one notch up which could be put down to randomness which I hope there would be a little of.

The second shows a slightly bigger difference but I would be interested to see more extreme examples from bigger clubs to clarify your point.

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Does this apply for contract renewals too? For players already at the club?

These 2 examples are used with contract renewals, both players are currently at my club. I should have specified. Away from computer/game now, but I can always test this out again later (unless someone else can for now - I wont be back with access to the game for a bit)

The second shows a slightly bigger difference but I would be interested to see more extreme examples from bigger clubs to clarify your point.

Yeah exactly, not at a big club unfortunately

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The difference on Player 1 is £100 and Player Two £50 PW it's not that much.

A good agent will be more than aware on what a Club's income is a quick calculation on average ticket price X attendance+TV Sponsorship etc,they can get a wage expectation from other clients and Players via dressing room gossip will know who gets what.Who knows they may use FM data?

You don't mention what he agrees on either would he accept the original offer he wanted?I find if I leave a negotiation to adjust the slider and restart a month later they will ask for a bit more but will settle for my original offer,sometimes less/more depending on form or if I asked him via a chat to reduce demands.

It's not set in stone how the negotiations go, thank god

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A good agent will be more than aware on what a Club's income is a quick calculation on average ticket price X attendance+TV Sponsorship etc,they can get a wage expectation from other clients and Players via dressing room gossip will know who gets what.Who knows they may use FM data?

It's already been said that doing all of these things is fine, but knowing that the human manger has moved their budget slider isn't

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This could also explain how a human manager with a large budget to spend doesn't always get a player who chooses to go to a team for a lower transfer and wage price. Perhaps in the game, the player's demanding a percentage of available payroll, and if the other team's payroll is lower but all other things are "equal", the player selects the other team even if he'd make better wages at the human manager's club. But seeing this, I'm dumping most of my available payroll into transfer fees before I negotiate. Who knows, maybe it works the same way for transfer fees, if you have more in your transfer budget, other teams expect more from your bids (slide it back the other way...).

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