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Ideas of the many, to help you having fun

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What is this Thread about?

The main aim of this thread, is to show players your way to tackle FM14 and to give ideas on how they could improve theirs.

Why are you starting a new thread, when people can just search the forum and/or read articles about how FM14 is played?

There are Players out there, who do not have the time to read all these detailed articles about "how does that work and why followed by 10k words".

No, I'm not making fun of those people who take their time, to go that much into detail. I read almost all of them myself, yet they consume a lot of time and are so detailed, that they can cause confusion for some people.

Then how will this thread differ from others?

I'd like to keep things short and easy. Post your favourite tactics, write a few words about how and why they work (for you). What you are intending to make your team do on the pitch.

But FM14/a team needs more than just 1 tactic?!

Yes it does and not every team (at start) is suited to your preferred style to begin with.

Why don't these Players then just download tactics and use them?

Let's call it pride. I wouldn't want my success in-game, to be the success of someone else, with me just hitting the continue button. That just wouldn't make me wanna play at all. It'd be like buying an RPG for XX Money and downloading a walkthrough to complete it quickly.


- Name your Tactic

- Screenshot of the teamscreen

- Formation (why did you choose it)

- Team Instructions (why did you choose them)

- Aim (what are you intending to do)

No Go:


- only post tactics you did create and use yourself (used for atleast 1 entire season)

- only post tactics who have proven to be successful for you

- do NOT flame anyone

- do NOT make suggestions on how a tactic could be improved, as everyone has a diferent way to manage their team and their are tons of diferent apporaches.

- do NOT post tactics, based on a "save & load, until it works out" theme.

Please use this Thread to gather ideas for yourself, to make your tactics work, to have success with your chosen FM14 team, but most important: to enjoy the Game itself.

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I like the versatility of 5 midfielders in combination with 1 striker, as you can easily turn it into a 4-3-3 or even 4-4-2 depending on instructions.

Team Instructions:

- Fluid

as i want the team to act as a unit moving from back to front and vice versa.

- Control seemed to be a good choice,

as it pushes the Players up field, but not too much to open exploitable gaps in the defense.

- Drop Deeper for the defensive line,

to create space for the DMCs to move in, for closing down opponent players and maintaining order in the back-four-line.

- Get Stuck in

Since the Defense line is already sitting deep, the tackles should be determined, as i don't want the opponent to get any closer than that.

- Play Narrower & Exploit the Middle,

as all my attacking Players are aiming towards the center area of the final third of the pitch.

- Higher Tempo, Pass into Space & Route One

to not waste much time moving the ball forward into the danger zone.


The Players are asked to sit deep and wait for their opportunity to gain possession and move forward, towards the final third of the pitch, as fast as possible in a save manner.

- A Sweeper Keeper has been chosen eventhough the Defense Line sits deep, this guy is there to close gaps that could occur while in transition of moving the ball forward and losing it with a silly pass in the back-line.

- The Left FB is supposed to cover the left IF, but not be too attacking himself, since he should not open a gap behind him.

- The CD-C is covered with a DM-D, so that if he moves back to sweep a lose ball, he then has a trinagular passing possibility towards either the CD-D or the DM-D.

- The right FB is the more attacking part of the defense, to support and overlap the IF-S and offering more passing possibilities in the midfield and final third of the pitch.

- AP-S and DMC-S form a nice duo in the center of the pitch, with the DMC moving forward while your team is in possession and the AP-S, the creative part, being able to assist with defending duties and trying the killer ball when switching into attack mode.

- I have chosen a DLF on attack Duty as Solo striker, as i want him to move slightly back towards midfield when not in possession, but also leading the attack when possession has been recovered, with support of the IFs'.

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