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Player instructions vs. opposition instruction

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Hi guys,

I have a question regarding the player and opposition instructions.

In my current tactic I advise my wing backs to mark tighter - what happens if I choose "mark tighter" in the opposition instruction on opposition´s wingers?

Is my player confused because he either marks tighter his direct opponent (which also could be the opposite wing back) but also is requested to mark the attacking winger?

What is the best approach to achieve a good defensive for this?

Thanks a lot for your help and good night:-)

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In my opinion you shouldn't have wing backs with the mark tighter instruction it will stop them attacking as they will concentrate on defence. Mark tighter is best for centrebacks and sometimes a DM in a 4-1 defence formation. Better to just use the close down always instruction and put them on their weaker foot instruction. This is a team instruction and doesn't tie your FB/WB's up instead whoever is nearest will do it.

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