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How many times will you replay a match....

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Before you admit your save is irrevocably tainted with cheating? I'm about to play the same match for the sixth time. Each time I've played it, the AI or ME has done something so utterly stupid, so utterly ridiculous that I would laugh if it hadn't cost me the game.

Game 1: All three substitutes come on at differing times and all three are carried off after less than ten minutes. Broken leg, torn hamstring, broken wrist.

Game 2: I had my defence marking the opposition strikers in a 4-4-2. They switch to a 4-2-1-3 with their strikers now out in the AML and AMR positions and my CD's still marking them, creating a massive hole in my defence. I had decided to make some changes just prior, so I decided to cancel those and turn off the man-marking. The cancel did not take effect until the opposition were 4-0 up.

Game 3: Four goals disallowed, opponents have 1 shot, win 1 nil. Substiute sent off within 3 1/2 minutes of coming on the field.

Game 4: Beaten by 3 goals to nil. All penalties. In the last seven minutes. Three defenders straight red carded.

Game 5: Similar to game 2. Opponents make a tactical shift in the 59th. I respond in the 61st, but the changes don't take effect until the 78th. Opponents score in the 63rd, 67th, 71st, 74th, 77th.

I'm going to go find a wall to bang my head against.

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TBH Cougar, I agree, to an extent. I really should've stuck with game 1. The reason I didn't wasn't the result (we actually won), it was the fact that I only have 3 first team CD's, and 2 decent leftbacks. One leftback is actually my hands-down best left winger. The injuries were to both my first choice centre backs, and my 1st choice leftback, meaning I would have to drop my best left midfielder, put an 18 year old in his place, and finish the season with centre backs with a combined age of 44. And one of them is 28. I was playing them as subs to 'preserve' them for the run in. Effectively, this one match ended my season with 5 matches and a cup quarterfinal to go. Yes, I should've taken the medicine, I agree.

However, games 2 and 5 were totally 'wrong', the game engine taking absolutely forever to make changes that should've been made instantly. In those cases, I would argue that the result was adversely affected by it's own engine. If it were a real game, my changes would have been, to a degree, implemented instantly....change of shape, direction of play etc. However in those instances, NOTHING was changed, and the opponents were able to exploit gaps and weaknesses that I was actively being prevented from dealing with.

Game 3, coming on the back of Games 1 & 2, just felt so false and unrealistic. Four disallowed goals, 3 offside and 1 foul on the defender.....and my opponents score from their first, and last, shot. One of the offside goals, their midfielder passed the ball back to their defence. My AM ran ONTO the defence, nicked the ball, ran past the defender, slotted the ball home from outside the area just before the other defender tackled him....having run from INSIDE the area. Now I'm no tactician, but how can you be offside if you're behind the defence before getting the ball...and when taking the shot?

Game 4 was similar to Game 1. The award of 3 pens in 7 mins (our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd conceded pens this season) right at the end of the game just felt utterly beyond belief....we committed 16 fouls in the match, our opponents 23. And like game 1, the reds took out 2 of my 3 first team centre backs and my top goal scorer (defending a corner). All 3 out for 3 of the last 5 matches. Effectively, season over.

So yeah, I agree you shouldn't reload. But in some circumstances I'd argue that's the only option the game leaves you.

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I once accidentally swop my GK with my CF when setting up the line-up, didn't realise it until a goal was scored against me. Immediately swop the position back but lost the match by that only goal. So I thought it was that error that cost me the match, so I reloaded the game and still lost the match, this time 2 nil :o I accepted it and moved on :D

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Never. Ever. Ive had 3 subs get injured in the first half. Shiz happens.

Been 3-1 up the 90th minute against the second place team, only to lose 4-3 - and the trophy. ( I needed a new set of headphones after this)

On the flip side Ive won dodgy last minute penalties, snuck into the playoffs on the final day of the season. Scored a 50 yard free kick that bounced past everyone and into the net to save me from relegation

Its your game and all, but seriously you dont enjoy the good moments if you just reload all of the bad

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did that this week-end for the first time in a whiiiiile.

Semi final of champions league 2017, I play with Marseille against Man UTD (Moyes is a god on my game)

I win the first leg at home 3-1 and got trashed at Old Trafford 4-0... was so pissed, i reloaded, went on holiday for a day and my assistant drew the game I lost. After that the game was not the same :( so I reloaded again and replayed the game in holiday mode until I lost on aggregate (took 5 attempts) and man UTD went on to win the CL for the seond year in a raw against Monaco. This season I intend to win the trophy fair and square

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Never, although I have been tempted after a crash dump/game doesn't save properly and I pulled off a cracker. Most fustrating was beating Man U to get into the Champs League final with Austria Vienna, and then it crash dumped, replayed it and got narrowly beaten...

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Never, I don't see the point in reloading to get the result you want, football is football what ever happens on the day happens win lose or draw, sometimes you learn more from a loss then just winning all the time. reloading would just take the fun out of the game for me......

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You need to learn to accept the first result whatever happens, there is simply no excuse for reloading IMO, not even once.

You need to have an excuse to do whatever you please with a single player game you own? What's the punishment if you don't? Death?

Right answer to the original question is however many you feel is right. If reloading a game makes your achievements feel hollow and the game less rewarding then don't. If you think it cheats or whatever (it doesn't) then reload if it makes you feel better. FM does not come bundled with a moral obligation to do what some other people feel is 'the right thing'.

As for the scenarios, tactical changes taking ages is something that really annoys me a lot in FM14. It was never that bad in earlier versions, used to take a maximum of two stoppages of play to get it sorted. Now it sometimes takes 10+ (both stoppages and in game minutes). This is ridiculous in a game where reactionary tactical changes are encouraged. The rest is all about the random number generator throwing all sorts of stuff in the mix. Some dices are rolled before you even enter the match so when you reload you're bound to see some event specific patterns. It's not the game cheating you out of a win, you benefit as much from the RNG as you suffer. That's what the tactics and man management tools are for - to minimize the effect of random luck.

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You need to have an excuse to do whatever you please with a single player game you own? What's the punishment if you don't? Death?

Right answer to the original question is however many you feel is right. If reloading a game makes your achievements feel hollow and the game less rewarding then don't. If you think it cheats or whatever (it doesn't) then reload if it makes you feel better. FM does not come bundled with a moral obligation to do what some other people feel is 'the right thing'.

As for the scenarios, tactical changes taking ages is something that really annoys me a lot in FM14. It was never that bad in earlier versions, used to take a maximum of two stoppages of play to get it sorted. Now it sometimes takes 10+ (both stoppages and in game minutes). This is ridiculous in a game where reactionary tactical changes are encouraged. The rest is all about the random number generator throwing all sorts of stuff in the mix. Some dices are rolled before you even enter the match so when you reload you're bound to see some event specific patterns. It's not the game cheating you out of a win, you benefit as much from the RNG as you suffer. That's what the tactics and man management tools are for - to minimize the effect of random luck.

You can't reload and replay and then say you only did it because of unrealism, Reloading is unrealistic as it can't be done in real life when a referee makes a mistake for example

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The only time I tend to replay a match is if one of the following things happen:

  1. The game crashes during the save and I have to go back a few times.
  2. I set up with the wrong team (pressing wrong buttons by accident), though I'm not sure this qualifies as I will simple hit high speed commentary only and blast through the game).

The bigger issue for me is when the things above OR the kind of things you listed work in MY favour. That is more of a dliema for me.


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Reloading due to not being happy with a result would completely take away the feeling of actually playing a game. It's not THAT serious. Under no circumstances will I ever replay a game, unless for obvious reasons like if the game crashes and I'm forced to.

I think you just need to embrace everything that happens within the game and experience both the highs and the lows.

Three seasons ago I was in all sorts of trouble during the last two games of the season. I had Southampton at home in the 37th game, and in the last round an away game to West Ham. Now, Southampton have always been tricky on my save, they're almost always top5 in the Premiership. But all we gotta do is get 4 points in the last two games and we'll win the title.

So no problemo, we haven't lost at home in three seasons, surely we should win this one as well.

It ends 0-1, our first home loss in three years and Arsenal steal the title from us! Another three seasons pass by without us losing a single home game in the league. So that's one home loss in the last six seasons, at the most inopportune time the game could think of, but you know what? It is now part of our history, and it is a little bit richer due to a dramatic event like this. It was awful to watch, but replaying the game until I won it would have been a whole different type of awful.

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Only time I've ever re-played the same game is anytime the game has crashed and my last save is before a game or games have been played.

People can play the game as they please of course, but reloading the same game over and over until you get a result would make the whole experience completely hollow for me.

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I used to reload when i was younger but then i grew up and realised it's just a game, why let it bother you that much? People are welcome to reload if they like but don't reload a game until you win and then come on forums stating how well you've done to win the league/cup.

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In my current save, I have been relegated, missed the Playoffs on goal difference, lost in the Playoffs, lost in 6 domestic Finals and also lost in 3 European Finals. Let's not even get into Semi Final losses.

All these losses just make winning all the more enjoyable.

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You need to learn to accept the first result whatever happens, there is simply no excuse for reloading IMO, not even once.

pfff... nah, if i rage-quit i usually lose 1-13 days, often means more than one game is played again. If the ME drives me crazy i reload as often as i want to (usually until i win). It is just a game, so whatever...

I just don't understand people who insist on never reloading... if loosing in ridiculous ways makes you happy, good for you. But in my case, it is wining that gives me pleasure.

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Never, although I have been tempted after a crash dump/game doesn't save properly and I pulled off a cracker. Most fustrating was beating Man U to get into the Champs League final with Austria Vienna, and then it crash dumped, replayed it and got narrowly beaten...

Honestly I don't see why you'd have a problem with replaying it until you got the original result. Letting a crash dump screw you out of a win doesn't seem very enjoyable.

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You guys are way too concerned with purity.

I'm not reloading as much now but when learning the game it helped immensely; I was able to change mentalities and see that if I did x then y would help, etc. If I get a long term injury to a star player, though? Reload ASAP. I'm not going to just send a 2 star 18 year old goalkeeper when my current one gets a 3 month injury. That would be cruel and inhumane!

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My power cut out the other night and i lost about 6 games(3hrs) and was well gutted :( .

The next day i just holiday them and in the process i lost 2 and got knocked out of the League Cup! oh well i say, i still ended up winning the league.

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I've reloaded for various reasons.

Once I pulled off a surprise win over a PL team in the cup, as a conference regional. Unfortunately, dunno what it was, but the UI locked me out and I couldn't press continue or leave the match, it just stuck me on the bloody match screen. I had to alt-f4 to quit and reload. Now, given the likelihood of that result... You can imagine how many reloads it took for me to win again?

Other times I reload is if I think the team just packed it in, the extra-sensitive rare occurance where your team just decides (presumably because of the team talk) not to bother to do anything and you get comprehensively hammered when 9/10 you wouldn't. In those cases, I do tend to reload. I don't however reload on the one-shot, one-goal type games, those I tend to hammer the team for being slack with their chances.

Essentially I don't really care what the result is as long the team actually put the effort in and I don't feel the engine is making the team so stupidly lop-sided for no given reason - its so rare and usually I can reload and just hit the same thing and we might still lose but the game will be much more, i dunno, dynamic? Real?

Otherwise I don't do it. Injuries I just accept, in fact my proudest (or worse) moment was losing three CL finals (to Barca and Real) only to win one year when my midfield and strikers got utterly destroyed in the build up via injuries. I had to play my U21 prospects, two of them scored a goal and I beat Barca handily 3-1. I won't say it was a tactical masterclass as if I had my main team out we'd probably would have looked at the 4th defeat in a row, I'm positive the youth players made Barca ever so complacent they pissed about. Either that, or I got so ridiculously lucky that day.

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I took what you guys have said on board, I replayed that match once more (had to, the game was saved before it and not after). Took a draw, which in the scheme of things didn't matter in the end. As I thought, we were too far back to win the championship, but did get into the playoffs by 8 points (we were 5 ahead at the time of the replayed match). Since then, I've elected not to replay any matches, despite losing a decent central midfielder to long, long term injury, my second highest scorer to a severe injury and my central defenders seem to be falling out. They don't like being on the same pitch, I think. One gets himself booked, so he misses a match. Soon as he comes back, the other one gets himself sent off so HE misses a match! I'm gonna have to bang their heads together lol. Those who said it's more rewarding were right, however, so were those, imho, who said they'd replay if they lost to computer issues. I would still likely reload if we lost a big match to a severe delay in the AI, ME or whichever it is, implementing tactics. But other'n that, I'm 'looking forward', I hope, to a replay free future.

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I only reload when I have had a crash (or in my case a power failure caused by a fuse being blown when I use my oven and kettle simultaneously) and I have no back up. Indeed I have no choice then to replay games. I will always try to replicate the team and formation I would use, and try to get a similar results. The only time I spent a long time reloaded was when I had won a cup game 5-1 originally before running the kettle + washing machine and blowing the fuse (I hate my house). When I replayed the game I would lose (and get hammered), which I did feel was unfair.

I should admit that if I win a game I lost, I will not replay it, so I am not in possession of any moral high ground here. I strongly believe people should play the game as they see fit. As long as you do not brag about a save where you reload, there is no harm done to anyone.

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You need to have an excuse to do whatever you please with a single player game you own? What's the punishment if you don't? Death?

FM does not come bundled with a moral obligation to do what some other people feel is 'the right thing'.

well everyone is feel free to reload, use cheats, find wonderkids on internet and so on, but please do not brag about your godlike management abilities on the forum afterwards...

This is pretty much my view...

To me the most annoying and reload-worth issue is the typical "30 shots, 25 off target, 0 goal" match FM seem to love to throw at us every once in a while, possibly against bottom-table opponents.

Sure, "it's your tactic" and the opposition likely parking more than one bus in front of the goal, but then you sit and watch World Class (or Best-of-the-league) strikers fluffing shots left, center and right, and you realize it's not even about the other side's overly defensive football... it's just amateur hour in front of the goal for no apparent reason.

No team talk, no shout, no tactical tinkering seem to alleviate that...

Frankly I've found myself reloading more scrappy 1-0 wins than decisive 3-1 defeats...

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I've only ever reloaded a game on FM14 once which was when I started a game late at night (like 1am), it was 0-0 after something like 20 or 30 mins and I felt so knackered so quickly, I decided to quit out and play it properly the next day. I think I lost the game! XD

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I only reload on crashdumps, when there's no other option. Otherwise, the result is what it is. I need that illusion of reality to forget it is a game and become immersed in the world.

But if others want to reload their games, that's their business, not mine.

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I'm guessing there's loads of convenient crash dumps after bad losses... lol.

As others have said, its only a game and you're free to do what you like. I reloaded my Walsall save after we beat Wolves away comfortably in the Championship and the save (really did) crashdump. I replayed it twice I think because tactically i'd deserved to win the orignal match on merit. In both replays I outplayed them doing the exact same things but the first was a flukey draw for them so I felt no moral issues in replaying it again. My team, and my tactics, had earned the result and so there is no problem in my opinion. I wouldn't reload for injuries or sending offs though as I quite enjoy them... they give you a good chance to blood youngsters and even if they struggle, you tend to have more patience with them as you have no choice.

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I'm guessing there's loads of convenient crash dumps after bad losses... lol.

As others have said, its only a game and you're free to do what you like. I reloaded my Walsall save after we beat Wolves away comfortably in the Championship and the save (really did) crashdump. I replayed it twice I think because tactically i'd deserved to win the orignal match on merit. In both replays I outplayed them doing the exact same things but the first was a flukey draw for them so I felt no moral issues in replaying it again. My team, and my tactics, had earned the result and so there is no problem in my opinion. I wouldn't reload for injuries or sending offs though as I quite enjoy them... they give you a good chance to blood youngsters and even if they struggle, you tend to have more patience with them as you have no choice.

The game wanted a replay.

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I'm guessing there's loads of convenient crash dumps after bad losses... lol.

Heh. I play with a lot of edited databases- they're not always the most stable of beasts.

Mind you, there's nothing worse than suffering a bad loss, getting a crashdump, thinking "Ok, I've got a second chance"... and then getting thumped again.

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I think the only time it's ok to replay games is if you lost save data. So if I saved, then played 3 games, then the game crashed, there's nothing ethically wrong with trying to get the same results from those games. Other than that it's cheating quite a bit.

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It's certainly cheating and there's no other way to label it. And I certainly would never do it myself, because I actually WANT to experience the highs AND the lows. I tell myself that there's something I'm missing when I go on a losing streak.

But really, putting in codes to get all the weapons in GTA is cheating as well, and I do that sometimes just to have a good time. If you're happy with reloading the game to get that one win you feel you were robbed of, by all means go ahead, but I feel you're missing out on the whole, full, rich experience that the world of FM will offer.

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It's certainly cheating and there's no other way to label it. And I certainly would never do it myself, because I actually WANT to experience the highs AND the lows. I tell myself that there's something I'm missing when I go on a losing streak.

But really, putting in codes to get all the weapons in GTA is cheating as well, and I do that sometimes just to have a good time. If you're happy with reloading the game to get that one win you feel you were robbed of, by all means go ahead, but I feel you're missing out on the whole, full, rich experience that the world of FM will offer.

Cheating?? Surely it's up to the person who's payed for the game to label it the way he/she wants? I wouldn't call it cheating? Enjoying the game by what you deceide to do is what i'd call it. Not cheating.

I reloaded the other day as i had my daughter on my lap, i put it in the advance sub menu so i could pick up her dummy and talk to my missis, only to come out of it and find that i was 4-5 down (was 3-0 up at the time) as she managed to hit buttons and do whatever put my keeper in a AMC role. Meaning i had no keeper at all..

I reloaded the game OBVIOUSLY. Is that cheating?? Cause not, only idiots label this cheating, it was clear that the game was false. I went onto win 4-1 when i reloaded.

Thank you.

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Saveload. Best and easiest recipe how to win, but it is not fun, it's rather boring. I consider this to be a scam. I repeat match only in extremely stupid situations, or after crash dump.

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The only reasonable reason to replay a match is if your game crashes and you're forced to replay it as the last save was before said match.

Once happened to me that I had to repeat seven matches. Before the last league match my game crashed. Since that time I saving the game after every three matches.

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