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How many times will you replay a match....

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Cheating?? Surely it's up to the person who's payed for the game to label it the way he/she wants? I wouldn't call it cheating? Enjoying the game by what you deceide to do is what i'd call it. Not cheating.

I reloaded the other day as i had my daughter on my lap, i put it in the advance sub menu so i could pick up her dummy and talk to my missis, only to come out of it and find that i was 4-5 down (was 3-0 up at the time) as she managed to hit buttons and do whatever put my keeper in a AMC role. Meaning i had no keeper at all..

I reloaded the game OBVIOUSLY. Is that cheating?? Cause not, only idiots label this cheating, it was clear that the game was false. I went onto win 4-1 when i reloaded.

Thank you.

There's no need to be so aggressive and call people idiots because they call it cheating. Because it is, unless there are special circumstances like games crashing, or the example you gave.

But reloading and replaying a game due to not being happy with the result, yes that is cheating and there's no other way to label it. It being the player's choice is true and noone's gonna call the police on you if you do that, but that doesn't change the fact that it's cheating.

It's really not a big deal. Play it however you want to. For instance, I enjoy getting all weapons via codes in GTA and going on rampages killing innocent pedestrians and the cops chasing me. I enjoy invincibility cheats as well. It's cheating. I enjoy it sometimes. It's not a big deal, it's just a game, but still cheating.

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save before Every match, been stung before by the odd annoying bug like, being unable to leave matches (that was FM13 wasn't it..)

ME has tried its best to screw me over, usualy when i'm on a run of 6+ clean sheets something completly stupid happens, that means I concede, but i still min, I meh and carry on.

what about reloading to test tactics tweaks?

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im saving every time before i ask from board to upgrade facilities/make xtra cash or build new stadium

i load it again and try all options till i convince him

i dont want to get sacked for being insistent :o

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Nonsense. Whilst ever he's playing solo, he can do as he likes.

and then what happens is some of those people go boasting on various forums about their achievements which gives newer or inexperienced players a false impression maybe even putting them off the game while also degrading and cheapening the genuine achievements that other users get.

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and then what happens is some of those people go boasting on various forums about their achievements which gives newer or inexperienced players a false impression maybe even putting them off the game while also degrading and cheapening the genuine achievements that other users get.

Which is absolutely wrong too. If it's your own solo career, do what you like for your own enjoyment but obviously don't be deceptive about it!

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and then what happens is some of those people go boasting on various forums about their achievements which gives newer or inexperienced players a false impression maybe even putting them off the game while also degrading and cheapening the genuine achievements that other users get.

Don't be weird.

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and then what happens is some of those people go boasting on various forums about their achievements which gives newer or inexperienced players a false impression maybe even putting them off the game while also degrading and cheapening the genuine achievements that other users get.

You know, people might actually reload and then, you know, not go and boast about it. And if anyone's being put off the game by reading about someone else having success, or feel like their own achievements are cheapened or degraded, then they should stop being so precious.

Everyone can do what they like in the game. Even if they boast, let them. It's not the end of the world. It's not a multiplayer game, and them playing the "cheats way" (which is a pretty uppity description) isn't going to hurt anyone.

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I think you are all overlooking one major thing that is obviously the fault of the ME/FM as a whole.

Now I dont think the ME is broken and I love FM14 but making changes and then waiting for 18 (!) minutes to see them implemented is a KILLER. It is actually a killer even if they take 3 minutes to be implemented imho. SI should look into this matter ASAP!

Also, a problem that has existed with the ME since it went 3D at least is that you make changes in team instructions you let the match progress and then you find that the changes have not been "picked up" by the game. This has caused me important points and the like a number of times.

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I reloaded a match last night for the 1st time.

I had a bizarre incident where my striker scored a legitimate goal, the referee gave the goal and the opposition restarted again from the centre spot. No offside or foul was given.

The score stayed at and finished at 0-0...?

The goal was even showing on the time/highlight bar. I replayed the highlights and it confirmed I definitely scored.

I'm assuming it was a bug so I gave myself good intention to play it again.

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I think you are all overlooking one major thing that is obviously the fault of the ME/FM as a whole.

Now I dont think the ME is broken and I love FM14 but making changes and then waiting for 18 (!) minutes to see them implemented is a KILLER. It is actually a killer even if they take 3 minutes to be implemented imho. SI should look into this matter ASAP!

Also, a problem that has existed with the ME since it went 3D at least is that you make changes in team instructions you let the match progress and then you find that the changes have not been "picked up" by the game. This has caused me important points and the like a number of times.

If you're making changes that take 18 minutes to implement, please upload the PKM and post in the bugs forum. 3 minutes is perfectly acceptable though.

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I wonder how many would have reloaded today's Championship Playoff Final?

Cheaters would have. Neither team really deserved to win in the 90, Derby had a few half chances at best, although Green did make 2 good saves, they were saves he should be making. QPR had the 2 best oppertunities, (Austin fluffing his lines and the goal).

A triumph of tactics in the end I say!

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People who bought the game, and decide to play HOWEVER they want to would have. Neither team really deserved to win in the 90, Derby had a few half chances at best, although Green did make 2 good saves, they were saves he should be making. QPR had the 2 best oppertunities, (Austin fluffing his lines and the goal).

A triumph of tactics in the end I say!

Edited :-)

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I don't want to be compared to Ryan Bell so I don't reload...

Except this one time where I had won 7 trophies in almost 2 seasons with Barca in a network game (first two seasons so I had won everything possible and was in CL and Copa del Rey final). Went to press about wage budget and the board said I needed 11 points from the next 5 games, I won 3 and drew 1 then in the last game I lost 1-0 to Osasuna at home and got sacked despite doing really well so I reloaded it. I had already won the league so I didn't care about that but it was more about the fact I got sacked for a really stupid reason

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Wrap it up anyway you like, and Im not telling anyone how to play there own game, frankly I really dont care. Cheating is cheating. Save and Reload is cheating, if people enjoy playing like that good on them.

I prefer to win properly :)

But, you seem like an intelligent person, isn't what you've just stated subjective? What you think is "cheating" doesnt make it so.

Save and reload is open and in no way cheating. So if someones game/pc crashes mid-way through a losing game (ie, 0-3) you've then reloaded the game becuase you've had to and won (2-0). Is this cheating? Of course not.

Fact is, its not "cheating", its how people want to play the game, they have paid for it, and your subjective views are just so. Reloading is what the person playing the game perseves it to be.

Thank you.

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But, you seem like an intelligent person, isn't what you've just stated subjective? What you think is "cheating" doesnt make it so.

Save and reload is open and in no way cheating. So if someones game/pc crashes mid-way through a losing game (ie, 0-3) you've then reloaded the game becuase you've had to and won (2-0). Is this cheating? Of course not.

Fact is, its not "cheating", its how people want to play the game, they have paid for it, and your subjective views are just so. Reloading is what the person playing the game perseves it to be.

Thank you.

Of course its cheating. Its no different to making yourself invincible on a FPS game for example. Just because it doesnt affect anybody else doesnt take away from what it is.

Replaying a game after you PC has crashed midway through a game is totaly different. Its a situation which is out of the individuals control. Saving before a game and reloading untill you win, or because your star striker gets injured IS cheating. Its within the individuals scope of control.

As I said, I dont really care what other people do. It is their game, and if it makes this great game enjoyable for them then Im happy for them. Ive put in cheat codes on games for a laugh. It adds a different dimension to some games.

But hey ho, what would Diego Simeone do to have saved before this game :lol:

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How does one cheat when they are only playing against themselves? Who are they cheating?

The AI

After all, they don't get the opportunity to save and reload when they lose a game against you! :p

If you save and reload a game purely because you haven't got the result you want, it IS cheating. That's not subjective, it's a fact. Pure and simple. It's not something I do, but I've no problem with others doing it, it's their game after all. I've cheated on plenty games myself, going back to all the infinite lives pokes you used to get on Speccy games back in the day. I have to say though, I always felt better about beating a game or getting a high score if I managed it without cheating.

I was playing Aladdin on a SNES emulator earlier today, and was using emulation to save the game anywhere I want. Technically this is cheating, as I wasn't able to do this on the original cartridge when I had it. I never beat the game years ago, so I'm doing this to see the end of it (hopefully). Having fun with it, but it's still cheating.

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Isn't that just playing the game the way you want to play it though?

The definition of cheating is using dishonest means to gain an unfair advantage. I don't really understand how one does that in a single player game.

You may as well extend that to say using a save game editor to give yourself more cash because you enjoy the game more is cheating too.

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If you're making changes that take 18 minutes to implement, please upload the PKM and post in the bugs forum. 3 minutes is perfectly acceptable though.

Its not me mate, mine take a couple of game minutes (ok 5 at most) to implement. Its the OP who talked about 18 minutes.

But I repeat my experience on another equally important problem/bug/oversight: Also, a problem that has existed with the ME since it went 3D at least is that you make changes in team instructions you let the match progress and then you find that the changes have not been "picked up" by the game. This has caused me important points and the like a number of times.

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Isn't that just playing the game the way you want to play it though?

Yes. But it's still cheating. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Cheating in video games is almost as old as video games themselves. We've all done it. I don't quite understand why people who do it in this game are so reluctant to acknowledge it.

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The AI

After all, they don't get the opportunity to save and reload when they lose a game against you! :p

If you save and reload a game purely because you haven't got the result you want, it IS cheating. That's not subjective, it's a fact. Pure and simple. It's not something I do, but I've no problem with others doing it, it's their game after all. I've cheated on plenty games myself, going back to all the infinite lives pokes you used to get on Speccy games back in the day. I have to say though, I always felt better about beating a game or getting a high score if I managed it without cheating.

I was playing Aladdin on a SNES emulator earlier today, and was using emulation to save the game anywhere I want. Technically this is cheating, as I wasn't able to do this on the original cartridge when I had it. I never beat the game years ago, so I'm doing this to see the end of it (hopefully). Having fun with it, but it's still cheating.

Do you currently own a SNES with Aladdin?

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No. Why?

Because you have openly admitted to playing the game illegally. You do not own the original game so therefore, do not have the legal rights to play the game.

Pretty sure SI should actively ban people who operate to play games via illegal channels. Just like pirating PC games.

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Because you have openly admitted to playing the game illegally. You do not own the original game so therefore, do not have the legal rights to play the game.

Pretty sure SI should actively ban people who operate to play games via illegal channels. Just like pirating PC games.

Why are you trolling with something that has absolutely nothing to do with the thread? Did you just find you couldnt break down his arguments about whats on topic here and decided to nail him for something you know damn well nearly every emulator owner is guilty of? Childish and embarrassing. And btw, he didnt admit to anything. He said he played it on an emulator, he didnt say it was on his own computer.

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Because you have openly admitted to playing the game illegally. You do not own the original game so therefore, do not have the legal rights to play the game.

Pretty sure SI should actively ban people who operate to play games via illegal channels. Just like pirating PC games.

So tell me, how much money did Nintendo and Disney lose because he didn't buy a SNES and the game on Ebay or in a car boot sale?

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Because you have openly admitted to playing the game illegally. You do not own the original game so therefore, do not have the legal rights to play the game.

Except I bought and paid for the game back in the early 90s, I simply no longer own it anymore as I gave away my SNES to my nephew years ago. That's the reason I'm playing it now, as I never beat it years ago.

So you can come down from your ivory tower now.

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It's a single player game, you make the rules for yourself. I personally wouldn't do it as I wouldn't get any satisfaction or sense of achievement from winning that way. If there's no chance of losing and victory is assured then what's the point? If other people do it then more power to them none of my business how they play their game.

edit: I do think certain changes should be made quicker, though. Substitutions obviously need to wait for a break in play but if you're just shouting to your CB to push up and stop defending so deep it should be virtually instant as it's something a manager could do from the touchline during play.

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