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How does someone become a Favoured personnel, Icon or Legend

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Ok I was wondering this because I bought a sixteen yr old one january he got played 17 times 9 starts and by the end of the season he was a favoured personnel.

So I was wondering if anyone knew.

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I play with AC Milan and became their legend after won 3rd cl trophy. Now in 2021 there are around 10 of my players milan legends. You just need to have success.

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Winning games.

My club has 2 Legends, (me and our 1 World Class player who has been with us for 9 seasons and is only 25).

It has loads of legends though, (21), although only.... 4 of them have been added in the time I have been managing.

It also has 4 favoured personnel. All these have been my players.

It's just about winning things and success.

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