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Non-football costs gone through the roof

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Hi folks

Just after a little advice about non-football costs.

I'm in my second season in the prem with Barnet. Last season the club made mega profits. At the end of the season, the club announced they were increasing capacity at our stadium to comply with regulations. In the meantime, we'd be ground sharing with Charlton at The Valley.

It is currently 1st October in the season and we are on a 4.5mil loss already. Checking the expenditure, our 'non-football costs' have skyrocketed. They were 11mil last season and are already 10.5mil this season.

I'm guessing this is to do with us sharing with Charlton, but I can't find any information anywhere to confirm this. Do we pay them a fee every time we use the ground? I tend to arrange tons of friendlies for my reserve squad, to give my youngsters game time. Would this be contributing to the costs?

If it's relevant, I'm playing in Classic mode.

Thanks for looking folks

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Non-football cost is under wages. It is meant to cover wages paid out to non-footballing staff, basically everyone your club employs except the players and the people listed on your staff list. So in other words, imaginary stewards, merchandizing staff, bus driver, tea lady and the like. Not exactly sure how it's calculated, but it typically has a steep increase the 2nd season after promotion to the premier league. Perhaps it's calculated based on last years income, or something like that. I'm up to £55m pr year with Forest Green.

I'm not sure how the ground sharing works in regards to finances, so can't help you there mate. Maybe Charlton get's a percentage of the ticket sales?

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Ah I see, so it's not necessarily to do with the ground share then. I ground shared previously with Millwall and don't remember having the same issue then.

Is there any information anywhere in the game that explains these costs in more detail, and is there a way to reduce them does anyone know?

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I've experienced the same thing. Got promoted to the Championship last season, and the non-football cost sky-rocketed. All my extra income from tv-rights etc was totally eaten up by these costs. As far as I can tell there is no way to reduce them. I wish I could ask my board to be a little bit more conservative on hiring non-football staff so that we could spend the money elsewhere instead....

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Absolutely. Hopefully in the next edition there can be an option to sack the stewards and tea ladies!

Haha! :D

But on a more serious note, my non-football wages were around £900.000 a year when I was in league 1. In the championship it was a serious £2.4 million. How many stewards and tea ladies do we need just because we moved up a league?!?!?

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It's largely based on reputation (league and country you play in may have an effect as well) - the bigger the club the more staff needed to run it and take care of stuff not directly related to football.

Yeah, I suspected as much. Too bad they don't take into accout that nothing else has changed (like bigger stadium, better corporate facilities, upgrades in training facilities etc, because that's still the same for my club as last season) and that these extra folks on board only generate a bare minimum of extra income.

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