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Help in the final third

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Hi I'm in need of help with the set up for my attacking players with my Man Utd squad

I'm currently using a 4-1-1-3-1 version of the 4-2-3-1 with a HB in the DMC spot and a DLPs in the cm spot. Now the help I need is with the more attacking players.

The current set up is: AML = Ws, AMC = AMa, AMR = IFa and the ST = CFs

The teams doing alright but I'm just looking for advice on how to improve the goal scoring output of the team

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Well a lot of them are coming from the 2 wider players and since the original post I'm now playing with the two wide players as Wa and the CFs and I keep changing the AMC as I can't decide on the best role for that position.

Goals wise as stated they mainly come from the wingers and they're mainly headers of volleys but is like the CF to get more really

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The easiest way to fix your strikers are PPMs. Teach them to place shots or round the keeper or at least try to lob him, and they will stop blasting the ball into the stands or right into the keeper where he always punches it away...

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You can have the best striker in the world but if he doesn't get the supply he needs he can't score. So rather than follow the silly bad advice of teaching him PPM's watch games etc and see the kind of supply he's getting and work from that. Suddenly teaching him a PPM isn't going to make the rest of the team click and start supplying him the ball.

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It doesn't matter if he gets supply if he just blasts it away every single time he's in front of the goal.

No striker is going to do that all the time and even if he had PPM's its still down to the players decision making to as and when he uses them. The issue here is supply hence why all his wingers get the goals and not his strikers. Anyone with any kind knowledge about FM or football should be able to spot that's the issue....

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Cleon's right in this instance with the supply, having said that the supply is pretty healthy the reason the wingers get the lions share of the goals is because I've noticed that the majority of the crosses end up being fired to the back post where the free winger is so I'm gonna try drilled crosses and aim at front post and see if that helps the striker convert more

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Cleon's right in this instance with the supply, having said that the supply is pretty healthy the reason the wingers get the lions share of the goals is because I've noticed that the majority of the crosses end up being fired to the back post where the free winger is so I'm gonna try drilled crosses and aim at front post and see if that helps the striker convert more

Watch a match and when you are attacking pause the game and look around at your players positioning and see who the support players are etc. Also take notice of your strikers position before, after and during the move because you might find he is too deep at times and that's why you might be seeing more goals towards the back post from one winger to the other.

If you want the striker to score more then you need to make him more of a focal point rather than someone who supplies the ball for other people. Pausing the game though will teach you so much about how your players move and what they actually do when attacking :)

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Match engine is a whole different world from real football. You need to play around its bugs. Role-playing may be fun at times but you'll always get punished for attempting it.

Just left from a game against Man Utd in the ECL. Mata got plenty of good delivery, but so what, he blasted away like 20 opportunities on their side, either missed entirely or hit right at my keeper with force. Meanwhile my striker got two good passes in the entire game, rounded their keeper in one situation, in the other carefully placed his shot in the corner of the net. Result: 2:0. I have two goals in my striker's stats thanks solely to his PPMs overriding his default shooting logic.

You want them to score, you have to unlearn their default behaviour's idiocy of shooting like madmen. Otherwise you'll just watch them waste opportunities over and over again until you uninstall the game in frustration.

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Cheers Cleon although I do have one question although this will be towards a different tactic as even though it's not the striker that is my main threat I'm still winning and have only lost one game in all comps in the current season I'm in, my question is this, How do I make my striker the main threat and get him to be the focal point of the attack?

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Cheers Cleon although I do have one question although this will be towards a different tactic as even though it's not the striker that is my main threat I'm still winning and have only lost one game in all comps in the current season I'm in, my question is this, How do I make my striker the main threat and get him to be the focal point of the attack?

I'm not Cleon, but I'll give this a go, then Cleon can hopefully give you a better answer :D

Few questions to ask yourself.

- What are your strikers main strengths ?

- What role can get the most out of those strengths ?

- What type of goals do you see him scoring? For example, is he quick, good off the ball skills so he can run in behind, big strong good in the air, etc etc.

Once you have that figured out, then you need to think about how you are going to supply him to enhance the chance of him using his strengths.

So for an example, if he is a quick striker, good off the ball skills, good finishing and composure, maybe an advanced forward.

Then you are going to need some support roles around him to feed him, as well as at least one or more other players that are going to be a goal threat from deep to occupy the defense otherwise it's far to easy for them to mark him out of the game. I can't really give advice on roles etc because I have no idea about what players you have or how you want to play. When I build a tactic I start from the back, make sure that is all in order, then focus on the attacking part, really give some thought on how you are going to supply him, and also who else is going to offer a goalscoring threat. It takes time, things don't always look on the pitch how you imagined they would, and you have to adjust things slightly. Although this years game gets a lot of stick, It's the best one yet for me, in previous years it has been far to easy, the last game I played was FM12, I loved the match engine on that game, but the game was far to easy in my opinion. This time around you really have to think about things, it's much more difficult, but I like it. I had to ditch FM12 in the end because winning the quadruple 3 years in a row without a lot of effort just got to boring, I can't see me doing that with this game, but the rewards for sticking with it, and thinking things out are far greater.

Good luck.

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