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Three at the back - Team suggestions?

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Looking to try out three at the back this year(3CBs) , as I had a lot of success using it with Swansea last year. However it wasn't until a few seasons in that I changed to that and I'd been building the club towards it.

This year I'm looking to go with it from the start, so can anyone suggest a team? One with quite a few good CBs but really lacking in full backs. Also any general things to remember with 3atb this year?


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I love playing with three at the back -I think it opens a lot of doors.

I suppose my advice would be to make sure you understand the weaknesses of the set up. Make sure you know where the opposition can punish you and plan accordingly. Currently using this in my Hull save to good effect actually.

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I love playing with three at the back -I think it opens a lot of doors.

I suppose my advice would be to make sure you understand the weaknesses of the set up. Make sure you know where the opposition can punish you and plan accordingly. Currently using this in my Hull save to good effect actually.

What would you consider the weaknesses apart from the obvious one in regards to being overrun out wide?

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What would you consider the weaknesses apart from the obvious one in regards to being overrun out wide?

You need mobile, intelligent and capable defenders to maintain the position. The system depends on its rigidity. Problems occur when facing a lone forward and the three are forced to decide who marks the forward. If that forward drops deep, the other two centre backs are forced narrow to cover at which point it isn't an issue of being overrun out wide but simply overrun. Its weaknesses can be overcome with players in midfield dropping deep to help - especially on the flanks. The weaknesses aren't so much in the formation itself but when it is implemented poorly.

Strengths are various; with the prevalence of inside forwards who cut inside a three man back three is well equipped to handle such an attack - essentially the opposition is packing the attacking third with players in the centre of the pitch and you're simply doing the same however defensively. This leaves the flanks: One defending wing back vs one attacking wing back in theory (the AML/AMR player having cut inside) however what if a winger stays wide as oppose to cutting inside? Well, a midfield player would simple drop deeper to help deal with that potential two on one.

As we know and has been discussed at length on these forums: A player in the AML/AMR strata is not best placed to drop back and defend so this plays into the hands of a team using a three man defence. Athletic, powerful and able to operate in both defence and attack on the flanks your wing backs, in theory, will be able to pin back the opposition full backs in a one on one situation which is certainly advantageous in attack.

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This year I'm looking to go with it from the start, so can anyone suggest a team? One with quite a few good CBs but really lacking in full backs.

I find it easy enough to find a cheap CB or two to supplement my team. Most teams already have enough CBs to start 3 capable players. The harder part is finding quality attacking wingbacks. You will probably need 4 of those since they take such a beating throughout most matches. If you can find a team with a couple of good ones to start then you are ahead of the game. If wingbacks are too hard to find then defensive wingers are a good second option (although wingers with marking/tackling are not the easiest to find either).

My preferred formation for 3 at the back is a fast/direct 3CB-2WB-2CM-1AMC-2ST. If I want to slow down the game and keep the ball, I will drop one of those strikers for a DMC.

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Italian teams, I'm playing Udinese atm, started with a 352, Fiorentina, Genoa, Juventus, Inter Milan and probably most other teams (except possibly Ac Milan) also can play 3232 or 352. Brazilian teams also are a good option because there are a lot of teams playing 4222 or 41212 with wingbacks that can also play dml/dmrs. In Western Europe and Spain the meta is more tilted towards 4231/41221 tactics meaning you often have wingers/inside forwards that often can't play as wide midfielders and aren't good at tackling.

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