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Deadlydevice's HeX Version 1 [FM2014][May 2014]

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You may recognize the name from the years past, but here's a FM2014 version I'm finally confident enough in to share with you all. Please feel free to write your criticism, success, feedback, tips, etc. in this thread. All discussion is valued!

DeadlyDevice's HeX Version 1

The tactic is a 4-2-3-1. It attempts to play with basically a back 5 (2 DC, 2 fullbacks and 1 DM), 1 transition midfielder (MC) and 4 scorers (AML/R, AMC, and ST). The tactic is very strong offensively, and stable defensively. There is a only ONE version which is to be used both home and away.

I will be updating with newer versions as I improve the tactic, so any advice/suggestions/results you can give me are AWESOME and we can work together to create a great plug and play set of tactics.



- Your two central defenders should be good in the air, because they will get on the end of corners and the opposition will launch many long balls down the middle for you to deal with.

- Your striker should be quick as well as strong in the air. I wouldn't value one over the other, they get a very mixed variety of balls played to them. Just get em to get finish ;)

- Your two wingers should be winger/strikers, such as Walcott, Podolski, Hazard, Schurrle, Ronaldo etc. capable of putting the ball in the net

- Your DM should be an anchor man with the ability to use the ball, such as Alonso, Bender(s), etc.

- Your MC should be the 'carrier' such as Toure or a non-broken Diaby, taking the balls from one box to the other

- Your AMC should be the hub of your attacking killer moves - Mata, Ozil, Silva, etc.


1. Togetherness

To share from a previous thread of mine (2006? 2007? old but still true!): "THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS SQUAD HARMONY AND 'TOGETHERNESS'. The worst thing you can do is buy 5-6 players for your starting XI to begin a season. Even a team with Buffon, Fabregas, Aguero, Villa, Torres, Lampard, Ashley Young, Messi, Xavi, etc. etc. WILL DO WORSE IN THE BEGINNING OF THE SEASON then the original starting XI's of any team. Basically, limit your starting XI replacements and give them time to adapt and learn about each other. What i would suggest is limiting yourself to 2 new starting players, and only a few other new rotation players per season/transfer window." Use team cohesion training during the preseason!

Also: "When buying new players, it usually helps to 'blood' them into the team before putting them in your starting XI week in and week out. By blooding, I mean giving them a few substitution apperances or cup games to allow them to acclimate themselves to their new country, city and/or team. For example, I purchased Ribery in January transfer window, and gave him 5 games as 60th minute substitues along with 2 cup games before playing him in the league week in and week out and he has adapted fantastically and is playing amazing football."

2. Assman, OIs, etc.

Unless you know what your doing, let your Assman do team-talks AND opponent instructions for you. If you know what your doing, by all means take it into your own hands, but don't sabotage your team through bad team-talks that most assistants are more than capable of handling.



Alternative: http://multiupload.biz/fhw7ufy0wjsv/DeadlyDevices-HeX1-May22_MultiUpload.biz.tac.html

^ this link provides 6 free sites for you to download from. If you would like me to upload it somewhere else, please don't hesitate to ask.

For the next version... (mostly for myself)

- More goal scoring prowess from the LMC and AMC

Last words...

I really hope you guys enjoy the tactic and that it brings you success. I would very much appreciate if you posted your results, thoughts, questions, and suggestions here.

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1st post reserved for results/proof of success :)


An unfortunate 2-3 loss away at Manchester City after a red card, and a fluke 1-2 loss away at West Ham.

It's a very small sample size, but the football being played and results are good enough for me to post with confidence. I will play further and show more proof as my time permits. Full-time school and work make my games move somewhat slow!

Here is a full season using this tactic minus a few changes. It is virtually identical, and the version uploaded is a tweaked/improved version over this. That being said, it can provide a good setpoint to give you an incentive to give it a try. The league was won with a few games remaining, and the last few games involved some youth players as we rested for the FA Cup and Champions League finals.


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