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Can't upgrade junior coaching or youth recruitment! Help....

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I'm encountering issues with upgrading junior coaching and youth recruitment in a new save. I'm Tottenham, had the option to request the upgrade of both junior coaching (JC) and youth recruitment (YR) at the start of my save, accepted by the board and upgraded to excellent and established respectively.

Since then, I'm in the start of year 3, richest club in the world having won the champions league and back to back premiership titles, with worldwide reputation of course.

I keep trying to talk to the board so that I upgrade JC or YR, and the option to upgrade is never there, only the request to cut back funding!

I haven't requested any upgrades through contract negotiations, since I am aware of a possible bug there, so what can I do?

P.S. I know I already posted this in the bugs forum, but since this is the popular part of the forums, I'd really like to see feedback from other users, if this is happening with them as well.

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Are your facilities good enough?

I think I only got the options for the Junior coaching once my training facilities were improved, and likewise for youth recruitment network once I'd extended my scouting knowledge around the world.

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Ok, quick update, I am very very disappointed.

I decided to do a little test. Saved my current game and went on holiday (December season 3), returned a couple of months later (Feb 1st), and the option to upgrade both junior coaching and youth recruitment network was there!!!!!!

OK i say, yippee, let's go back to my current game, and play until Feb 1st, and the option will be available and I will finally get the option to upgrade! Well, guess what, I'm in May, and the board will only let me CUT BACK, yes, CUT BACK on both of them. This is really making my save unplayable, I hate having to rely on farming youth from other teams, my youth candidates have been awful, potential of 2 stars the most.

I would REALLY appreciate some feedback here!

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