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Steaton's 'Total Annihilation' 4231 - v14.3.1 - Finally Nailed It - Plug and Play

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Spiker dude dont get carried away there man it just a game and by the way I never said miraculous, messed up is more accurate if you want my description, was just like wow this tactic looks good then tweak then ah no way this aint what i wanted.

Can I please ask the flamers to take it easy if possible - I am not going to promote this kind of exploit just because I look at the match engine in enough detail to be able to find them so please stop asking - yes I should not have said anytihng - my bad - but is not the first I've found so big deal - the match engine is ace overall - a master piece of simulation - so please relax enjoy the sim/game and contibute if you got something others want to hear, this is a a glitch that would never effect you - so game on.

Quite frankly I guess I would rather close this thread down than go on about this, but I havent even finished it yet we are working on the content very soon takes time - especially when your realise you should remove some tweaks in order to improve plug and play (more likely to suit more teams).

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No I won the champions league before the premiership, never seen this perhaps luck, ah no I know what it is is will be pressure! Next time go no pressure on team talk and you will be sorted. There is a small but unlikely possibility you have some players who have weakness important matches, but thats so unklikly, yeah the pressure will be it.

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im winning every single trophy in domestic competitions but i keep losing for champions league, I've tried the no pressure but didn't work

Ah right worth a closer look contact me on steam and we will take a look.

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I'm still using v1, using it at Boro on FMC. Won the Championship and in my first season in the Premeirship I'm 5th after 14 games with 25 points. I have tried the v2 at the tail end of last season and got thrashed in every attempt - so regardless of what you say Steaton old chap, I'm staying with v1. Thankyou for sharing.

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On the first page the tactic uses the standard strategy however the download uses attacking. Which one is correct?

v2 has also standard mentality - sure you are looking at the right tactic ?

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Tactic doesn't work at all.

Gone 2 seasons, with a standard premier league team and finished bottom 15 everytime.

Absolutely hopeless away from home, and mediocre at home.

No idea what these guys are feeding their players, but i'm doing everything suggested and i'm still in the same situation i'd be in if i was using a standard 4-4-2.

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Tactic doesn't work at all.

Gone 2 seasons, with a standard premier league team and finished bottom 15 everytime.

Absolutely hopeless away from home, and mediocre at home.

No idea what these guys are feeding their players, but i'm doing everything suggested and i'm still in the same situation i'd be in if i was using a standard 4-4-2.

I have to say I have no idea how you manage that, I win with any team in any professional league, it is definately you to finish consistently bottom half, how about you tell which team, and post a saved game, I could run it on holiday and not finish bottom 15 you really have to mess up the mentality of everything, change capitan, give bad team talks, training gone wrong, try to sell them all agressively, sack all your staff and buy too many players - is that it? Lets see the save game then we will know, I can see all these categories in the save as they are recorded and we can use this to improve your game.

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I tried it, looks good and I go as far as to say its a completely different tactic worthy of a new thread itsmore than just a tweak, but I thought it played well, only played two games so far though was late. My immediate impression was very good in a similar level to this total annihilation. If I get time will try to evaluate - it could well be better.

Pretended let us know ifyou can get it to be consistent the reason i ask i because hold position or tight marking or offside trap could all pose a threat theoretically whether they do in practice well lets see.

I guess can try on versus easily and see how hard it is to counter but then we also need to know if the AI would do that and how often?

I could really use some help with writing up the tactic and performing a few systematic tests interactively, got lots of stuff but not enough time to share it right now, if someone goes onto a shared google document and with voice chat we could nail it in no time.

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I tried it, looks good and I go as far as to say its a completely different tactic worthy of a new thread itsmore than just a tweak, but I thought it played well, only played two games so far though was late. My immediate impression was very good in a similar level to this total annihilation. If I get time will try to evaluate - it could well be better.

Pretended let us know ifyou can get it to be consistent the reason i ask i because hold position or tight marking or offside trap could all pose a threat theoretically whether they do in practice well lets see.

I guess can try on versus easily and see how hard it is to counter but then we also need to know if the AI would do that and how often?

Sure, since Total Annihilation only kept things together last season, not putting onto what's already there, I'll try this one this season.

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So everyone - I have found an exploit/bug in the tactics engine that makes it so that the entire game is played in the opponents half with you in posession (shooting 40-50 times but only scoring 1 or 2 lucky) - 0% posession for either team in your third of the pitch, 0 shots every time for the opposition, a bug. I am not going to tell or make a tactic out of this but if there are any mods on will fill be willing to report as a bug, cheers.

I tried one thing and the result was very strange clearly this isnot just getting the best out of a tactic,fortunately it is so obscure that only luck or a brute force testing approach would have any chance of picking it up. (Bit or spotting someting wierd by luck and then adjusting and bang!).

Any news on this? Has it been rewieved by any developer/bug fixer?

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FYI in versus games, same team v same team:

- Addy911 new tactic holds its own in versus against total annhilation against v1 and v2, similar but getting the edge ** first tactic to do this **

- And FYI v2 beats v1 almost all of the time.

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Steaton out of interest what pitch size do you use? I assume it's a wide one? I have a narrow pitch due to previous tactic. I'm guisley in league 1 at the minute. played 1 game v plymouth with the V2, after 5 minutes they had 2 really good chances so I did what you suggested and took off hassle opponents and they hardly created a chance afterwards, I only have pace 12 and 9 CBs so that seems like the thing to do, we won 2-0 away - hence why I'm asking about home pitch.

Cheers GC

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As far as Marcelos tweaked and this one goes I would have to say that in the long run you are better off with Marcelos tweaked, for two reasons. This is all IMO, but I've played with both for extended periods of time with different teams.

1. MT is better chances/goals wise. It is a free scoring tactic once 100% drilled. It's also more suited for weaker sides*

2. The true weakness of Annihilation is losing to inferior teams seemingly at random, even when you're in top form. Annihilation doesn't seem to work well for inferior teams.

* A good example of weaker sides with MT is when I took over Espanyol in 2019 - they were at 19th place in the league in November and we finished 6th and secured EL with 0 budget and a lot of mediocre players.

I will say that in general Annihilation is more defensively solid than MT. When you are winning you are normally controlling games more.

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As far as Marcelos tweaked and this one goes I would have to say that in the long run you are better off with Marcelos tweaked, for two reasons. This is all IMO, but I've played with both for extended periods of time with different teams.

1. MT is better chances/goals wise. It is a free scoring tactic once 100% drilled. It's also more suited for weaker sides*

2. The true weakness of Annihilation is losing to inferior teams seemingly at random, even when you're in top form. Annihilation doesn't seem to work well for inferior teams.

* A good example of weaker sides with MT is when I took over Espanyol in 2019 - they were at 19th place in the league in November and we finished 6th and secured EL with 0 budget and a lot of mediocre players.

I will say that in general Annihilation is more defensively solid than MT. When you are winning you are normally controlling games more.

I know what you mean with losing to inferior teams or having off days - but I can squeeze more out of annihilation - though I do tweak in a lot of games based on situation so woth trying MT if yoy really want. I also find I have to be meaner in team talk with Annhilation because complacency comes quicker.

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Ended 1st season with Wrexham as nr1.

In february now and nr 1 with 3 points to second. The 1 lost and the draws usually points at reserve players or perhaps complacement due to successfull Trophy Cup (in the Final) and FA Cup.

Played 1-1 vs Aston Villa (scored in the 90'min) and won 3-1 on my homefiled. Just won 2-3 against Southampton and my bankaccount is booming ;)

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I've noticed with this tactic my striker generally doesn't do anything, very very rarely scores and just get's low ratings so am wandering whether it's worth having a top striker or someone cheaper that can just do a decent job.

As for results they are not bad but one worrying this is goals conceded, I am 2nd in the league behind Barcelona but I have conceded 26 goals after 14 games which is around the same as the teams in the relegation zone, I think this is where the freak losses come from because a game where you are unlucky in front of goal you are still conceding the 2 or 3 goals.

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this tactic is constanstly giving me these ridiculous results



basically having few shots against yet the opposition scores every chance. i have sometimes 3x the shots and score so few

This tactic does have a lot of shots off target - but around 50% that are on target normally when you have your setup right.

What I can tell you is that you doneed to understand match stats becuase they are not as simple as more shots is always better, what is important is the number of chances where you have a high probability of scoring (and to understand that youneed to dig deeper) - sadly the match stats have no idea about how good each shot was, it also knows nothing about chances where you didnt get the shot off, some off target shots are better than CCCs and some on target shots are hopeless. The pattern of shots is usually consistent for a particular tactic but this doesn't mean that 30 shots is better than 6, and it depends on loads of other stuff such as the player taking the shots, his prefferred moves, the amount of pressure, the angle, the distance, the goalkeeper, the quality of the pitch, the wind and rain, the morale, the familiarity, the confidence (over confident or nervous), the lazyiness, the level of pressure and so on....

However it also doesn't mean the match stats are is irrelevant, just that you need to read them correctly, clearly you were attacking more and they have caught you on the counter, thats not a big surprise really since that was probably the idea they had when employing that tactic. So take a closer look at exactly how the counter attacks succeeded and also what caused your shots to miss?

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Hi Steaton. Im half way through my first season using Napoli with this tactic and I am noticing a high number of Red Cards for my team. I had a sending off (straight red) for 3 consecutive games. 2 of those being central defenders committing professional fouls. Also another couple of times towards November/December.

Is this anything to do with how the defense is set up tactically or am I just being unlucky? Its the first time ive managed in Italy so I dont know whether its the formations that they are using (seem to be against a flat 3-5-2 a lot) and exposing the tactic defensively or if im just unlucky.

This is my first save with this new tactic but I have used your previous tactic, and Marcelo's tweaked version in England and Spain and never had such problems. The only problem I had with the last tactic was the high number of disallowed goals but again that might not necessarily be down to the tactic itself.

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Finished 2nd season as nr1 i 2.division. Won the Trophy AND am in the final against Man U.

in the semifinal against Man C i changed to Control and somehow won the game 3-2.

Will propably loose against Man U but will get a bunch of money for next season.

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This tactic does have a lot of shots off target - but around 50% that are on target normally when you have your setup right.

What I can tell you is that you doneed to understand match stats becuase they are not as simple as more shots is always better, what is important is the number of chances where you have a high probability of scoring (and to understand that youneed to dig deeper) - sadly the match stats have no idea about how good each shot was, it also knows nothing about chances where you didnt get the shot off, some off target shots are better than CCCs and some on target shots are hopeless. The pattern of shots is usually consistent for a particular tactic but this doesn't mean that 30 shots is better than 6, and it depends on loads of other stuff such as the player taking the shots, his prefferred moves, the amount of pressure, the angle, the distance, the goalkeeper, the quality of the pitch, the wind and rain, the morale, the familiarity, the confidence (over confident or nervous), the lazyiness, the level of pressure and so on....

However it also doesn't mean the match stats are is irrelevant, just that you need to read them correctly, clearly you were attacking more and they have caught you on the counter, thats not a big surprise really since that was probably the idea they had when employing that tactic. So take a closer look at exactly how the counter attacks succeeded and also what caused your shots to miss?

Thanks for the response steaton, defo food for thought right there. Your tactic is undoubtedly formidable in attack, however like you've stated it seems tweaking in game is required in 50/60% of matches - therefore not quite a plug and play tactic (I'm speaking as a manager of a terribad Bradford squad :D )

Thanks again

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I am getting really frustrated. I have walked The championship 3 times and after the first 2 times been relegated from the EPL with a total of 13 wins in both seasons put together. I am in the EPL drop zone again now and getting hammered week in and week out and I don't do anything differently in terms of team talks, training etc.

Has anyone any advice on where I may be going wrong? i concede around 3 goals per game on average as well, yet in The Championship it is around 1 per game whilst always have had over 100 points and around 125 goals scored.

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i have so many more examples of dominating play and the opposition taking their chances with few attempts. I enjoy the attacking aspect of this formation however the defending is pretty atrocious.

i noticed the tactic is super vulnerable on the counter, with balls being played through the defence with ease at times. the amount of shots on goal without converting, from players with decent finishing stats is unforgivable. i just dont get it.

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i have so many more examples of dominating play and the opposition takes their chances. I enjoy the attacking aspect of this formation however the defending is pretty atrocious.

yes it is i will post some results soon but defending is very bad. My Fixtures so far


And this is an example of one of my matches


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