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Average Attributes for Certain Divisions

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Hi guys & gals,

I was wondering if anybody had guidelines regarding what level of attributes people look for when they are playing in certain divisions. For example, if you are playing in the skrill south/north divisions do you look for players who have 10+ in the key areas you need? If you are playing in the premier league, do you look for players who have 15+ in the key areas you need?

Im not looking for a hard and fast rule as such, just wanting to gauge peoples opinions and get a general idea on what people look for.

Hope Ive explained myself well enough lol

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English Champions League side - you're looking for specific attributes at 15+ at very least but mainly 18+, also you're looking for players with Jumping and/or Pace (and hopefully Strength) at 17+ or 18+.

English Premier League title challengers - Same as above but looking at 15+.

Engish European place - Same as above but without the physical attributes. You'll beat most teams but the matches against other title contenders will be tougher with their physical specimens, you'll lose a few.

Rest of the Premier League - Either 15+ in certain attributes perhaps without the physical attributes, or 17+ in physical attributes without any standout technical attributes.

Spain, Italy - From what I've seen, they're like the Premier League but you don't need to be physically strong. I've often sold a player who's been 'alright' because he had the ability but lacked the physical traits to dominate, when they go to Spain or Italy they destroy that league.

Promotion challengers of League Two - I signed free transfers and bought any good players for a few thousand. All I needed was physically strong players (15+ Jumping and/or Pace and/or Strength) or I could be as picky as signing players who had just one or two top attributes (but not so much physically). For example I signed a striker whose only attribute over 15 was dribbling at 18. He dribbled through the entire division and destroyed them. Also for scout reports, they had to be good enough for League One, not League Two.

League One - no real change.

Championship - When I got promoted to the Championship, it was only after 2 seasons, so I still had a League One side. For scout reports, I signed players who were at Championship level. Attributes-wise you're approaching Premier League level but still not anywhere near it, still signing players with a few 15+ attributes and hoping to loan any super players with stunning attributes.

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Thats interesting as I am surprised its so high. Might explain where I've been going wrong all this time haha. I certainly will be a bit stricter when it comes to transfers from now on I think.

Many thanks for the reply

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Going off memory...

8+Skrill regions

10+League 2-1


14+Premier League

15/16+World class.

A decent Premier League player as a minimum is 14+ in most things, Glen Johnson or Ashley Young for example. Good players will push the 15+ mark, world class will net you higher.

The championship usually has around 13-14, but you can get away with 12.

Ideally, you'd aim for stats a league ahead of you. You can easily walk through the Skrill regions and League 1 plus 2 with below-par squads. The championship is where it gets tough.

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Thanks for the replies guys.

Kenco - that's how I've always tried to play. I was just unsure that although the players I was buying were better than what I had, I'd just wondered if there was a certain average to be looking for depending on the division. For example, if I took over a very poor L1 club, I am happy that I am buying better players than I had but was unsure wether they were good enough for the division.

Isignedupfornorealreason- that's exactly what I was looking for. I was sure I had read something previously that was like that so wanted to see if that was still the case.

Being interesting to see a good collection of thoughts on this

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I remember reading something that said for the important stats per position you should aim for.

9 Skrill regions

12 League 2-1

15 Championship

18 Premier League

Which is different to above, but is only for the important stats per position.

It would be pretty hard though, just aim for as good as you can I say.

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