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[FM14] Danilo Stankic - A Tactical Career

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29/11/14: Serbian Super League - Match Day 15

Partizan had not lost in their last 5 games, so I decided to start with a counter mentality. I was pleased to get an early goal and then let us soak up a lot of pressure. I thought we may be able to hang on until they scored in the 67th minute. I decided to take a risk and switched to attacking. I changed my W, AP, and FBR to (A) as well. I was impressed by how we started to push them back and delighted when we took the lead back in the 82nd minute. I switched to defensive and returned my (A) players to (S). I also made my DM and DW defensive. It didn't help though as they scored pretty much from the restart. I went back to attacking them, but it ended up in a tough 2-2 draw. Time for the winter break.


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25/02/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 16

During the winter break, I had been working on using a fluid rather than balanced fluidity. I also started with a standard mentality as we were away from home.

The game went very well. We held our shape excellently. Cukaricki had a lot more of the ball than us, but we created the real chances. Perovic made an excellent debut, and overall things went according to plan. I did switch to counter for awhile straight after half time, but went back to standard after 10 minutes. Good result all round.


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28/02/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 17

With a short gap between games, I had to rotate the squad a little. Being at home, I used a control/fluid philosophy. Vojvodina had been the only team to really take us apart this season so I was looking for some revenge against the top team.

It was a brilliant start. We pressured them early forcing an own goal, and we could have easily scored three times in the first ten minutes. The rest of the half settled down, but I always felt comfortable. I knew they would come out strong in the second half and we spent most of it on the back foot. Their equalizer came from a set piece. The game was then tight and tense. In the 81st minute I went attacking in a bid to win the match, but they still had the slightly better opportunities. In the end I can't complain about a draw.


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07/03/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 18

I set up with standard/fluid away from home.

This game simply got away from us. It was an even battle, but the difference between the teams lay in the finishing. They hit the target and made their better chances count while we squandered many opportunities. One thing that stood out to me is that when we switch to attacking we give the ball away so easily and end up looking more vulnerable. I am also considering my DM role. Whoever playes there seems to get low ratings. They look like they are doing a reasonable job, but perhaps there is a way to make that position play more effectively.


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Tactical Tweaking

There were a couple of reasons for this tweaking. The support tactic had worked to an extent, but I always felt it lacked an edge. In many ways that was its beauty. It meant we worked as a unit very well. but I think it was time to show the opposition something different. The other reason was the signing of Slavko Perovic. He has the makings of a very strong inside forward and that would give me an extra avenue of attack. I spent a little while deciding how I wanted the team to move and play, and this is how I have adjusted the formation.


The only adjustment would be if Perovic is not on the left side than it will change to a W(A). The idea with this formation is to offer more variety going forward, but hopefully to keep a solid defensive shape. I made three formations the same accept the other two are defensive/rigid and attacking/fluid so i can switch quickly with some tactical fluidity.

Player Instructions

SK: Distribute to defenders

DL/R: Mark tighter and get further forward.

Anchor: Close down more

CM(S): Close down less and pass shorter.

CM(A): Get further forward

DW: Run wide with ball and stay wider.

IF: Shoot more often, dribble more, and more direct passes.

CF: Shoot more often.

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14/03/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 19

I started with a W(A). The whole match was tight. Both teams would have felt they had the chance to win the game, but I felt we looked a more defensively solid. Still it wasn't until I had moved Perovic to the left and made him an IF(A) and brought on Vukelja that we manged to open them up with a well worked effort. We held onto the game, and in the end I was delighted to have got a win. We now have enough points to avoid relegation. Everything from here on is a bonus.


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21/03/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 20

This was one of those games where statistically we may have looked lucky to get a draw, but while actually watching the game, I felt we had control for the most part. We should have been 2 up at the half. Pekovic missed a couple of great chances. They started the second half far more aggressively so i decided to slow it down by switching to the defensive/rigid setup. It seemed to work as Vukelja finished nicely from the edge of the box. We then held them to a lot of long shots until they burnt us in the 80th minute from the old goalkeeper boots it long, headed on, and striker scores....ugh. I switched to attacking/fluid but in the end they had the better of the last ten minutes.


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Tactical Tweaking

I changed the CM(S) to a DLP(S).

I made changes to the following player instructions.

DC: Mark tighter.

Anchor: Mark tighter.

WB: Added sit narrower.

DLP: More direct passes.

IF: Removed more direct passes.

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04/04/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 21

I was keen to try and make up for our poor performance against Dolina earlier in the season. The first half was static. We scored from a corner but then we lapsed in concentration to get us to half time level. I was not happy at how we were performing. First, my IF was doing nothing. I moved him inside and made him a Treq. I then changed my FBL to a WB(S) and my WBR to a FB(S). Finally I changed my anchor man to a DM(D). We looked a lot better in the second half with some excellent ball movement going forward. Perovic really stood up and we had the better of the half besides conceding a penalty. Plenty to ponder.


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07/04/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 22

An excellent attacking performance though there were some defensive frailties. I didn't make too many changes throughout the game except for two positional ones. I moved Anderson from the full back position to the wing back position while keeping the WB(S) role. The other move was to bring Schouw down from the AMR spot to the MR spot and make him a WM(S). I am not sure if I will stick with those changes or not. My CM(A) had a stormer scoring a hat trick. I am debating about changing the DM to an Anchorman again as he did seem to be caught out for both goals.


It may sound funny but I am really not comfortable with this formation. After such a good result, I should be very pleased with how it looks. Some things cause me doubts. Both reserves and U19s had good wins the first time they used this formation but both were beaten comfortably the next match. On watching those games, I could see that the opposition adjusted and attacked my weak area. I think this highlights the fact that this formation will probably become inconsistent over a period of time. I am going to take a bit of time to decide how I want to finish of the season.

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Tactical Summary

I went back towards my support tactic. The main reason is because it has been defensively strong. I made two other tactics to go with it a defensive/rigid and a control/fluid. With just seven games to go, I will try to see the season out without any further changes.


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11/04/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 23

I have to admit I am a conservative manager. How we went about the task today is what I want to see from my team. We were not a huge creative force, but we looked very good defensively. While we held only a 1-0 lead right up until the last couple of minutes of the game, I never felt like we were going to concede. There was just one opportunity that I remember we gave them. Of course, Timok had been in pretty bad form, so it may well have been a different stroy against a better team.


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18/04/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 24

A huge match for us. Red Star have been making a push for the title and now sit in 3rd just one win behind us.

The first half was very interesting to follow. Red Star had more of the ball and created more chances, but we had the better chances. Our defence was working extremely well and Perovic looked good up front. It was an absolute cracking goal from Perovic that gave us the lead. The game continued to follow this rythm until around the 55th minute when it become apparent Red Star had upped the ante. My defence was now bordering on heroic and the keeper, Zivkovic, was playing out of his skin. I changed to my defensive/rigid setup and crossed my fingers. Eventually, I could see that Red Star had run out of ideas and we held on to a very very important victory.


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25/04/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 25

Another big game, but I guess they all are at this stage. Spartak had not been in great form, but this would still be a difficult away day encounter.

The match was very similar to the previous one. An even first half followed by a second half which saw the opposition come at as hard. The only difference was the timing of another brilliant Perovic goal. Another beautiful strike meant I could go to my defensive/rigid formation after 65 minutes and again hold on. Spartak didn't really scare me in front of goal, but we all know that 1-0 is a perilous scoreline. I am concerned that we have relied on the brilliance of Perovic to get our last 6 points? Nope. That's what he is paid for!


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02/05/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 26

I always get worried when playing teams down the lower end of the table. It was with good reason as well. We were very poor early on. I have no idea what happened. We lost all shape, we couldn't pass, and I even had a couple of players look uninterested! What the.... So, after going two down, I switched to our control/fluid philosophy and we managed to get one back before the half though they could have scored a third. At half time I ranted at the group and half of them looked stressed. As we started the half, I had four players looking very nervous. Pathetic. Still, we battled on and I changed to attacking/fluid in the 60th minute. Finally, we equalized in the 70th minute. I continued attacking, but it was obvious Beograd wanted the win as well and they just kept coming. I switch to counter, but you know those games when you can just see the opposition scoring. Well, I saw it and it happened. 87th minute, 3-2, and scream. The only highlight from this insipid performance was that Vojvodina and Red Star both lost as well.......so angry!!!!


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09/05/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 27

I changed the BBM to a CM(A) at the start of this game. It was back to business as usual at home. We restricted their opportunities whilst creating a few of our own. I left things until the 55th minute when I switched to control. I went back to Standard in the 80th minute. Schouw got into the right places today, and it was great to get back on track.



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16/05/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 28

It is very difficult not to want to throw the PC out of the window after matches like these. Okay we were away, but this was the bottom team, and they smashed us. I know we got a 2-2 draw, but our goals came from a keeping mistake and an own goal. Meanwhile we defended against a 75 minute onslaught, and then when we had the ball...nothing. A simple short pass....straight to the opposition. Player gets the ball...just stands there with it until he gets tackled....infuriating stuff. Everybody was motivated for the game and even near the end we were still motivated. 2-2 is fine, but how we got outplayed by the two bottom teams so easily is a complete mystery.

My only hope is that Red Star thrash Vojvodina in the late kickoff. Unfortunately that ended in a 1-1 draw.



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Tactical Summary

Okay. After walking downstairs to retrieve my PC, I had time to think about the team and playing style remembering we had no right to be challenging for the title. I decided what I needed was three tactics for different scenarios. I had sort of done this before but really only changed the mentality. This time I created a Defensive (Away), Control (Home), and Attacking (We need a goal) formations.

I kept instructions to a minimum. In all of them the SK is asked to Distribute to defenders. The WBs have Mark tighter and Close down more selected plus Get forward further in the attacking tactic. I hope to get the players I need to make this three tactics work for me next season more than this.


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19/05/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 29

I knew Partizan would be a tough match, and so it proved to be. It was an even game, but they got the goal and we didn't. We had three disallowed goals and finished with ten men, but I guess they probably deserved it. I didn't do much tactically and the injury near the end hamstrung my attempts to go more aggressive. I think I will change the CF(S) to a DLF(S) and also on my home tactic I will remove the push higher up.

We are still in it with one match to go however due to other results.



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23/05/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 30

We did what needed to be done. The spark for me came in the 20th minute. I was not happy with the movement in midfield. I switched the AP(A) to a CM(A) and asked my DW to sit narrower. All of a sudden we looked a lot better moving around the park. How I wished I did this against Partizan! The DLF role worked very well as my scorer became a creator. Finally my W(A) got into the game as well. Our defensive work was excellent and they did not have a shot until the 80th minute. Now we had to wait for the late game to see how Vojvodina would do at home against Beograd. At least we had put some pressure on them as they now had to win.


It was not to be for us unfortunately. We had the chances in the run home, but failed to take them. Congratulation to Vojvodina and at least we have the European Cup to look forward to.


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Tactical Summary

I had some time to think about the new season and what I wanted to achieve. I decided I wanted to use three at the back and take the wingers out of the game. I therefore looked at how I envision us playing. I decided at home I wanted to be attack faster and not worry about possession that much. I wanted to have at least four avenues of attack. Away from home, I was happy to be slower and more patient and have perhaps three avenues of attack. I decided in the end to start our preseason and Euro Cup campaign with the following formations.


At the moment, I have not done anything with player instructions except for the Keeper distribute to defenders. I will see how the formations pan out before doing too much.

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16/07/15: EURO Cup 2nd Qualifying Round Leg 1

We faced Slask from Poland. My tactic has had a bit of an evolution since the last tactical summary, and I will go over it again in detail after this round is completed. The game today went well. It was annoying to concede late but them's the breaks.


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23/07/15: EURO Cup 2nd Qualifying Round Leg 2

Job done. I used my home tactic for the first half and the away tactic for the second. I was happy that they both looked solid, and it seemed apparent that the home tactic was more assertive going forward. We have been drawn to face Buraspor (Turkey) in the next round. A huge challenge for us.


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Tactical Summary

As I went through the friendlies, I was not overly impressed with my three at the back tactic. He looked solid but did not give me much going forward. This may be down to the players, but I decided to return to my 4-5-1 that I used last season. The main change was the CF(S) becoming a DLF(S),


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30/07/15: EURO Cup 3rd Qualifying Round Leg 1

The first leg was at home against Bursaspor. It is difficult to gauge just how things will go at this level,as I am unsure of our own ability, Having returned to a 4-5-1 it was interesting to see Bursaspor start with three at the back. I was very surprised how easily we dominated the game. The first half was open and free flowing, but it was all one way traffic and we had three goals by the half. Vukelja scored twice form his DLF role. I changed to defensive after 60 minutes once we had got our fourth. We would need to self-destruct to not get through to the next phase.


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06/08/15: EURO Cup 3rd Qualifying Round Leg 2

I didn't do much for this game. Tactically I waited until they scored a goal to go defensive. I again felt we looked comfortable in this formation, so I am happy to stick with it. It looks like we will lose Boskovic after we got offered a truckload of cash for him, so I need to find a good replacement.



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09/08/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 01

I was looking forward to getting the season underway. We had to play a slightly rotated squad due to some weariness from our mid week match, but I still thought we had a good team out there. It was a tihgt and even first half and I was disappointed to have let them in just before half time. I switched to standard/fluid after the half and we looked more assertive. The equaliser came quickly and then the game see sawed again. I switched to attacking in the 83rd minute and Milicevic scored a winner in the 89th minute. We shut it down and I am pleased to have left with a win.


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15/08/15: Serbian Super League - Match Day 02

Two things went wrong today. We conceded a soft penalty, and we could not get a shot on target. We played well, we moved the ball well, we tackled, well, but those two things stopped us from getting anything from the game.


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20/08/15: EURO Cup Playoff Leg 1

Spartak Moscow were always going to be a tough opponent. I started with counter/balanced selected. We held firm at the beginning and were not doing to bad. I switched to standard/balanced at half time and was rewarded with a fine team goal. Spartak really upped the ante at the point, so i went back to counter. They were all over us and we couldn't create any space or have time on the ball. Eventually they equalized and then took the lead. I switched to attacking/balanced, but we could not beak them down a second time.


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Mission Accomplished

Okay, I feel I have got what I want from this save. I wanted to closely document how I go about the game to try and get a better understanding of the problems I was having. Now, I want to go and start a new career using comprehensive rather than full game and build on what I have learnt to get a solid 15-20 season campaign together.


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