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I am currently managing in Gibraltar and have got to 2031.

Won the champions league ect and the rep of the league has improved massively.

All clubs in the top flight are professional but only 1 team has a manager.

This is also the only team buying players from aboard.

I was wondering why the other clubs are not hiring managers therefore not signing better players.

I decided to add a new manager and take over one of the teams and noticed that there could attract decent players.

My question is has only else experience this? Is there anything i can really do?

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That is very strange.

The only person I know who has a long term save going in Gibraltar is forameuss. I keep meaning to read through his thread but have never got around to it. It might be worth posting in there to see if it's something he encountered. (I'm not sure he is even playing FM4 though so maybe not).

Do they appear as clubs who have a free manager position that you could apply for?

I might me tempted to create a holiday manager, add him as a manger to one of the clubs, retire immediately and see if that kick-starts things with the club. I think I would be reporting this in the bugs forum though.

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The others clubs dont do to well in knock out in their first games.

Its strange because one other team has a manager.

I use FM's in game editor to remove injuries but thats about it really.

To be honest it hasnt been that tricky really as soon as the club becomes pro (normally 2020)

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